Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen Club
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 5: Everything is in black and gray.
Renesmee’s family were scattered around the room, looking at ease. Her parent’s faces brightened as soon as she walked in and her mum rose out of her father’s arm and danced towards her to give Renesmee a hug. She saw her wrinkle her nose as she pulled away.
“Not my fault,” Renesmee muttered to herself. They all laughed and Alice danced towards her, pulling on her hand. She sat Renesmee down on the couch, curling her legs under her. Her mum fell back into her father’s lap on the floor and he kissed her cheek.
“So 你 probably are wondering why 夏洛特 and Peter were here Nessie?” her father’s voice was serious. Rosalie and Emmett sat up and Jasper hovered closer. Esme stood to go into the kitchen, Carlisle following her. Renesmee nodded at her father.
“Well Nessie when 你 were born we had trouble with the Volturi, the news spread that we were gathering people to stand against them, though they were only needed as witnesses at first. 夏洛特 and Peter didn’t come because they heard about you, thought that 你 were an immortal child and wanted nothing to do with 你 或者 us. They fear the Volturi. So after all these years they decided to come and visit to come and see us. They wanted to meet 你 but as soon as 你 got here Charlotte’s mind shifted towards attack. She never had the best control,” her father’s voice was serious and his teeth ground together.
“You overreact to much Edward,” Emmett laughed from behind the couch, his deep toned voice vibrating the room. Her dad hissed at him and Emmett chuckled again. Rosalie cleared her throat, flipping her hair.
“He’s right Edward. 你 are to protective,” her mum put her hand on her dad’s cheek and he smiled at her, taking a deep breath.
“But everything is fine now because they’re gone. 嘿 Ness?!” Alice 说 perkily from beside her. Renesmee shifted her eyes away from her parents and looked at her glowing face. The face that showed she was up to something.
“Will 你 skip school tomorrow and go shopping with me? Please Ness, please?” her perfect voice wined. Jasper laughed and sank down onto the floor against her knees. Emmett and Rosalie moved from behind the 长椅, 沙发 and sat down on the floor near the piano. Renesmee looked towards her mother who nodded her head at her. She was just happy that she wasn’t the one being asked to shop.
“Yeah I’ll go. Why are we going?” Alice’s trilling laugh made her grit her teeth.
“I need to 商店 is all. Rose is going with us and Esme might go, but she may have to stay here tomorrow,” Renesmee nodded and smiled at Rosalie who winked at her.
“Renesmee sweetie 你 should be getting to bed,” she glanced at her dad who was pulling her mother to her feet. He had used her full name…I didn’t mind my full name but I was used to Nessie and Ness. Her mum had hated that name at first, tried to hurt Jacob when he had called her that. That struck something in her. Renesmee closed her eyes and sifted through the beginning. Why had she been mad? she focused on the memory, trying to remember what had set her off in the first place. But the only part she remembered was her mother flying gracefully at her Jacob and Seth getting in the way to save him. I remembered that I was glad that Seth had jumped in front of him because he was mine. Even when I was little I had this unexplainable claim on him. I always had.
“Nessie bed,” her father’s voice was tight. Renesmee stuck her tongue out at him. She knew he was 阅读 her thoughts. The rest of the family chimed their goodnights as she went to hug her parents. She found a pair of pyjamas that Alice had bought her and climbed into her cold bed. She was shivering. Renesmee feebly wished Jacob was here. But at least she wouldn’t have to sit in high school tomorrow and pretend to listen, though she wouldn’t get to see Ellie and Nahuel…Speaking of Nahuel. Renesmee grabbed the phone off of her nightstand and dialled his number. He answered on the first ring.
“Hey Nessie,” His voice was bright.
“Hi Nahuel. I was just letting 你 know that I won’t be in school tomorrow. I have to go shopping with Alice,” His voice was duller when he answered.
“Oh okay,” he sounded kinda sad. Renesmee’s door opened and Alice stuck her head around the door, her spiky black hair pulled into a pony.
“You can invite him,” she whispered. She smiled and Alice closed the door.
“You can come with us if 你 want.” Renesmee said. He laughed.
“Yeah I’d 爱情 to. 你 need someone to carry your bags,” she giggled.
“Rosalie will 爱情 you. Just be here around the time school starts. I’ll see 你 in the morning Nahuel,” He laughed.
