Jack and Kate Club
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 I feel amazed and honoured.
I feel amazed and honoured.
1. Jongrats Cate for being the new Jate FOTM~ How do 你 feel?
Thankyou so much!!! I feel amazed and honoured. I haven't been on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 very long, so being FOTM for the best spot and best ship of all time is just incredable! Thankyou to everyone who voted for me

2. Usual question, tell us something about yourself?
Well, I'm 17, and am the first Aussie jister :P. I'm a complete chocoholic, I 爱情 to read just about anything, and 爱情 to write. When I leave school I'd like to do a uni degree in teaching-I 爱情 children, and helping them learn and grow everyday would be an amazing job.
 I was hooked from the pilot.
I was hooked from the pilot.

3. When did 你 start watching 迷失 and why? I started watching 迷失 when my best friend lent me the first two seasons (season three was on tv at that point), and I was hooked from the pilot. My addiction grew the 更多 I watched it and the 更多 I came to like the characters the 更多 I loved it.

4. Where do Jate rank on your 最佳, 返回页首 TV couples list?
Number one. No other couple has really had the same effect on me, and this increadable 爱情 has touched so many people ( 你 amazing jisters are proof of this !)
 No other couple has really had the same effect on me
No other couple has really had the same effect on me

5. What is your favourite Jate season?
I 爱情 all the seasons, but probably season six. 你 could tell from the very first episode when Kate went straight to Jack after seeing both Jack and Sawyer lying on the ground where her loyalties stood.The jepicness only grew from there, with both of them realising that they had to deal with their own issues first before they could finally be together forever. Season 6 also ended with one of the most amazing episodes for us jaters, and I loved "The Candidate" too- such a shocking, emotional yet amazing episode
 I loved every 秒 they were together on screen.
I loved every 秒 they were together on screen.

6. Have 你 always been a Jater?
Yes!! I’ve always loved their scenes, and I loved every 秒 they were together on screen.

7. When did 你 become a hardcore Jater, was there a particular scene?
The Piolet episode was when I became a hardcore Jater. We saw from the very start that they bonded when Kate stitched Jack up. The counting to five scene is one of my favourites, and we have had amazing references to this throughout the seasons. It also has Kate screaming out Jack's name after only knowing him for one day- how epic is that?! he is the one she turned to, and we saw this from the start.

8. What makes Jate so special, why are they so amazing and if Jate didn't exist (I know it's immpossible to imagine) what would be 你 favourite 迷失 ship?
Jate is amazing simply because of the connection they share. I really believe that these two characters had such an intense emotional connection from the very first time they met that there was no turning back from that. Getting to know each other only strengthened this connection, and grew into “spectacular, consciousness altering love”. This connection changed them both for the better and bonded them for life. If jate didn’t exist (and yeah, it does seem impossible to imagine) I would ship Desmond and Penny the most. I 爱情 the way they never gave up on each other, and they would do anything to be together.
 I would ship Desmond and Penny the most.
I would ship Desmond and Penny the most.

9. What is your one favourite thing about Jate? ALL IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER!
My one favourite thing about Jate is their connection. Its almost as if they’ve known each other before, and have simply had to find each other again to be complete. The JJ Aabrams quote describes what I 爱情 best about them. There’s this quality that 你 can’t quite put your finger on that makes 你 know that these two people are soulmates

10. Who do 你 prefer? Jack, Kate, 或者 Jate?
Jate. Even though I 爱情 both Jack and Kate as individual characters, it was their journey together that was one of the main reasons I watched Lost.
 finally able to be together again-for eternity
finally able to be together again-for eternity

