Lasers Club
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posted by Authenti
I'm sure anyone who has ever had a cat has heard of the Laser Chase. Though this game goes 由 many names, if 你 say 你 haven't done this you're lying. EVERYONE does it at some point.
I have had three cats. One was an skinny old moggy with a foggy heritage and foggier sanity. Sadly, she died quite recently - but she lived her life to the fullest, chasing laser dots and bits of carpet fluff until the end of her days. The most 最近的 kitties to Catch The Fairy are my two little 'uns that seem to have no problem with smacking headfirst into a 墙 in their quest to obtain the mysterious green dot.
猫 will do anything to find out 更多 about this strange phenomenon, and mine are a perfect example. While I was having a solitary Laser Dance in the kitchen, I paused for a moment to get a drink. In that 分裂, 拆分 second, one kitten rushed in - I believe it was Jinx, from the tell-tale tinkle of her 钟, 贝尔 领, 衣领 - and leapt at my face, much like the Facehuggers from the Alien series only with a lot 更多 claws. While I was preoccupied trying to find a crowbar, the other little scamp leapt to the countertop and ran away with my beloved laser pointer, needle teeth accidentally pushing the button on the side and flickering the light on and off as Mortimer ran off down the hall. Naturally, I gave chase - facehugger 或者 not, I must have my laser pointer!
Eventually I 迷失 him; he disappeared under the 床, 床上 in the spare room and Jinx's claws were starting to dig into my eyeballs. I managed to remove the offending cat from my head, and plopped her on the 床, 床上 while I searched for Mort and his stolen goods.
After a nasty scratch to the arm and many a hiss from both kittens, I penetrated their bed-drawer fortress and retrieved the laser pointer from their evil clutches. Thank goodness, they had not had time to analyse the pointer with their secret laboratory (I know what they built under that bed... I'm no fool!). For the 日 that the laser is no longer a mystery to the felines of our world, the end is surely nigh.
Naturally, I am a lot 更多 careful with my laser pointer nowadays and, of course, a hell of a lot 更多 wary of ambush. Those 猫 are sly...