“Night Ness,” she clicked the end button and sat back on her bed. Ever since Nahuel had moved here he had been one of her other best friends. He was like me, though he had killed his mother when he was born, something that upset him. But since we were so similar Renesmee’s dad thought he had other reasons for sticking around. Renesmee was the only person like him that wasn’t his sister. She wondered how Jacob would take that if he knew Nahuel liked her 更多 than a friend. But she suppose Jacob wouldn’t care because he didn’t 爱情 her that way. She groaned and leaned back against her pillow, closing her eyes. It still smelled like Jacob. She fell asleep, her dreams about her best friend.

*The 下一个 morning*
“You know Rosalie, not everyone is as pretty as you.” Renesmee mumbled. She heard the rest of her family, that wasn’t packed into the bathroom, laughing downstairs. Alice was picking out Renesmee’s outfit and Rosalie was doing her hair, trying to decide whether 或者 not to do it straight 或者 curly.
“Ness 你 are beautiful. Even I can see that,” Rosalie flipped her hair and glanced into the mirror, leaving Renesmee’s hair curly.
“For the 爱情 of all that is holy! We’re just going shopping!” Renesmee yelled. Rosalie laughed and Alice shot her a stern look.
“You can never know who you’ll see. Plus would I really let my niece out of the house wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt?” We all knew the answer to that question. Alice danced back out of the room and brought in Renesmee’s outfit. She rolled her eyes at Alice. A pair of straight black skinny jeans and a blue singlet with a lose jersey to go over it.
“It may not fit 你 though. 你 know how fast 你 grow Ness, but its slowed so it should fit, but that’s why we’re going to go shopping,” Renesmee narrowed her eyes at her and grabbed the clothes, changing in her room. Renesmee took a deep breath and grabbed her cell phone back off of the 表 where she had left it. She hit the first speed dial and held her breath. He answered on the third ring, his voice groggy with sleep.
“Hello?” he muttered.
“Hey Jacob!” Renesmee chimed brightly. His voice was instantly 更多 awake and alert.
“What’s wrong Ness?” His voice was thick with worry and she could just see his face.
“Nothing Jake. I was just wondering if 你 would come to see me tonight when I got back from shopping? 或者 should I go there?” she heard him laugh and mutter something about shopping. Then he sighed.
“Just come here Ness. 你 can come here whenever 你 want,” Renesmee could tell he was tired. He had probably been up all night patrolling.
“Okay then I’ll be over later,” she said. He sighed.
“Good coz I need 你 over here anyway,” he murmured, whether to himself 或者 her she wasn’t sure.
“Why?” her curious tone was oddly casual in a way.
“Because I miss 你 Ness,” There was a knock on her door but she barely noticed.
“I miss 你 to Jacob! I wished 你 would stay with me all 日 like 你 did when I was little. But I have to go before Alice and Rosalie yank me out of my room,” He chuckled.
“Good luck with Blondie and Psychic. I’ll see 你 later Ness,” she smiled.
“Bye Jacob. Go back to sleep,” he laughed but she could tell he already was.
She hung up and danced out of her room. Nahuel was talking with Carlisle, looking completely at ease. Rosalie and Alice must have already been in the garage. Nahuel looked up at Renesmee and smiled, his teak eyes warm and friendly.
“Hey Ness! Ready to go?” He asked cheerfully.
“Yea I am. Bye Carlisle.” she gave him a fleeting hug and Nahuel followed her out into the garage. Alice and Rosalie were already sitting in the Volvo. Renesmee climbed into the backseat and Nahuel followed her in, sitting 下一个 to her, not that there was anywhere else to sit. Alice pealed out of the driveway. On the way out Renesmee spotted Jasper and Emmett in the front yard, fighting for fun and most likely for a bet. Her parents were sitting on the ground, watching, mostly each other, and the fight. Her mum waved brightly to her though.
Nahuel chattered with Rosalie and Alice the whole way there, but Renesmee’s thoughts were consumed with other things. Mostly Jacob. She was trying to sift through her thoughts about him. Why suddenly was I noticing things about him that I had never noticed before? Like how his smile was beautiful and he made me happier than anyone else. Like how I wanted to be around him forever. I loved my Jacob, but he only loved me as my best friend. Renesmee sighed when Alice pulled into a fancy designer store. Renesmee swiftly climbed from the car and into the store. A woman with 草莓 blonde hair slid towards her.
“Hello sweetie. Can I help 你 find something?” Renesmee flashed her a wide smile and her eyes widened.
