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posted by ArtemisDiana
日期 this chart was completed: April 23nd, 2012.

Character's Full Name: 云雀 Emily Thornston
Reason 或者 meaning of name: It was her name before I even really knew who she was. I like birds, and larks are my special favorites
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname: She doesn't have a nickname because her name is already pretty short.

Birthdate: March 21st 2004
Astrological Sign: Aries


Age: 8
How old does s/he appear? About 8 或者 9.
Eye Color: Mixed (green, silver and brown)
Glasses 或者 contacts? Neither
Hair color: Naturally: Auburn Dyed: She likes her natural hair color
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): None really
Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?) Average thickness and wavy
Typical hairstyle: Either down, reaching to a few inches below her shoulders, 或者 braided.

Height: 3'9
Weight: 60 lbs.
Type of body/build:Average height. A few pounds heavier than your average eight-year-old because she's a bit stronger than average.

Nationality: American

Skin tone: Tan
Skin type: Hard to burn.

Shape of face: Oval

Distinguishing Marks? None
Most predominant feature: Her eyes
Resembles (famous 或者 not): Artemis

Accent? Minnesotan, though its fading after living at camp for almost two years and starting to get a bit 更多 like a New York accent.

Is s/he healthy? She doesn't get sick often because she's got a great immune system, but when she gets sick she makes a big fuss because she's not used to it.
If not, why not: I just 说 she doesn't get sick often.

Physical disabilities: ADHD and dislexia
Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Archery, running, and most sports


Color: Silver
Music: Pop, especially when it doesn't revolve around romance too much
Food: Chocolate
Literature: She dropped out of kindergarten to go to camp, so she never learned how to read.
Expressions: “Awesome!”
She loves using British expressions, because it reminds her of her family.
Book: Goodnight Moon. It's the only she's ever heard, as her mom read it to her every night.
Quote:"Keep calm and carry on." its her life in a nutshell.
Expletive(s) (swears): A few Ancient Greek ones, but nothing major as most campers try not to swear in any language around her.
Mode of transportation: Her lightdisk.


Smokes: Of course not! She's eight!
How often?

Drinks: Again-Lark. Is. Eight.
How often?

Worst bad habit? Biting her lip when she's nervous.

Quirks: She always wears Velcro shoes 或者 鞋类 without laces. They didn't get around to teaching kids how to tie their shoes until after she dropped out, so she never learned how and hates to admit she can't do something so trivial.


Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Type of childhood: For the circumstances, alright. Didn't like her mortal parents much, but she had friends.
First memory: Hiding in her room on her third birthday while her twin sister Ashley had a beautiful princess-themed birthday party downstairs.
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Her preschool burning down.
Why? It was the first time she was attacked 由 a monster, so to her its when she really became a demigod. It also gave her a fear of 火, 消防 that lasts until the 日 she dies.

Lower education: Preschool and a few months of kindergarten.

Higher education: None.

Booksmart 或者 streetsmart? Streetsmart.

Religion and/or religious 查看 and/or tendencies? Greek Mythology

Job? None.

Kiss? Her lips touch no one, even on the cheek. She's afraid of people who do that.

Sexual experience? She. Is Eight!


Mother (name): Immortal: Artemis Mortal: Christina Thornston
Relationship with her: Artemis: Though 云雀 doesn't see her often, she loves her mom and her mom lover her back. Mortal: Terrible, her mom recognized 云雀 to be a demigod when she was a few months old and was found surrounded 由 a silver bubble in her 婴儿床 and was always jealous that 云雀 had powers when she, a grand daughter of Hermes had none. 云雀 hated that her mother judged her 由 her powers, not her personality.
Father (name): Tyler Thornston
Relationship with him: 云雀 hates him, he went along with his wife's decision, and 云雀 has always felt that she should have been her father's 最喜爱的 daughter, seeing as she is a natural hunter and that's what he loves to do.
Siblings: Ashley Ellen Thornston and Anna
Birth order: Anna was born almost a decade before Lark. Ashley was born not to far ahead of her, seeing as they're twins.
Relationship with each: 云雀 and Ashley argued a lot, Ashley would be a snob and 云雀 would insult her (not always in that order) and both were relieved when 云雀 finally left the house. On the other hand, 云雀 loves Anna, and will do just about anything to protect her.
Children of Siblings: Luke and Selena
Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): A mortal grandpa and demigod grandma as well as and aunt, uncle and girl cousin she's met occasionally. 云雀 had made a mental note that her aunt and uncle live in New York in case she ever needs a ride to camp. Her cousin inherited some enhanced speed from her great-grandfather Hermes.
Close to family? Not to any except Anna and Artemis, though she really liked her cousin.