11. The most...
Emotional moment: Kate’s re-telling of the counting to 5 story in season 3- it breaks my 心 every time. I was practically yelling at the T.V “what?? No!! 你 can’t leave him there!!”
Saddest moment: The I 爱情 你 on the cliff. It was heartbreaking because 你 could see how much they really did 爱情 each other and how hard it was for them to be separated
Happiest moment: The church scene. After all of the pain, obstacles, joy, loss and 爱情 they were finally able to be together again-for eternity. We were taken on an emotional rollercoaster that ended with bliss, 爱情 and contentment.
Funniest moment: House of the rising sun-eyesex, are 你 checking me out…..and kate’s t-shirt “full of bees”(suuuuure it was, Kate :P)
Sexiest moment: the net scene- 你 could almost hear the air between them (and there wasn’t much of that btw :P) sizzling
Cutest moment: The 番石榴 seeds. I loved how he held his hand over hers for just a little longer than necessary, it was adorable!
Unexpected moment: This is probably an unusual one for me to pick,but for me its Jack’s line “ I’ll be fine. Just buy me some thread and I can count to five” obsessed as I am with anything to do with the counting to five scene, sadness and happiness shot through me simultaneously. It was a sad, beautiful moment, but something I was defiantly not expecting. I also 爱情 the idea of Kate being Jack’s nurse.
 a 爱情 so strong not even death could separate them in the end.
a 爱情 so strong not even death could separate them in the end.

12. Define Jate in...
One word: epic-jate truly is the definition of epic
One song: “Look after you” 由 The Fray
One movie: Titanic- another example of a 爱情 so strong not even death could separate them in the end. Both couples are also constantly looking after each other, which is awesome.
One color: red-passion, love,intensity
One season of the year: spring- cute with all the animals, beautiful like all the flowers, but 更多 than capable of heat ;)-just like jate!
One object: thead. From that moment in the piolet they were connected.
One place: Home. 首页 is where your 心 is (and as corny as that sounds we know its true)
One food: pasta!! Just because I 爱情 it almost as much as jate
One animal: Cats-independent but also affectionate and unswervingly loyal
 “We have to go back” is jangst at its best
“We have to go back” is jangst at its best

13. This 或者 that?
Foxy 或者 Evie: Evie- we have had so many amazing 语录 from her, and she is a beautiful and amazing actress
Jate kisses 或者 hugs: hugs. Hugs are filled with warmth,comfort,relief and 爱情
Jack 或者 Kate's I 爱情 you: Kate’s- I waited 6 years for it, and it was amazing to finally hear her say it. Jacks response was just as amazing and heartbreaking
Ass-grab 或者 caught in a net: 屁股 grab-simply because its
Jate 语录 或者 looks: Looks-these two can say so much without words!
Flash sidways 或者 flash forwards: Wow this was really hard, I loved both so much! flash forwards- it was so amazing that they had gotten off the island and “We have to go back” is jangst at its best, the proposal was simply amazing, the breakup was devastating and Jack one again protected Kate. Good jateness from the flash forwards.
No that's not how 你 know me 或者 I will come back here for you: I will come back here for you, it gives me the shivers when I watch it, and I 爱情 the way he whispers it in her ear *sighs*. I 爱情 No that’s not how 你 know me too, but….what can I say, I’m a sucker for the hot doctor whispering sweet and 心 wrenching tings in Kate’s ear
 Eyesex and the phrase ‘verbal copulation’ in one scene
Eyesex and the phrase ‘verbal copulation’ in one scene

14. Your 收藏夹 per season:
Season 1;
Best cute scene: 番石榴 seeds!! This was sooooo adorable! Plus it kind of connected them again after their first fight
Best hot scene: defiantly when Kate’s asking Jack about his tattoos!! Eyesex and the phrase ‘verbal copulation’ in one scene
Best quote: “JAAAAACK!” ( Kate in the piolet)
Best episode: the piolet
Best anti!skate moment: kate leaving sawyer when she finds out Jack is trapped in the caves

Season 2;
Best cute scene: Jack asking kate if he’d like to walk her back to the beach!
Best hot scene: The net scene
Best quote: “If 你 weren’t here Jack…..”
Best episode: S.O.S
Best anti!skate moment: when Kate says she’s glad Jack beat sawyer at cards- yeah, that’s right, Jacks a gun at cards! :P
 shows what Jack’s willing to do to keep her 安全 and Kates unwillingness to leave him
shows what Jack’s willing to do to keep her 安全 and Kates unwillingness to leave him

Season 3;
Best cute scene: spoon lick! Hehe it was really cute how flirty she was being
Best hot scene: hmmmm, probably “but I will come back here for you” scene. There were so many emotions!
Best quote: “I can’t leave without you!” “yes 你 are, go!” “Jack, I can’t!” “Go, Now!” “I CAN’T!!” “Kate, dammit, run!”. It shows what Jack’s willing to do to keep her 安全 and Kates unwillingness to leave him
Best episode: Not In Portland
Best anti!skate moment: Kate re-telling the story with Sawyer right there. It cut her up to leave jack behind, and sawyer could see this