“No thank-you,” Alice’s cold arm enclosed around Renesmee’s elbow and she dragged her with a smile towards a rack of dresses. She sifted through them quickly, finding three. A blue one with light sparkles, a dark red one that Renesmee would never wear, and a short white dress. She grabbed four sets of high heels and shoved Renesmee into a dressing room. Jeez that was fast. Renesmee sighed and began to try them on as Alice danced throughout the store, adding 更多 to the pile as Renesmee did. Renesmee stepped out of the dressing room with the first blue dress on. Rosalie smiled and nodded. Renesmee looked down at it. It hugged tight to her body, stopping at her knees. It looked like something a girl would wear to a dance. Renesmee didn’t bother trying the red one on and skipped to the white one, which stopped in a flowing bunch at her knees. So far it was her favourite. It went well with her bronze hair. Alice added skirts and pants, and blouses and vests and jewellery, eventually stopping to dress Renesmee and give her opinion. Renesmee sighed as Rosalie danced away, coming back with clothes for herself. Her thoughts weren’t envious towards Rosalie’s perfect beauty. She came out of the dressing room with a short red satin dress on that stopped above her knees, a satin bow connected to the side. Nahuel eyed her oddly, almost with disgust. Renesmee laughed and he winked at her. She could tell that he wasn’t bored. He was getting a kick out of seeing her get angry over having to try on so many outfits. Alice came out next, twirling. The dress was silver and brought out her black hair more, making her look twice as beautiful. She flashed Renesmee a devious smile.
“Which one are 你 going to get?” she asked.
Renesmee glanced at the blue and white ones.
“Your getting both. And everything else!” she said, not even letting her answer. Renesmee rolled her eyes and changed back into her original clothes. Alice and Rosalie were already waiting for her, their arms full of clothes and shoes. Nahuel had piles of clothes to and Renesmee giggled at his expression. He smiled at her and shook his head.
“Girls,” he mumbled. Alice laughed, leading them to a register. She handed the cashier a credit card and Renesmee didn’t look at the total, knowing it would be a very high number, something that wouldn’t even put a dent in the Cullen’s funds. Renesmee sighed and helped carry the bags out to the Volvo, shoving them in every place possible. Alice flitted around to the drives side and started the car.
“Alice are we going home?” I wanted to go so I could go see Jacob. Nahuel laughed from beside her, grinning. she smiled warmly at him and then her eyes turned to Alice.
“Your future completely disappeared so I suppose I know where you’re going,” Rosalie ground her teeth together.
“Dumb dog,” she muttered.
“Rose,” Renesmee whispered. She smiled at her.
“Sorry Ness. Your werewolf has never been my favourite person,” she sniffed and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder, looking into the mirror. And Renesmee knew why Jacob and Rosalie hated each other. Jacob always thought that Rosalie had only been around for Renesmee, and not for her mother. He had never warmed up to her even after he saw how much her mother and Rosalie liked each other now. Renesmee sighed and leaned her head against the cold window, watching as rain began to fall. Forks was certainly the wettest place on the earth. Nahuel touched her hand and she looked at him.
“Your going over to the werewolf’s?” he asked, his voice taut. She sighed and nodded.
“Oh,” he murmured to himself. She let her bronze curls drape over her face as she leaned her head back, knowing they would be there fast because Alice drove like a maniac. Everyone in the family did. Emmett, Jasper, and her father probably drove the fastest, though sometimes she wondered if Rosalie could outrun them in a car. She was a handy mechanic, something that had surprised Renesmee. Renesmee opened her eyes again when she heard the tires hit the driveway. Alice was in the 车库 after a few seconds. Renesmee climbed out of the crammed car and walked around to Nahuel. She wrapped her arms around him.
“Thanks for coming. I know it was boring.” He laughed and hugged her back.
“Anytime Ness. Anytime,” he ducked out of the car and into the pouring rain, disappearing into the thick woods. Alice handed her a few bags and Renesmee knew that she could tell that she was impatient to see Jacob. Renesmee walked them up to her room, slinking fast up the stairs to avoid Emmett and her parents. No doubt Rosalie would tell them as soon as Renesmee was gone. She was a snitch when it came to Jacob. Renesmee changed out of the outfit she was wearing and slipped a pair of old 篮球 shorts and a t-shirt on. She opened her window and hopped easily up onto the frame. She dropped through the rain, and set off towards the woods. She stayed under the trees, trying to avoid getting soaked. She mostly achieved her goal, staying under the thick cover of the trees. When she spotted Jacob’s house she sprinted towards it and ducked under the eaves, knocking on the door. It took him about three 秒 to open the door. A smile burst across his face.
