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This fanfiction contains:
-America x Canada (main)
-Some England x America
-Faint England x Canada (very faint xD)

..This fanfic also has a lot of name changing from the country name to their human names. If you're not that good with the 黑塔利亚 names, here's some help:

Canada = Mattie/Matthew/Matt
America = Alfred/Alffy
England =Arthur

Fanfic is all in Canada's POV


"Okay everyv'one, please take z'your seats so 've may get sh'tarted wist this meeting."
(^ 哈哈 accent fail? xD;)

Germany announced as we started to walk towards our seats, our conversations dying down. I gently squeezed Kumajirou with nervousness as I took my 座位 at the big table.
"'Ey, the floating 熊 is here again.."
I heard one country whisper, I frowned.
"Dude, the floating 熊 is here againn? Awesome!"
I suddenly lifted my head at the sound of my brother's voice. I watched Alfred as he stood beside me and gave Kumajirou a few pats on the head,
"What's up, dude?"

I blushed, shyly glancing up at him as he smiled. Kumajirou looked up at him with a smile,
"I'm good America, thanks for asking."
"That's cool, man." He gave another smile, then turned to leave. Before he took a step I grabbed his 衬衫 gingerly. He glanced back over his shoulder, his blue eyes glinting puzzlement.
"H-hey, Alfred." I smiled, feeling slightly embarassed. He smiled gently at me, patting my head, making me blush harder.
"Oh, 嘿 bro, didn't see ya' there for a second."
I smiled shyly, enjoying the of his hand on my head..

"Ack, America would 你 please sit down already! We're trying to start this bloody meeting!" Englad retorted crossly. I looked back up at Alfred as he chuckled softly,
"Right, sorry dude!"
My smile slowly vanished as I watched my brother walk over to his seat, wrapping his around England and whispering something in his ear, making his face bright red.
I frowned, my 心 burning with jealously. I sighed softly, buring my mouth in Kumajirou's soft head. H-he must really l-like England.. I thought sadly.
I felt Kumajirou's head move, feeling his cold plastic nose. I glanced down at him,
"Wh-what is it?"
He tilted his head a bit before speaking.
"What's wrong? 你 look sad.."
I sighed, squeezing him slightly.
"I-it's nothing, Kumajirou.."
He frowned at me.
"Oh, alright.. But if 你 need to talk to someone, I'm here.."

After the world meeting had ended, we all left the meeting room. I watched the floor as I walked slowly, feeling invisible.
No one noticed me. They'd bump into me with no apology.. Just a bewildered look.
I glanced over my shoulder as I heard familiar laughter.
"Oh, c'mon Arthur~ I'd only be just one measly night at my house."
I frowned at Alfred wrapped an arm around England's shoulders. England blushed and replied irritatedly,
"There is no way in hell I'm going over to your house for drinks. No way!" He pulled away, Alfred following as he begged.

I sighed sadly, looking ahead of me again.
I wish Alffy would ask me to come over.. He never does, and I'm his brother..
I continued on walking, I suddenly felt two arms snake around my waist tightly.
"Hey bro, whatcha' doin'?"
I looked back at Alfred, my face flushed.
"U-uh.. H-hi Alfred.." I smiled shyly, "J-just going home.."
He grinned at me,
"How about 你 come to my house instead? We could hang out like old times."
He smiled, making my smile brighter.
Alfred smirked softly, petting my head,
"Cool, bro! Let's go!"
He grabbed my arm and started leading me in a different direction. I blushed deeper, looking to his and on my arm.

W-wow.. he actually wants me to come over..
I hesitantly reached over for his hand, taking it shyly. I looked up at him as he looked back at me with a smile. I got a bit flustered as he squeeezed my hand.
"Aw, little bro.. Still a bit dependent on me I see. ♥"
He grinned, pulling me a bit so that I walked along beside him. I only stared at him as we walked, I couldn't think of anyting to say. I was being nervous for no reason.. He's only my brother after all.
What's to get flustered about?

We walked up to Alfred's house, he released my as he dug into his pockets for his house key.
"Damn.. I think I left my key in the house, dude."
He smiled at me nervously as he scratched the back of his head. I softly smiled in amusement,
"Th-that's unfortunate.."
He sighed,
"Maybe Tony will let us in."
He muttered as e knocked on the door harshly, "Hey, Tony! 你 awake lil' dude? Let us in~"
After a moment, we heard the door being unlocked. Alfred grinned,
"Yup, Tony. Always reliable.."
I softly giggled, my mouth buried in the 毛皮 of Kumajirou's head.

The door opened, a little grey alien with big red eyes standing in the doorway.
"Thanks Tony, man!"
Alfred 说 joyfully as he walked inside, patting the little creature's bald head. I blinked curiously and hurried in after him.
"Alrighty lil' bro, I'm going to change real quick then I'll be right down, so we can think of something to do, 'kay?"
I nodded, gingerly sitting onto the 长椅, 沙发 as he rushed upstairs.

