迷失 Club
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posted by Domilie4ever

Episode Quote
One Pilot: Part 2 "I'm a complex guy, sweetheart."

Confidence Man [On Watership Down] "Hell of a book. It's about bunnies!"

Confidence Man [While Sayid is torturing him]
No, don't stop now. I think my sinuses are clearing. ("Confidence Man")

Confidence Man [Blackmailing Kate into 接吻 him so he'll give up Shannon's asthma medicine
"Baby, I am tied to a 树 in a jungle of mystery and I just got tortured 由 a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I'm serious." ("Confidence Man")

Every Man For Himself "Did 你 just kill that bunny?"

Adrift [To Michael, as they float on the remains of the raft]
"What're 你 gonna do...SPLASH me??"

Kate: "Do 你 really expect me to work in this dress?"
Pickett: "You can take it off if 你 like."
[Sawyer grins at Kate suggestively and Kate gives him a nasty look]
Sawyer: [to Pickett] "How Dare You!"

Tom: Hey, 你 got yourself a 鱼 biscuit. Now how'd 你 do that?
Sawyer: I figured out your complicated little gizmo.
Tom: It only took the bears two hours.
Sawyer: How many of 'em were there?

Sawyer: (to Kate) "Doctor playing golf! Wooo! Boy Howdy! I've heard everything. What's next? A cop eating a doughnut?"

Kate: "What do 你 want, Sawyer?"
Sawyer: "Freckles! I got so many 答案 to your question, I wouldn't even know where to start."

Sawyer: (to Ana Lucia) "Little Red Riding 兜帽, 罩, 发动机罩 gonna follow Big Bad 狼 back to his stash o' guns."

Hurley: "Yo, Sawyer, glad you're back man!"
Sawyer: "Yo yourself, Pillsbury!"

Sawyer: (to Jack while playing cards) "You might have been in ******, Doc. But I have been in Tallahassee."

Sawyer: "You're in my light, sticks."
Shannon: "Lightsticks? What the hell is that?"
Sawyer: "Light, comma, sticks. As in those legs of yours."

Sawyer: (To Walt) "Wait, what's goin' on?"
Walt: "Charlie and Claire. They think Ethan took 'em."
Sawyer: "Ethan took 'em, huh?"
Walt nods.
Sawyer: "Took em' why? And who the hell is Ethan? And why am I getting the evening news from a 6 年 old?"
Walt: "I'm ten."
Sawyer: "Alright. Then it must be true."

Sawyer: "Hey, Freckles"

Sawyer: (to Hugo, Charlie, and Aaron) "Well, if it ain't three mean and a baby, I counted Hugo twice.

Sawyer: "If I don't play ping pong every 108 分钟 the whole island's gonna explode."


"Maybe the dog can find water. I mean, 狗 can find pot and bombs, so I'm sure they can find water."

[To Charlie who is accusing Hurley of hording food]
"And for the record, I'm down a notch on my belt. I'm a big guy. It's gonna be a while before you're gonna want to give me a piggy-back ride."

"Dude, you've got some...Arzt...on you."

"Look, I don't know about you, but things have really sucked for me lately, and I could really use a victory. So let's get one, dude! Let's get this car started. Let's look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man!'"

Sawyer: What's your problem, Jumbotron?
Hurley: Shut up, Red...neck...man!
Sawyer: Touché.

Sayid: People have problems
Hurley:(talking about Sawyer) Yeah we have problems, him.

Libby: [After she has kissed Hurley] And that...was real.
Hurley:Maybe 你 should do it again, just to be sure.

Further Instructions
Hurley to Desmond: So, like, the hatch blew off your underwear?

Hurley: Dude, I just lied to a samuri.

"...So I guess this means I'm out of the book club."

Ben: "Do 你 believe in God, Jack?"
Jack: "Do you?"
Ben: "Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky... and if that's not proof of God, I don't know what is."

Locke: "You guys have electricity? How do 你 manage that?"
Ben: "...We have 2 giant hamsters running on a massive wheel in our secret underground cave..."

[Locke emerges from Ben's closet after one of the Other's leave and demands to know...]
Locke: "Bring me the man from Tallahassee. What is that? Some kind of code?"
Ben: "No, John, unfortunately we don't have a code for 'there's a man in my closet with a gun to my daughter's head,' although...we obviously should."

"So, tell me John. How do 你 expect to pilot our submarine? I mean, it's a complicated piece of machinery. 你 don't just press 'Submerge'."