Does character have child(ren)? No, definetly not.
How many? None
Are all children with the same partner? She has no kids, so no partner either.
If no, why not? If no, what is the custody arrangement? No kids, no custody arrangement.
How does character relate to his/her child(ren)? As well as 你 can when they don't exsist.
Which child is character's favorite? None
Why? She doesn't have kids. Haven't I 说 that already?
Character's most 最喜爱的 memory of his/her child(ren)? None
Character's least 最喜爱的 memory of his/her child(ren)? None
Is relationship with children good? She doesn't have a relationship with them as they don't exsist.
Is relatioinship with children important to character? If she had any, yes. After her experience with parents, she'd try to be the best mom she could be.


Where does character work? She doesn't work.
How many years? None.
Relationship with co-workers? No work=no co-workers
Like his/her job? She loves not having a job!
Why 或者 why not? Because its nice not to have to work at age eight.

Dream job: Being a hunter of Artemis. She wants to be older before she joins.


Greatest fear: 火, 消防
Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Being the only one that can save everyone sh loves, but not being able to because she has no powers and is surrounded 由 fire.
What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil? Losing her 老友记 at camp. They're the closest thing she's ever had to family.

Character is most at ease when: She's in the forest, hunting. She doesn't have to deal with relationships there, something that are very complicate for demigods and she's never been good with.
Most ill at ease when: She has no powers, she feels helpless and useless.


How s/he feels about self: She's confident with her powers, but without she's a bit unsure.
Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: On the way to camp she was hiding in a 树 while her satyr cooked breakfast over an open 火, 消防 when there was a loud honk which caused her to fall out of the tree. On the way down her t-shirt snagged on a branch and she ended up hanging from her branch 由 her t-shirt unable to free herself. When her satyr freed her, it was only after a minuet of all-out laughing.
If granted one wish, what would it be? To not be chased 由 monsters so often.
Why? She'd like to be able to go to the theater 或者 on vacation without having to fight for her life.

Daredevil 或者 cautious? Daredevil, she tends to tact before she thinks, especially in battles.
Same when alone? A bit worse. When not with her 老友记 she doesn't have to worry as much about monsters attacking, so she feels like she doesn't have to be as careful.

Character's darkest secret: She is very envious of Ashley. She has a happy life, caring parents she gets to see all the time, and doesn't have to worry about monsters if she leaves camp. 云雀 wants a life that's 更多 like that.
Does anyone else know? No, she feels stupid for envying the girl who was mean to her, and not appreciating her own life more.
If no, how did they find out? They didn't


Greatest 来源 of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such 或者 not): She's very smart for an eight-year-old. Some even say its a bit scary.

Greatest 来源 of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such 或者 not): Her fear of fire. She's so afraid of it she will literally stand there staring at it until she burns to death 或者 is pulled out.

Character's soft spot: Her 老友记 and non-mortal family.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes, she makes it quite clear she loves them a lot.
If not, how does character hide it? She doesn't try to, even though it could be used against her.
Biggest vulnerability: Her fear of fire.

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly 或者 not)?
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Envy and wrath. When 你 get on her bad side, she takes forever to forgive you. She also greatly envies those with 更多 normal lives. Its a close tie between sins.


Optimist 或者 pessimist? Depends on the day. Bad day=pessimistic, good day=optomistic.
Introvert 或者 extrovert? Extrovert.
Drives and motivations? She wants to be the best archer she can so she'll make Artemis proud.
Talents (hidden 或者 not)? Archery and her other powers.

Extremely skilled at: Archery
Extremely unskilled at: Hand-to-Hand combat and defense. She's never seen the need to learn it.

Good characteristics:
Character flaws: Her hatred of her enemies. Even if it turns out they were spying for her side 或者 forced to serve an eviler person, she has a hard time forgiving them.
Mannerisms: Determined, she almost always voices her opinion.
Peculiarities: She glows just slightly silver, faint enough that even just a little Mist hides it from mortals..


One word character would use to describe self: Survivor
One paragraph 描述 of how character would describe self: I'm pretty tough for my age. Nothing compared to the older campers, but I can handle myself outside of camp. I'm definitely Artemis' daughter, I look like her, act like her and have some of her powers. Its my fear of 火, 消防 that's the problem really...its nearly gotten me killed several times.

