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posted by marcinthedark
Kaku was born in San Jose, California to Japanese immigrant parents, and attended and played first board on the chess team of Cubberly High School in Palo Alto in the early 1960s. At the National Science Fair in Albuquerque, N.M., he attracted the attention of physicist Edward Teller, who took Kaku as a protégé, awarding him the Hertz Engineering Scholarship. Kaku received a B.S. degree summa cum laude from Harvard 大学 in 1968 where he placed first in his physics class. He went on to attend the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory at the 大学 of California, Berkeley and received a Ph.D. degree in 1972, and held a lectureship at Princeton 大学 in 1973. During the Vietnam War, Kaku completed his US Army basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia and his advanced infantry training at Fort Lewis, Washington. However, the Vietnam War ended before he could be deployed as an infantryman.

Kaku currently holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics and holds a joint appointment at City College of New York, and the Graduate Center of the City 大学 of New York, where he has taught for 更多 than 25 years. Presently, he is engaged defining the "Theory of Everything", which seeks to unify the four fundamental forces of the universe: the strong force, the weak force, gravity and electromagnetism. He has also been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and New York University. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, and American Men and Women of Science.

He has published extensively in string theory since 1969. In 1974, along with Prof. K. Kikkawa, he wrote the first paper on string field theory, now a major branch of string theory, which can summarize each of the five string theories into a single equation. In addition to his work on string field theory, he also wrote some of the first papers on multi-loop amplitudes in string theory, the first paper on the divergences of these multi-loop amplitudes, the first paper on supersymmetry breaking at high temperatures in the early universe, the first paper on super-conformal gravity, and also some of the first papers on the non-polynomial closed string field theory. Many of the ideas he first explored have since blossomed into active areas of string research. His current research focuses on the difficult problem of revealing the underlying nature of M-theory and string theory, which he believes are not in their final form. Until the theory is completed, it is premature, he believes, to compare the theory too closely to experimental data.[citation needed]

Kaku is the 作者 of several scholarly Ph.D. level textbooks on string theory and quantum field theory and has had 更多 than 70 文章 published in journals covering topics superstring theory, supergravity supersymmetry, and hadronic physics. He is also 作者 of the 流行的 science books, Visions, Hyperspace, and Parallel Worlds, and co-authored Beyond Einstein with Jennifer Thompson. Hyperspace was a best-seller and was voted one of the best science 图书 of the 年 由 both the New York Times[1] and the Washington Post. Parallel Worlds was a finalist for the Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction in the UK.

His latest book, Physics of the Impossible, examines the technologies of invisibility, teleportation, precognition, 星, 星级 ships, antimatter engines, time travel and more—all regarded as things that are not possible today but that might be possible in the future. In this book, he ranks these subjects according to when, if ever, these technologies might become reality. In March 2008, Physics of the Impossible entered the New York Times Best-seller list, and stayed on for 5 weeks.

[edit] Social Policy Advocacy
Kaku has publicly stated his concerns over issues including the human cause of global warming, nuclear armament, nuclear power, and the general misuse of science.[2] He was critical of the Cassini-Huygens 太空 probe because of the 72 pounds of plutonium contained in the craft for use 由 its radioisotope thermoelectric generator. Alerting the public to the possibility of casualties if its fuel were dispersed into the environment during a malfunction and crash as the probe was making a 'sling-shot' maneuver around earth; he was critical of NASA's risk assessment. [3] (Ultimately, the probe was launched and successfully completed its mission. Kaku is generally a vigorous supporter of the exploration of outer space, believing that the ultimate destiny of the human race may lie in the stars, but is critical of some of the cost-ineffective missions and methods of NASA.)

Dr. Kaku credits his anti-nuclear war position to programs he heard on the Pacifica radio network, during his student years in California. It was during this period that he made the decision to turn away from a career developing the 下一个 generation of nuclear weapons in association with Dr. Teller and focused on research, teaching, 写作 and media. Dr. Kaku joined with others such as Dr. Helen Caldicott, Jonathan Schell, Peace Action and was instrumental in building a global anti-nuclear weapons movement that arose in the 1980s, during the administration of US President Ronald Reagan.

Dr. Kaku was a board member of Peace Action and on the board of radio station WBAI-FM in New York City where he originated his long running program, Explorations, that focused on the issues of science, war, peace and the environment.