"...But to kill him...that would be cheating...because my people also heard me make a promise and to break my word...that would be the end of me too. And then 你 came striding out of the jungle, John, to make my dream come true."

"Picture a box. 你 know something about boxes, don't 你 John? Now picture a box that 你 can wish anything into. What would 你 say to that?"

"My name is Henry."

"We're the good guys, Michael."


Every Man
For Himself Ben: *to the rabbit* " Hey. Hey, come on. 嘿 move. Let's move, Hey, come on, come on, come on."
Sawyer: "What are 你 doing?"
Ben: "Come on, come on, come on. Let's 移动 it. Let's 移动 it. Hippity hop. Hippity hop. Hipity hop."
Sawyer: "Come on, what are 你 doing?"
Ben: "Let's 移动 it. Let's 移动 it. Let's 移动 it."
Sawyer: "What's your problem?"
Ben: "Come on, come on, come on." *the bunny finally keels over*
Sawyer: "Did 你 just kill that bunny?"

Karl, please, if you're going to sleep with my daughter, I insist 你 call me Ben.



[To Kate and Jack]
"If 你 guys are finished verbally copulating, we should get a 移动 on."

Jack: [needs blood for transfusion for Boone, but Charlie only found out four] 你 only asked four people?
Charlie: I asked everyone. No one knows their blood type! *I* don't know my bloody blood type!

Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes: [out of breath] Did either of 你 see a guy run through here... in a bathrobe... with a coconut?
Charlie Pace: No...
Charlie Pace: I saw a polar 熊 on roller blades with a 芒果

Charlie: Yeah, chase the dog with the skeletal arm into the creepy jungle. 你 be my guest.

Charlie: Guys, 你 have to look at this!
Jack: What is it?
Charlie: Claire's diary.
[hold it out for them to read]
Sayid: 你 read her diary?
Charlie: I know, I'm bloody scum... just read it!

Desmond: Where do I know 你 from?
Charlie: I don't know, but I'll remember if I could get some help.
Desmond: [Sees a flashback to the island] You're Charlie!
Charlie: Yeah, name's on the sign.
Desmond: It, it was in the hatch! I remember seeing you! There was a computer, there was a button... we were on an island!
Charlie: We are on an island, mate. This is England.
Desmond: No, it was real! I remember.
Charlie: Hey, all right.
[to the crowd]
Charlie: This is why we don't do drugs, folks.

Hurley: Dude, I don't know about this.
Charlie: See, you're looking at this all wrong. We need to do this.
Hurley: He wants us to take his stash - yeah, that sounds exactly like Sawyer.
Charlie: Well, he 偷了 all this in the first place. I mean people need food, they need medical supplies, they need... a shocking amount of pornography.

Hurley: Dude, what d'you want from me?
Charlie: What do I want? I want to know what we're doing in the middle of nowhere! And don't tell me it's because of some stinking batteries. One 分钟 you're happy-go-lucky, good-time Hurley, the 下一个 you're Colonel bloody Kurtz!

Charlie Pace: [to Bonnie and Greta] I came down in my invisible submarine. Don't 你 see it?

Mr. Eko: Climb that tree.
Charlie: What?
Mr. Eko: Climb that 树 and perhaps we'll be able to get your bearings 或者 see the plane.
Charlie: 你 climb it! What if I don't? 你 gonna beat me with your Jesus-stick?! I find it a little odd that your scripture-stick has dried blood on it!
Mr. Eko: Are 你 going to climb that 树 或者 not?
[Eko gives Charlie a scary look and Charlie begins to climb]
Charlie: What kind of priest are 你 anyway?

[Singing to Kate]
"You all ev'rybody!! 你 all.........ev'...ry.......body??"

Charlie: So... first plane crash?
Claire: What gave it away?
Charlie: Ah, 你 can always spot the newbies.

Charlie Pace: I want 你 to give this to Claire for me...
Desmond Hume: What is it?
Charlie Pace: It’s the five best moments of my... sorry excuse for a life...”My greatest hits"... 你 know... memories... they’re all I’ve got...

Charlie: [sees Claire 写作 in her diary] Dear Diary, still on this bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love, Claire.

Charlie: Hmm. I have this dream. I'm driving a bus, and my teeth start falling out. My mum is in the back, eating biscuits. Everything smells of bacon. It's weird. 'Course I don't wake up screaming.

Charlie Pace: Hair spray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but...
John Locke: It's not for me.

Charlie: 你 know when I used to get high, I'd watch nature programmes on the Beeb. Polar bears are meant to be quite clever, very clever. They're like the Einsteins of the 熊 community.

