Lecrae Wall

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Papertrail 说 …
U R very good at what u do (Y) 发布 一年多以前
blackredrose 说 …
I haven't been to any of his concerts sadly but i hope that one 日 I will...(hoping) 发布 一年多以前
BlissNocean 说 …
I saw him in concert! It was amazing (: 发布 一年多以前
MsVal 说 …
Thank 你 God for Lecrae and the other christian artist who are working with him, 你 make a difference in many of the kids God has 给 me to lead out of the darkness and into His light. 爱情 Joy Peace Ms.Val 发布 一年多以前
Tarabear16 评论…
agreed 一年多以前
big smile
Tarabear16 说 …
OMG!!! I saw him on the Rock and Road Worship tour in California....SO WORTH IT!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
bfflvvh 评论…
rite 一年多以前
bfflvvh 说 …
omg he iz soooo talenteed mi uncle knows him no lie 发布 一年多以前
Tarabear16 评论…
i'm jealous 一年多以前
bfflvvh 评论…
lolz yeah mii nd mii bestie went backstage @ tha rock and worship roadshow 2 meet him 一年多以前