“Nessie,” he 说 brightly. She threw herself into his arms and he wrapped them around her, making her feel warm. Renesmee pulled away and looked up at his face. He glanced at the living room and she looked towards the people sitting on the couch. Paul had his arm draped around Rachael and Seth was stretched across the floor.
“Hi guys!” she 说 cheerfully.
“Hey kid,” Paul 说 in his husky voice.
“Hello Nessie,” Rachael holding on to Paul tighter.
“Hey Ness,” Seth smiled.
Rachael was Jacob’s older pretty sister. She had come back to La Push and she had met Paul down on First 海滩 and he had imprinted. They were happily married now. Jacob nudged Renesmee forward, his arm wrapping around her. Rachael’s eyes her fondly and Seth sat up.
“So anyways as I was saying before kid interrupted,” Renesmee shot him an icy look and he chuckled, Rachael leaning into him. Jacob pulled Renesmee down onto the ground. She sat 下一个 to Jacob, leaning her head against his bare chest. He wrapped his arm around her and Seth pretended to gag. She aimed a kick at him and he scuttled out of the way laughing.
“But uh anyways Sam and Emily are leaving tomorrow which means you’ll have extra patrol to handle with both packs Jake,” Renesmee clung tighter to him without realizing it and he laughed, shaking her body. Paul sighed as Rachael pulled out of his arms, standing.
“We have to get back,” she murmured. Paul grunted and punched Jacob lightly on the shoulder, nodding at Seth.
“See 你 kid,” he 说 in her direction.
“You know kid has a name,” She snapped at him. Jacob laughed at her and Paul only rolled his eyes and turned around the corner. She heard him murmur something about a quick temper before he left. Seth stood in one fast jerky moment.
“Yeah I’m gonna hit it to. Leah and I are supposed to go over to Charlie’s for 晚餐 with mum tonight,” He stretched and Renesmee looked up at him, not planning on moving away from Jacob.
“Will 你 tell him I 说 I 爱情 him and I’ll come to see him soon?” Seth laughed.
“Sure thing. Bye Ness. Jake.” He nodded to them and disappeared out the door, yanking his 衬衫 off on the way out. Jacob started playing with one of Renesmee’s soft curls and sighed under her.
“How was shopping?” she groaned and he swept her up onto the couch, leaning against the front of the couch, still on the floor. She pulled her fingers through his black hair absentmindedly.
“Boring. Alice and Rosalie go way overboard. I don’t know why they make me buy all those clothes,” she sighed. He leaned his head back and she kept pulling her fingers through his hair.
“Sounds better than what I did. We had patrol all 日 today, though we haven’t really had many vamps around,” he sighed.
“Jake? Do 你 miss being in Sam’s pack?” she was afraid to ask the question. He surprised her when he laughed.
“There my brothers so I miss them but I was tired of doing the wrong thing. They were going to kill 你 Ness, which at the time meant killing your mum. I didn’t want that so I told him no and as Alpha I was able to walk away, break away from the pack. Not the best 日 of my life, but I had to save your mum, and in the end 你 Nessie.” she smiled, though he couldn’t see. After a moment she yawned. He stood and looked down at her.
“Go to sleep Ness. Your eyes are drooping. Didn’t 你 get any sleep?” His tone was worried.
she was tired.
“I don’t get a lot of sleep without 你 near me Jake. It’s too cold in that house no matter how high they turn up the heat,” he sighed and disappeared around the corner, coming back with a thick blanket. He draped it over her and kissed her forehead.
“Sleep Nessie. I’ll be here when 你 wake up,” she let her eyelids close. After a moment she spoke.
“Jake?” she heard him shift his weight.
“Yeah Ness?”
“Will 你 stay with me?” she opened her eyes to see for a brief moment a flash of hope and something else 交叉, 十字架 his face. He reigned it in quickly though.
“Always Ness. For forever,” he whispered, passing a hand over her hair. She smiled and closed her eyes, slipping into a warm dreams.