[talking to himself while Claire is in labor] I can do this, I kicked drugs, I can deliver a baby.

(when Ben calls the looking glass station, and Bonnie and Greta tell him that someone is down there.)
Ben: Who is he?!
Bonnie: I don't know, he won't tell us!
Charlie: It's Charlie! Tell him I 说 'Hi!'


[When stitching up Jack on the first day] "Any color preference?"

[When Pickett's about to kill Sawyer]
Kate: "Please, don't! I'll do anything 你 want!"
Pickett: "I want 你 to watch!"
Sawyer: "Close your eyes, Freckles."
Kate: "Stand up."
Sawyer: "Close your eyes!"

Kate: "I'm sorry I kissed you."
Jack: "I'm not."

Kate: "Why did she call 你 James?"
Sawyer: [sighs] "'Cause that's my name. Noticed somethin' else, too...[pauses, grins] 你 taste like strawberries."
Kate: "You taste like 鱼 biscuits."


Kate: "It's strange, huh?"
Jack: "What's that?"
Kate: "Being back, not... looking for a way out of a cage. Not finding a reason to go running off into the jungle again. I almost don't know what to do with myself."
Jack:" Well, enjoy it. I'm sure something will go wrong soon enough."

"We either live together.... 或者 die alone."

"That's why the Red Sox will never win the World Series"

[Whispers to Kate, as he goes to leave the Island]
"I'll come back for you."
Jack (to Kate): "I 爱情 you."
Kate: "This isn't like you...the whole "glass half full thing."
Jack: "There's a glass?"
Jack: "We're gonna blow 'em all to Hell."

[To Kate about Sawyer]
"All I'm going to get out of him is a snappy one-liner and if I'm real lucky, a brand new nickname."



Jin Kwon: Good... to see... you.
Sawyer: Well look at that! Somebody's hooked on phonics.



Locke: "We were all brought here for a reason."
Jack: "Who brought us here John?"
Locke: "The Island."

"Don't tell me what I can't do!"

"A leader can't lead until he knows where he's going."

"Hey... 嘿 don't 你 walk away from me! 你 don't know who you're dealing with! Don't ever tell me what I can't do, ever! This is destiny, this is destiny... This is my destiny! Hey, I'm supposed to do this, dammit! Don't tell me what I can't do!"

[To Ben, after his "magic box" speech]
"I'd say I hope that box is big enough for 你 to conjure yourself up another submarine in it."

"Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain."

Locke: "Remind me why we're keeping him alive?"
Sayid:" What do 你 suggest we do -- shoot him like a dog?"
Locke: "No, I like dogs."

"I've done everything 你 wanted me to do, so WHY did 你 do this!? WHY?"

"I have looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw was beautiful."


Dead Sawyer asks Locke: "You mind telling us where your getting your orders from, Colonel Kurtz?"
Locke: "I got em from Walt."
Sawyer: "What the hell, 你 saw Walt? In a dream?"
Locke: "No dream, it was Walt. Only taller."
Sawyer: "Taller? What like a giant? Ok, what exactly did Walt tell you?"



"A small boy once asked me if I was a bad man. If I could answer him now, I would tell him that I once killed a man to save my brother's life."

Mr. Eko: "Did 你 see it?"
Charlie: "Yeah, I saw it. What the bloody hell did 你 do?"
Mr. Eko: "I did nothing."
Charlie: "Most people, when they see a creature made of swirling black smoke, they run."
Mr. Eko: "I was not afraid of it."


[Jack comes across Boone doing CPR on a woman]
Jack: Stop! Her head's not tilted back enough. You're blowing air into her stomach.
[Jack starts CRP]
Boone: Are 你 sure? That's exactly what I was doing. I'm a lifeguard, I'm licensed.
Jack: Yeah? Well 你 need to seriously consider giving that license back.
Boone:... Maybe we should do one of those hole things... 你 know, stick a pen in the throat?
Jack: [looking at him as if wondering if he was being serious] Yeah, yeah. Good idea. 你 go get me a pen.

(Locke says that he worked in a box company. After Locke remarks that it will rain in a minute, and it does.)
Boone: Did 你 learn that in the box company?


Charlie:"They'll find us. They have satellites in 太空 that can take pictures of your license plate."
Sayid: "If only we were all wearing license plates."

"My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I am a torturer."

[To Juliet as they are coming back from the Other's old camp]
Sayid: "I want 你 to tell me everything 你 know."
Juliet: "If I told 你 everything I know, they'd kill me."
Sayid: "What do 你 think I'll do, if 你 don't?"

