Kaoru Matsubara Updates

a comment was made to the poll: If the RRB were good and older do 你 think Kaoru will fall in 爱情 with Butch? 一年多以前 by HelltakerMomoko
a photo 增加: IMG 0294.PNG 一年多以前 by CordonBleuGirl
a poll 增加: If Kaoru and Butch had 2 kids, which names would be better? 一年多以前 by CordonBleuGirl
a comment was made to the poll: What would be Kaoru's Best friend?(If 你 choose one that does not mean that she does not like the others) 一年多以前 by buttercup_kaoru
an answer was added to this question: How do you feel when people say kaoru's gay? 一年多以前 by Bakatesu
a comment was made to the poll: Which pic do 你 like better? 一年多以前 by WendyYo
a comment was made to the poll: Which picture of Kaoru do 你 like better? 一年多以前 by WendyYo
a pop quiz question 增加: who did kaoru get to be 一年多以前 by kaoru12345
a wallpaper 增加: Kaoru 一年多以前 by Trina_Toon_Link
a comment was made to the photo: Selena Gomez looks like buttercup SKATEBOARDER WITH GREEN SKATEBOARD?!?! 一年多以前 by EpicOruUlterra
a comment was made to the poll: Do 你 think Kaoru is hot? 一年多以前 by leahrose99
a comment was made to the poll: How cool is Kaoru? 一年多以前 by Okuni
a comment was made to the poll: 嘿 你 guys u think ButtercupxAce is better?!?!?! >.< 一年多以前 by Okuni
a comment was made to the photo: Cutest "Kaoru" i'ved ever seen!!! ^0^ 一年多以前 by Brooklynsworld
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: True 或者 False. Kaoru has a dog 一年多以前 by Brooklynsworld
a comment was made to the article: Kaoru 一年多以前 by GreenStar
a comment was made to the photo: shez gonna lose her powers T_T 一年多以前 by princeszbubbles
a video 增加: powerred buttercup 一年多以前 by tato-blossom
a poll 增加: Do 你 think Kaoru is hot? 一年多以前 by locust1
a poll 增加: 嘿 你 guys u think ButtercupxAce is better?!?!?! >.< 一年多以前 by kaoru_buttercup
an answer was added to this question: Is Kaoru a good sport coach? 一年多以前 by PPGZMomoko
an answer was added to this question: How do you feel when people say kaoru's gay? 一年多以前 by PPGZMomoko
an answer was added to this question: How do you feel when people say kaoru's gay? 一年多以前 by kaoru_buttercup
a comment was made to the photo: Powered Buttercup 一年多以前 by bunny103
a comment was made to the screencap: kaoru is funny 一年多以前 by LaRinta
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Kaoru is admired 由 all 粉丝 girls in her school. True 或者 false? 一年多以前 by amber_ko
a poll 增加: Which pic do 你 like better? 一年多以前 by PoweredKaoru
a question 增加: Is Kaoru a good sport coach? 一年多以前 by rowdyruff9x
a question 增加: How do you feel when people say kaoru's gay? 一年多以前 by KaoruRocks123