Season 4;
Best cute scene: “You should eat some crackers. Crackers always make me feel better”. This is an underrated scene that I think is really cute 
Best hot scene: Assgrab. Enough said.
Best quote: “Will 你 marry me?” “yes, yes of course I will, yes!”
Best episode: SNBH
Best anti!skate moment: When we saw the family that Kate, Jack and Aaron had become. We saw a content side of Kate that we had never seen before, and the fact that she 说 yes with tears of happiness streaming down her face showed us the utter commitment she had to Jack. She had never been able to settle in one place and stop running for anyone but him.
 angsty and hott
angsty and hott

Season 5;
Best cute scene: The handholding scene. Jack was reminding Kate that he still cared about her
Best hot scene: 316 jex- angsty and hott
Best quote: “I have ALWAYS been with you”
Best episode: The Incident
Best anti!skate moment: the amazing look before Jack dropped the bomb. Kate supported him no matter what. And the fact that she didn’t agree with him before makes it even 更多 meaningful.

Season 6:
Cute Scene: The scene in 6x12 where they see each other again. Pure happiness just light up both their faces, and a gorgeous smile spreads across Kate’s face.
Hot Scene: the 吻乐队(Kiss)
Quote: “I 爱情 you” “I 爱情 y o u”. Six years in the making, but it was worth it
Episode: The End
Best anti!skate moment: “I couldn’t find you”. Jack has always been there for her when she’s been scared, and she always turned to him. The fact that he wasn’t there after she’d just been shot and the submarine has exploded terrified her. She only cared about Jack in that moment, she wasn’t even worried about herself. And Sawyer was just lying there while she was sobbing over Jack.
 general cuteness from the LaFleur episode- I loved the dock scene
general cuteness from the LaFleur episode- I loved the dock scene

15. If 你 could take a scene from these couples what would it be?
a) Sun & Jin: their reunion in season 6
b) Desmond & penny: the phone conversation in the constant!
c) Saywer & Kate: the hug when they come back from rescuing Jack is season 3
d) Sawyer & Juliet: general cuteness from the LaFleur episode- I loved the dock scene
e) Charlie & Claire: 花生 牛油, 黄油 scene!!! Absolutely adorable
f) Jack & Juliet: the “he knows where to find me” scene

16. Favourite thing about Jack?
Oh gosh I could say sooo many things here! But it would defiantly be his good heart. He is such a good person, always trying to help everyone in any way he can. He dedicated his life to helping people, and that is what made me 爱情 him straight away. His need to fix things is why we(and kate) 爱情 him.

17. Favourite thing about Kate?
She is such a strong woman. She’s been through so much but very rarely breaks down. I also 爱情 that she stopped running for Jack, and she was able to settle down with him-her need to run was so strong that she couldn’t stay with her first husband, Kevin, but with Jack she could have a home.

18. What is your favourite Jate quote of all time (Can be 由 Evie, Foxy, Damon etc.)?
JJ Abrams: "You could put Jack and Kate on a New York City 街, 街道 and have them pass each other at rush 小时 on a Wednesday morning. And they would stop and turn, slowing to watch each other go by. They know each other within the context, of an universal recognition. They have met before this life, and they will meet again in another." This one sums up how connected they are, and plus its from the creator of 迷失 which makes it even 更多 amazing
 I would be devastated, angry and probably throw something at the tv lol.
I would be devastated, angry and probably throw something at the tv lol.

19. How would 你 react if (for some ridiculously stupid reason) 滑冰 were endgame and Jate were not?
I would be devastated, angry and probably throw something at the tv lol. I would be horrified that this epic 爱情 had not been honoured with endgame,

20. Is there anything 你 would change about their story as a couple?
No. Their journey together does not need any changes. All the fights, all the heartbreaks have led to Jack and Kate evolving as characters, which meant they could be together. Even the break up in SNBH meant that both Jack and Kate had to deal with their issues with Aaron and Sawyer. If it didn’t happen, Jack would still feel guilty for leaving everyone on the island and jealous of sawyer. Kate had to come to realize that she should never have been the one to raise Aaron-as much as she loved him, he wasn’t her child, he was Claire’s. They had the most amazing build up, and we got the very best thing we could have hoped for- Jate overcoming all the obstacles and issues in the way of their relationship to spend eternity together.
 I’d get to 吻乐队(Kiss) Foxy (who wouldn’t want that?!
I’d get to 吻乐队(Kiss) Foxy (who wouldn’t want that?!