Sayid: (To Alex at the Others' camp; he is tied to a swingset.) "You're Alex."
Alex: "How do 你 know my name?"
Sayid: "Because 你 look like your mother."
Alex: (pauses) "How do 你 know my mother? She's been dead for years."
Sayid: "I'm sure that's what they told you."


"Because that's how it happened!"


Sawyer: "Hey, Oliver Twist! Where the hell's my stuff?"
Charlie: "What stuff?"
Sawyer: "You know good damn well what stuff. I had books, food, porno, a bottle of scotch."
Desmond: "Apologies for the scotch, mate."
Sawyer: "You drank it?"
Desmond: "Well, to be fair, there were three of us."
Charlie: "Yeah."
Sawyer: [to Desmond] "You, the munchkin, and who else?"

Desmond Hume: "I won't call... for eight years. December 24, 2004. 圣诞节 Eve. I promise. Please, Pen."
Penny Widmore: "If I give 你 the number, will 你 leave?"
Desmond Hume: "Aye."

Desmond Hume: "I'll see 你 in another life, brother."

"You alright brotha!?"

"You're gonna die Charlie."

"So we saved the world together for a while, and that was lovely."



Juliet: "I had the 日 off."
[To Hurley after a weird silence]
Juliet:"They sent 你 down here to keep an eye on me didn't they?"
Hurley: "Yep."

Jack: "...Now 你 want me to save his life... tell me Juliet, why would I do that?"
Juliet: "Because I'm going to go save your friends."

[To Sayid and Sawyer after they threaten her]
"You know its interesting, that 你 two are now the camp's moral police." and "The last thing either of 你 need right now, is 更多 blood on your hands."

Sawyer: "So, when 你 pulled us out of those polar 熊 cages and put us on the chang gang, what the hell 你 have us breaking all those rocks for anyway?"
Juliet: "We were building a runway."
Sawyer: "Runway, for what?"
Juliet : [Turns to him] "The aliens."

Jack: "You think I'm stupid!"
Juliet: "I don't think you're stupid, Jack. I think you're stubborn."

Jack: "You missing those cheeseburgers yet?"
Juliet: "Only every second."

Jack: "Don't do anything stupid."
Juliet: "I won't if 你 don't [kiss] don't wait up."

Juliet: "It's stressful being an Other."

Juliet: "It's Other 101, gotta learn Latin."


Shannon: I'm not gonna starve.
Boone: Right. What're 你 gonna eat?
Shannon: Ocean's full of fish.
Boone: Hate to break it to ya, but the ocean is not going to take your 金牌 card.

Shannon:"You have no idea what I'm capable of."
Shannon:(To Hurley, talking about the census) 你 want my information? Name:Shannon Rutherford. Age: 20. Adress: Craphole Island.

Boone: You're never going to believe this.
Shannon: 你 finally learned how to tie your own shoes.
Boone: Funny. Someone at the caves built a golf course.
Shannon: Are 你 high?

Shannon: [when the U.S. Marshal was crying out in pain] I wish he would just *die* already.
Boone: Real humane, Shan.

Shannon Rutherford: 你 asked if 你 could do anything for me.
Sayid: Anything.
Shannon Rutherford: John Locke killed my brother, will 你 do something about that?

[To Boone, when talking about Rose] "Whats a four letter word for I don't care!?"

Shannon: [after Hurley informs her Claire has been attacked] What? I am so not moving to the rape caves!

(After Boone has told Sayid that Shannon is a bad girlfriend)
Shannon: (to locke) Where's Boone?!
Locke: I don't know...
Shannon: How can 你 not know?! 你 two are like, jungle pals!

[to each other in Korean]
Jin: "Honey... I don't like being told what to do."
Sun: "Being told what to do was my life for four years... I didn't like it much either."
Jin: "Right. I don't suppose 你 did."

Sawyer: (To Sun after he tells her it was he and Charlie who "attacked her,also after Nikki and Paulo "died") "Are 你 gonna tell Jin?"
Sun: "No."
Sawyer: "Why?"
Sun: "Because then we'd have to dig another grave."

[to each other in Korean]
Jin: (talking about Charlotte) "Do 你 think she knows he likes her?"
Sun: "She's a woman, she knows."

"Don't open it."

Walt:"Can I ask 你 a question?"
Michael: "Anything 你 want man."
Walt: "When's your birthday?"

Walt:(said to Locke) You've got work to do.


Jack: 你 picking up a little Korean there, Michael?
Michael: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know how to say "faster" and "idiot".

xD xD xD
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