*Slipping a wake*
Snoring woke her up. Loud snoring. she opened her eyes and pulled herself off the couch, looking at Jacob, who was passed out on his floor again, with only a 枕头 under his head. His face as peaceful in sleep, no worry 或者 confusion. Renesmee sighed and sat down on the ground 下一个 to him. He stirred for a moment and she heard him mutter her name. She couldn’t help but smile. Jacob belonged to the girl who he had imprinted with. Maybe it was a baby which was why he was never with her and always me. She shook her head and wondered why that thought brought tears to her eyes. Renesmee leaned her head against the 长椅, 沙发 and looked at him. She stretched and heard her muscles roll, her shoulder popping loudly. Jacob’s eyes snapped up and he rolled to his feet. She looked up at his groggy expression.
“Uh Jacob?” He looked down at her and his expression softened.
“Oh sorry Ness. How long 你 been awake,” he asked as he slipped back down to the ground.
“Two minutes?” He sighed and she pressed her hand against his warm cheek, telling him to get some sleep.
“I’m fine Nessie. I’m not going to sleep when your awake. That would be no fun.”
“Hmmm,” she couldn’t think of anything to say because she was momentarily distracted 由 his smile.
“What do 你 wanna do Nessie?” she sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder.
‘I’m fine right here,” he laughed and wrapped his arm around her. His hand shot out and he grabbed the remote, flicking through the channels. she closed her eyes again.
“Are 你 falling asleep again?” he asked a laugh in his voice.
“Hmmmm,” she sighed. He laughed again and she didn’t bother to open her eyes, knowing they would only drop shut again. She wondered why she was so tired? Alice and Rosalie really knew how to wear someone out.

*An 小时 later*
“Hey Blondie why is it good to have a blonde passenger?” There was silence, a few dry chuckles.
“You get to park in the handicapped section.” Laughter shattered the room. Renesmee rolled her eyes at Jacob and punched his arm, probably giving herself a bruise.
“Watch it mongrel,” Emmett 说 from his position on the floor, Rosalie on his lap looking rather angry.
“I enjoy Jacob’s jokes,” her dad murmured from the piano, where he was playing her mother’s lullaby softly. She had her arm around him, her head on his shoulder.
“Edward do not test my patience,” Rosalie growled. Her dad through his arms up in the air.
“I’m so scared!” Her mother touched his shoulder gently, her body raking with laughs. Alice giggled and Renesmee watched in shock as Rosalie tore herself from Emmett’s arm and 鸽子 at her dad. Edward turned and her mum stepped neatly out of the way. He caught Rosalie 由 the forearms and slung her to the ground, protecting his piano. Jacob laughed. Rosalie jumped to her feet and 鸽子 at him again, but he dodged out of the way.
“You’re a cheater Edward. Fight her without 阅读 her mind,” Emmett growled. Rosalie brushed her hair back, her hands like claws at her sides. Her father jerked up suddenly and glanced at Bella in horror. She winked at Rosalie.
“Bella!” he said, exasperated. Rosalie jumped at him, knocking him out the open front door and down the stairs. He rolled out from under her and slammed her to the ground. They all stood to follow.
“I got my money on Edward,” Jasper murmured. Alice trilled a laugh from beside Renesmee and Jacob wrapped his arm around her shoulder, shaking with laughter.
“I got it on Rose,” Emmett said, stepping down the front stairs to get closer to the fight. Edward still had Rosalie pinned on the wet ground.
“You got me muddy!” she shrieked at him, turning in a blindingly fast movement. Suddenly he was under her and she had him firmly pinned. His eyes were wide with shock and Emmett laughed loudly. She jumped up and shook her hair out, staring Edward down. He winked at Bella and then Renesmee knew he had let her win. Jacob’s laugh stopped short when Rosalie threw him an icy glare.
“Hey Blondie. I can still take 你 any day.” she raised her eyebrows at him and Renesmee wrapped her arms firmly around his bare chest. He looked down at her, his eyes humoured.
“It’s all right Ness. I won’t rip Aunt Blondie to pieces,” Rosalie shrieked at him and Emmett let out a loud growl.
“I’m serious mongrel! Lay off!” Emmett’s voice was tight, but joking at the same time. Renesmee looked up at Jake who just had a wide grin on his face. Rosalie rolled her eyes and darted into the house, Emmett following her after a moment. Edward sighed at Renesmee and Jacob and her mum patted Jacob’s shoulder. He ruffled her hair as she passed after him. Renesmee looked up at him, her eyes tight. He kissed the 最佳, 返回页首 of her head.