21. 你 are allowed to play Kate for one scene with Foxy, what one would 你 choose?
The cliff scene. Firstly, I’d get to 吻乐队(Kiss) Foxy (who wouldn’t want that?!) and I’m pretty sure my 心 would melt getting to hear him say “I 爱情 y o u” to me. The way he says back to Kate…..indescribable, and it would be so amazing to get to hear that from him. I’d also try and convince him to stop 由 the most amazing spot in the world ( this one, duh!)and see just how amazing his 粉丝 are!
 He could protect me
He could protect me

22. Who, out of Jack and Kate, would 你 be most likely to be 老友记 with?
Jack. He could protect me and help me if I got hurt, and like I said, his good 心 would make me want to talk to him and get to know him

23. What are some of your favourite words from the Jictionary?
Jangst, jamily, jaby,jepic,jex, JIF, , jisses and juff
 Because even while we all waited patiently for Jate to be together we all never gave up our hopes and dreams of them, and lets face it paid off
Because even while we all waited patiently for Jate to be together we all never gave up our hopes and dreams of them, and lets face it paid off

24. What's your 最喜爱的 'because' off of the 'Reasons we will always be Jaters'list?
It changes all the time, but at the moment it’s: 287.Because even while we all waited patiently for Jate to be together we all never gave up our hopes and dreams of them, and lets face it paid off

25. What do 你 think about 滑冰 and 夹克 (hate them, have a soft spot for them etc.)?
I believe that 滑冰 had chemistry and an understanding of each other, but I always knew that Kate was supposed to be with Jack. It annoyed me when Kate kept going back and forth between them, I was thinking “just pick jack!!”. 夹克 it ok, I 爱情 them as separate characters and meh, they’re ok together and we got jealous Kate but jate was always meant to be.
 He is the comic relief from all the drama in 迷失
He is the comic relief from all the drama in Lost

26. A lot of Skaters hate Jack, do 你 (as a Jater) hate sawyer?
No, I don’t hate Sawyer. He is the comic relief from all the drama in Lost, and makes me laugh constantly. Yeah he did get in the way of Jate, but in the end Kate and sawyer’s connection seemed weak in comparison to the strength that their connections with Jack and Juliet had. They did care about each other and always would, but they weren’t soul mates.

27. For some reason TWO of these Jate scenes had to be taken out of the show, what would 你 choose?
a) No that's not how 你 know me
b) Mutual 'I 爱情 you's'
c) the net scene
d) TMFT: 'I will come back here for you'
e) 'I have always been with you' scene
f) the 蛾 hug scene
g) Proposal scene
h) 'we have to go back' scene

The net scene and the 蛾 hug-even though I 爱情 both these moments, the others are too precious to loose!
 “I couldn’t find you”.
“I couldn’t find you”.

28. Biggest slap in the face to Skaters?
“I couldn’t find you”. She was sobbing over not being able to find Jack when she was scared, and Sawyer was just lying there, she didn’t even ask about him, Hurley did.This showed once and for all who Kate really loved, and kinda dashed any hopes that 滑冰 would be endgame.

29. Favourite thing about the Jisters?
Their kindness and openness. No matter who 你 are 或者 where 你 are, if 你 爱情 Jate you’ll be welcomed and make new friends. 你 jisters are the reason I 爱情 潮流粉丝俱乐部 so much!
 你 jisters are the reason I 爱情 潮流粉丝俱乐部 so much!
You jisters are the reason I 爱情 潮流粉丝俱乐部 so much!

30. Any last words?
Thankyou so much for the amazing 问题 Morgan! Some were really really hard to answer lol. Thankyou for everyone who voted for me, 你 guys are so amazing!

Thanks for the amazing 答案 Cate, for being a fantastic Jister and a much deserved FOTM. I had a lot of fun interviewing you, Jongrats!
 Thankyou for everyone who voted for me, 你 guys are so amazing!
Thankyou for everyone who voted for me, you guys are so amazing!
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