I played with Kumajirou's soft paws as I waited.. semi-patiently.
"I-I wonder if it'll be alright to explore the house a little.."
I thought for a moment, then stood up.
"I'm s-sure he won't mind.." I softly smiled nerviously as I took a few steps towards the stairs.
"..You're trying to get a peek at America changing.. Aren't you?"
I blushed madly, giving Kumajirou a flustered look,
"N-no! Don't b-be silly! I'm not a-a pervert!.."
But what Kumajirou 说 had crossed my mind.. Agh.. I-I feel so perverted! It's wrong to be sexually attracted to your own brother.
I shook my head violently, trying to rid of the dirty thoughts.

After a few quick moments of thinking, I walked up the stairs. I-I can't believe I'm doing this..
I though shamefully, looking around quietly for Alfred's room.
As I got closer to a couple of doors, I could hear singing.. I tilted my head curiously and approached faster, the 唱歌 getting clearer..
"-bursting in air~ Gave proof throught the niiight, that our flag was still there~!"
I softly smiled, amused.
"Th-that must be Alfred's room.."
I blushed, squeezing Kumajirou as I approached the wooden door.

I swallowed the little saliva in my mouth as I grasped the door nob, my hand trembling as I turned it gingerly.
When I peeked inside, I saw Alfred unbuttoning his 衬衫 and blushed deeply, feeling nervous.
He continued to sing his national anthem as he slipped off his shirt, dropping it to the messy floor.
"O-oh sweet maple.."
I muttered as I stared at his upper body, feeling a bit weak in the knees. Alfred still didn't notice my presense(sp?) as he started unbuckling his belt, pulling it through the loops and stripping it off. My mouth and throat were dry, but I still managed to swallow, I felt embarassed as I felt my vital region throb and my pants getting tight. I looked away quickly, shutting the door gently. There was a sudden couple of faint banging sounds from downstairs, making me squeak with surprise.

"Mattie, can 你 get that!"
I heard Alfred yell from his room. I blinked and hurried downstairs. The banging continued and, as I approached the door, I could hear an angry slurred voice,
" hic! O-open the.. bloody goddamn door-hic!"
The voice was suddenly familiar as I stood in front of it, my hand around the knob.
E-england? I thought, What is he doing here?
I hesitantly opened the door, reveiling a stammering England with a flustered face. I frowned, and as I was about to say something, he fell onto me,
"Ugh, Alfre-hic!-d.."
He clinged to me and my face flushed. I was confused,
"A-alfred? But I'm n-"

I turned my head when I heard my brother's confused yet concerned tone. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around England's waist, making me frown.
"Get off Mattie, 你 drunk.."
He chuckled faintly as he pulled he clingy England off me. I watched quietly as Alfred held England tightly as he squirmed, leading him towards the couch.
"You need to lay down dude, and sleep off the alcohol."
The caring tone in his voice nearly killed me, I looked away as I hugged Kumajirou close to my chest.
"A-alffyyyy~ Sleep w-hic! me~"
I glanced up cautiously at the sound of my brother's chuckles. England had pulled Alfred down ontop of him. I watched as envy burned within me.
"D-dude! Let go.. You're tickling me~!"
He continued to laugh as England smirked crookedly, my eyes faintly widened as he slipped a hand up Alfred's shirt. His face flushed and I heard him let out a faint moan, followed 由 digruntled groans,
"A-arthur! Stop.. my brother's here.. B-behave yourself."

I walked out of the livingroom before he 说 anymore. I-it's like they've done it before..
I thought, on the verge of tears. I headed upstairs, looking down at Kumajirou.
"G-guess it's just us two, Kumajirou.."
My stuffed 熊 gave me a semi-sad look,
"Why not just talk to America?"
He suggested, "He probably didn't mean what he 说 in there the way 你 were thinking.."
I sighed.
"B-but what else could it of meant?"
I rested my chin on his head sadly.
"Matthew.. It could've meant a lot of things.. It's America we're talking about here.."
I smiled slightlym softly giggling.
"T-true, but-"
"No 'buts'. Just wait til America is done putting England to sleep. Then talk to him about it.. Or, odds are he'll want to talk to you."
I nodded unsurely as I slipped into Alfred's bedroom, sitting onto his 床, 床上 gingerly. I sat Kumajirou beside me and we waited..

Thirty 分钟 flew by, and Alfred still hadn't came up to speak with me. I started to nod off a bit, trying to stay awake. I started to drift into unconciousness when I heard the door creak,
"Yo Mattie.. 你 in here, bro?"
I looked up at the door to see Alfred standing in the doorway.
"O-oh.. Alfred.." I muttered with a yawn.
He smiled sheepishly at me,
"You tired lil' bro?"
I shook my head, "N-no, I was just a bit bored waiting for you.."
I smiled weakly. He walked over and sat beside me,
"Oh, well, I finally got that drunk bastard to sleep."
He grinned, I giggled softly.
"Th-that's good.."