“I’m yours Nessie,” he murmured, reassuring her. She sighed into him. He had brought her 首页 about an 小时 以前 when She had woken up and he had been here since then.
He pulled her into the house and Renesmee sniffed the air. A really good smell was coming from the kitchen. Jacob 冶炼, 闻到 it to. She laughed and jerked him towards the kitchen. Esme was inside cooking, Carlisle 阅读 a book 由 the counter. He smiled at them.
“Hi guys.”
“Hey Doc,” Carlisle smiled warmly at Jacob. He was the peacemaker and had never had a problem with Jacob.
“I hope 你 guys are hungry,” Esme said, her beautiful 焦糖 hair tied up in a twist at her neck.
“Thanks Esme,” Renesmee pulled Jacob to sit at the small 表 inside the grand kitchen, finished with beautiful appliances that had never been put to use before Jacob and Renesmee. Esme set 食物 in the middle of the 表 and Renesmee picked at it, eating bits and pieces of it. She didn’t even pay attention to what it was. Esme and Carlisle disappeared out of the 厨房 so it was only Jacob and Renesmee. Her dad had resumed playing the 钢琴 in the other room and Jasper and Emmett were wrestling again outside. Rosalie and Alice were murmuring in quiet whispers that were to quiet for her ears.
“I’m bored.” Jacob laughed.
“There’s not much to do anymore around here Ness,” he said, tucking a curl behind her ear. She leaned against his hand and he kept it there for a moment. But she place her hand over his so she could 显示 him something.
“Being a werewolf isn’t that fun Nessie. Just means I get to run,” he sighed.
“Can we go to First Beach?” he glanced at the glass 墙 behind her.
“It’s a bit late Ness,” she looked at the window. It was completely dark outside now. She sighed.
“Don’t leave,” She whispered. A warm smile spread across his face.
“I have nowhere else to go,” She felt pain lash across her face and she pulled away from his hand.
“What?” his voice was confused and he leaned forward.
“What about the girl 你 imprinted with?” Suddenly the other room was completely silent, but she didn’t care. They were the ones that had told her.
“Ness that’s not something I can explain right now.” she jerked out of her 座位 and he stayed sitting.
“When then Jacob?! 或者 once she’s old enough 或者 whatever are 你 going to leave me for her? Why won’t 你 tell me!” She cried, a tear slipping down her face.
“Ness I can’t” he choked out, his black eyes sorry.
“You can’t 或者 你 won’t?” He didn’t answer.
“That’s what I thought,” She slammed through the 厨房 door and glanced at everyone in the room who were looking at her with silent sad eyes. she ignored them and rushed towards he room, slamming the door shut, enough to make part of the wood crack. She sat on her 床, 床上 and stared at the walls, listening to Jacob downstairs.
“Edward!” he pleaded. She heard someone stand.
“Not today Jacob. Another day. But not today,”
“But she hates me!” his voice was cracked.
“Good,” Rosalie murmured. Anger stirred in her and she heard a thud. She didn’t want to know what it was.
“Jacob we can tell her soon, just not now,” She heard Jacob sigh and when She looked out her window she saw him in his giant russet 狼 form, racing back home. She cried herself to sleep that night.
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added by RoseRapunzel
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added by RoseRapunzel
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added by itsvic
added by Flickerflame
Source: http://jacob-x-renesmee.deviantart.com/art/Jacob-and-Renesmee-the-proposal-475762607
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Source: denisseloaiza
added by Amy_Dethyst
added by Amy_Dethyst
added by soniachristine
Source: soniachristine
living louder
renesmee cullen
posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 4: Sit in the corner and think about what 你 did.
Renesmee was having a dreadfully bad day. Jacob was out on patrol, Alice and Jasper were off on another pointless shopping spree with Esme. None of her usual pastimes could hold her attention for 更多 than a few minutes. She thought about working on the watercolour painting she started last week, but was afraid in her present mood she would only ruin it. Jacob, I need you!
“Hey Little Spider, where are you?”
Crap! Emmett. Why can't he just leave me alone?
“Come out, come out where ever 你 are,” he called in an annoying singsong...
continue reading...
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Source: http://jacob-x-renesmee.deviantart.com/art/Jacob-and-Renesmee-fireplace-486154945
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renesmee cullen
粉丝 video
my immortal
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粉丝 video 由 MAL RACER 狼
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we belong
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added by RoseRapunzel
Source: Tumblr