Full name: Zhang Yi Xing
Birthday: October 7th 1991
Stage name: Lay
Group responsibility: Lead Dancer
Badge: Unicorn
Ability: To heal
Blood type: A
Weight (2012): 6okg
Height (2012) : 177cm
Horoscope: Libra
Specialty: Dance, Piano, Guitar
He loves eating ‘junk food’
He shared a room with 鹿晗 but recently the arrangement changed and he is now sharing a room with Chen.
For SHINee’s 音乐会 in 2010, he filled in for Jonghyun
He composes and writes his own 音乐 and lyrics
He was voted most humorous in the band 由 Exo-M members
Kris had described him as naughty but funny
His 最喜爱的 song from MAMA album...
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