He smiled at me, his eyes closed gently. My lips parted faintly, I kept my eyes glued to him as I slowly lifted my head up, leaning in. My lips quivered a little with anticipation and nervousness washed over me, making me feel queasy.
I closed my eyes tightly as I pressed my dry lips gingerly against the corner of his smiling lips.
I blushed deeply and pulled away slightly, my lips still close. I shut them, biting my bottom lipas I glanced up at him. His eyes were big with surprise and his cheeks were pink.
He muttered quietly, I pulled away a bit more.
"I-I'm sorry."
I squeaked flusteredly, "I-I didn-mph?!"
Alfred pressed his lips against mine softly. His lips were so soft..

"M-m.. mmmn.."
I let out quiet murmurs as he started to 吻乐队(Kiss) me deeper.
I muttered whenever our lips barely parted.
He cupped my cheek with his hand and slowly pulled away. My 心 was pounding against my chest, I felt as if I would suddenly collasp.
He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, biting it as he softly chuckled.
"Heh.. S-sorry Matt."
I looked down,
"Wh-why did you..?"
He let out an amused scoff,
"You kissed me first, lil' bro."
I glanced back up a little.
"..S-so 你 only kissed me, b-because I kissed you?"
My glance turned to the wall,
"Y-you're cruel.."
Alfred's hand slumped down to my shoulder,
"Cruel? Dude, I didn't 吻乐队(Kiss) 你 to tease you.."
I faintly looked back to him.
"Wh-what do 你 mean..?"
"I wanted to 吻乐队(Kiss) you.."

I blushed madly, looking at him fully.
"Wh-what? 你 did?"
My brother nodded, he looked shy and embarassed.
"Y-you're too cute not to..Even if 你 are my brother.."
"O-oh.." I looked down, pulling away from him,
"S-so 你 only kissed me because I'm cute.."
I stared at my lap.. Of course.. He would feel about me that way. I heard him sigh and I looked up a little.
"N-no.. That wasn't the only reason.."
My eyes glinted curiousity.
"R-really..?" I muttered, looking down again.
Alfred's hand came into my view, I looked up and he placed his hand on my opposite cheek.
He turned my face toward him. My eyes slowly widened as his face got close. He grasped my glassed with his other hand, slipping them off.

"I.. want to see your eyes 更多 clearly when I 吻乐队(Kiss) you.."
I blushed even deeper, if that was possible.
He set my glassed down and he continued to lean. I opened my mouth to protest, but my throat was dry. I couldn't utter a word. His lips brushed against mine,
"Heh.. your lips are rough, bro.."
I looked away,
"Sh-shut up.. I.. can't help it.."
He softly chuckled, his tone was playful.
"It's okay.. I'll make them soft.."
I quickly looked back to his eyes.
"Wh-what do you- eek!"
I squeaked as I felt his tongue lap at my lips.
I closed my eyes tightly as he repeatedly trailed his tongue on my lips.
H-his tongue is really wet.. and soft.p.
My head kept repeating those words.. wet.. and soft.. (Creeper.. >3> //shot)

I felt his tongue slither between my trembling lips. My eyes opened a crack, I let soft moans escape my throat as Alfred pressed his lips against mine.
I scooted closer to him shyly, grasping his 衬衫 gingerly. My eyes slowly closed as I started to get swept away. 更多 moans escaped from me as Alfred ran a hand down my side slowly, gingerly pulling me onto his lap. My eyes opened again. He pulled away from my lips, I could feel the saliva dripping down my chin slowly.
I glanced down at him, his eyes were fixed on me.
His blue eyes seemed dark with lust.
His eyes shifted to my mouth, and ran a finger across my bottom lip.
"You're so cute, Mattie.."
The hand that was on my side was now rested on my thigh. His fingertips lightly pressed against my pants. I looked down,
"A-alfred.. I'm a little uncomfortable.."
I blushed deeper as I felt his hand trail the side of my thigh, grasping my butt a little.
He held me against his body, I started getting 更多 nervous. I was afraid he's feel my erection..

"How come 你 feel that way? ..Did I do something wrong?"
I shook my head shyly, "N-no.."
"Then what is it Mattie?"
He rubbed my back gently, looking up at me puzzled. I looked down at my lap.
"I-I.. we're brothers.."
Alfred chuckled and I looked up at him, confused.
"I'm only 接吻 you, dude.."

This is what I got so far. :3

Ffff.. Finally typed out all of my WIP for this fanfic.
This is already 18 pages worth.. and I'm not even half way done.. =n=;

I-It'll be worth is when it's done, I hope. 8D;
Pff- sowwy if my ideas seem jumbled at all 或者 if there are spelling errors.. ^^;
 X3 <3
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