[edit] Media personality

[edit] Television
Kaku has appeared in many forms of media and on many programs and networks. In particular, he has appeared on Good Morning America, The Screen Savers , Larry King Live, 60 Minutes, Nightline, 20/20, CNN, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, 狐狸 News Channel,The History Channel, The Science Channel, The Discovery Channel, Countdown with Keith Olbermann,Opie & Anthony, and The History Channel's The Universe.

In 1999, Kaku was one of the scientists profiled in the feature-length film, Me and Isaac Newton, directed 由 Michael Apted, and funded 由 Paul Allen. It played in movie houses around the country, was broadcast on national TV, and won several film awards.

In 2005 Kaku appeared in the short documentary Obsessed & Scientific. The film is about the possibility of time travel and the people who dream about it. It has appeared at the Montreal World Film Festival and is in developmental talks about becoming a feature. He also appeared in the ABC documentary "UFOs: Seeing Is Believing" where he suggested that while he believes it is extremely unlikely that extraterrestrials have ever actually visited Earth, we must keep our minds open to the possible existence of civilizations a million years ahead of us in technology, where entirely new avenues of physics open up. He also discussed the future of interstellar exploration and alien life in the Discovery Channel special Alien Planet as one of the multiple speakers who co-hosted the show.

In February 2006, Kaku appeared as presenter in the BBC-TV four-part documentary, Time which seeks to explore the mysterious nature of time. Part one of the series concerns personal time, and how we perceive and measure the passing of time. The 秒 in the series deal with cheating time, exploring possibilities of extending the lifespan of organisms. The geological time covered in part three explores the ages of the earth and the sun. Part four covers the topic, cosmological time, the beginning of time and the events that occurred at the instant of the big bang.

On January 28, 2007, Kaku hosted the Discovery Channel series 2057. This three-hour program discussed how medicine, the city, and energy will change over the 下一个 50 years. In 2008, Kaku hosted the three-hour BBC-TV, documentary Visions of the Future on future of computers, medicine, and quantum physics, and appeared in several episodes of the History Channel's Universe series.

Kaku is 流行的 in mainstream media because of his knowledge and his accessible approach to presenting complex subjects in science. While Kaku's technical writings are confined to theoretical physics, his public speaking and media appearances take many areas of interest. At such events, he has discussed topics ranging from the Kardashev scale to 更多 esoteric subjects such as wormholes and time travel. In January 2007, Kaku visited the Middle Eastern country of Oman. While there, he talked at length to select members of that country's decision makers. In an interview with local media, Dr Kaku elaborated on his vision of mankind's future. Kaku considers terrorism as one of the main threats in man's evolution from a Type 0 civilization to Type 1.[4]

[edit] Radio
Kaku is the host of the weekly radio program, Explorations, produced 由 the Pacifica Foundation's WBAI in New York. Explorations syndicated to community and independent radio stations and makes 前一个 broadcasts available on the programs website. Kaku defines the 显示 as dealing with the general topics of science, war, peace and the environment.

In April 2006, Kaku began broadcasting Science Fantastic on 90 commercial radio stations, the only nationally syndicated science program on commercial radio in the United States. It is syndicated 由 Talk Radio Network, and now reaches 130 radio stations. The program is formatted as a live listener call-in show, focusing on the future of science, defined as "futurology". Featured as guests are Nobel laureates and 最佳, 返回页首 researchers on the topics of string theory, time travel, black holes, gene therapy, aging, 太空 travel, artificial intelligence, and SETI. Kaku is also a frequent guest on many programs where he is outspoken in all areas and issues he considers of importance, such as the program Coast to Coast AM, where on 30 November 2007, he reaffirmed his belief that there is a 100 percent probability of extraterrestrial life in the universe.[5]

Dr. Kaku has appeared on the Opie and Anthony 显示 a number of times, discussing 流行的 fiction such as Back to The Future and the Sliders tv 显示 and the theories behind time-travel that these and other fictional entertainment focus on. He is quoted as theorizing about the possibility of time travel, as a post-op transsexual and mating with the past self becoming your own father and mother. Dr. Kaku's statement in this regard: "well, you're in deep doo doo if that happens
added by marcinthedark
Teleportation -- possible only within the realm of Science Fiction?
Michio Kaku, famed Physicist and 作者 of "Physics of the Impossible" explains why the Large Hadron Collider will not create "killer Black Holes"
Dr.Kaku discuses everything from building a atom smasher in his basement to helping in Regans 星, 星级 wars program.
Physicist Michio Kaku : The Screensavers on TechTV. Topics : Artificial Intelligence Physics Universe 太空 Moore's Law Quantum Computers ... and 更多