What does character consider best physical characteristic? Her eyes, she loves the colors.
What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Her hair. She hates how no matter how long it is it always gets caught in things.
Are these realistic assessments? Pretty realistic. Most eight-year-olds aren't very insecure, and 云雀 is no exception. She's pretty average looking and she knows it.
If not, why not? They're realistic, I just 说 so.
How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? She thinks that they think of her as 'the little archer-girl. Artemis' little girl.'
What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 秒 most important, etc.) Her demigod scent, her fear of fire, her age, the snaggieness of her hair.

If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks? Yes
If not, why not? She'd be happy if it was changed.


Is character divorced? Why? No, she was never married
If yes, how many times? Never.
Has character ever cheated on any significant other? Nope.
How does character relate to others? She kinds to new people and friends, but cold and a bit cruel to those she dislikes.
How is s/he perceived by...
Strangers? The think its weird that a little girl is all alone with a group of teenagers and wonder where her parents are.
Friends? This is for other ICHB members to say.
Wife/Husband/Lover? She doesn't have one!
Children. They like her most of the time.
First impression character makes is: Cute (most of the people she meets are older than her.)
What happens to change this perception? Most still think she's cute, but the learn that she's smart and capable of taking care of herself.


Immediate goal(s): To survive
Long range goal(s): To become and amazing archer.
How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)? practice


How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? Shoot people.
How does character face problems? When fighting monsters she shoots. If helping resolve other people's problems she uses words and whatever 建议 she can offer. She tends to run into the forest when facing her own big problems.
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Fighting monsters.
How does character react to change? Pretty well. She's used to change.


Jewelry? Her camp 项链 with a moon charm on it.
Where does character live? Camp
With anyone? Yes
Where does character want to live? At camp for now, with the Hunters when she's older.
Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? Cheap, only buying what she really needs (and chocolate)
What does s/he do too much of? Hunting
Too little of? Learning the things most kids her age know.
Most prized possession: Her necklace.
Play musical instrument? No.
Does character like animals? Definitely, like Artemis, she loves them, despite hunting them.
Any pets? Nope.
Likes music? Mostly, she hates how romance-centric most 音乐 is now-a-days.
What kind? Pop.

Owns a computer? No.
If not, why not? She's a demigod, BAD idea.
电子邮箱 address(es): None.
If 更多 than one, each used for...?
"Handle": NONE.
Meaning to character:
Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? She doesn’t' have a computer.
Play computer games? Nope
If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day? No computers for her.
If so, are they/it multiplayere game/s? Still doesn't have a computer.
Name used on each game & meaning to character? None
列表 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?
1. N
2. O
3. N
4. E


Person character secretly admires: Artemis, but its not really a secret she thinks that her mom is cool.
Person character was most influenced by: Anna. She showed 云雀 that 你 don't have to be just like their mom for her to 爱情 you.
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Before the RP? No one really.
Why? Before the RP she was on the way to camp, she had no friends, hated the family she knew existed, no teachers, and no home.
added by ArtemisDiana
Source: Me and whoever wrote the 'I wish this was'

Name's Alex, daughter and leader of the Hermes Cabin. Age 13, dark brown hair, green eyes, and all that shit.

Anyway, Chiron's making me do a survival thing for the newbies because I, I mean...Chiron asked me to do this out of kindness, 或者 to 显示 responsibility. I don't honestly remember.

(I swear, it had nothing to do with the Aphrodite 舱, 小木屋 being underwater. In no way was I involved in that situation.)

*cough* Lying *cough*

Did 你 hear something? No? Good.

Now let's get to the guide!

1. Don't go in the Hades 舱, 小木屋 without permission. Evan will chew your head of otherwise.

2. No boys are...
continue reading...
added by rapunzeleah123
added by Alex13126
Source: Leah
added by Alex13126
added by percyLover101
Source: Burdge Bug
added by PenelopeWolf1
Source: 谷歌 :P
added by psalm1003
added by TeddyKellogg123
Source: Meee :D
added by WritingPaper
Source: ~Gotta 爱情 Us Teens~
posted by Alex13126
Character's Full Name: Alexandria "Alex" Chance
Reason 或者 meaning of name:.....I was watching Totally Spies.
Also, I learned later Alexandria meant "Defender of Mankind", and I never bothered changing it because I like it, and it fits her. Chance was just because I couldn't use Chase.
Nickname: Alex
Reason for nickname: She hates the name Alexandria

Birthdate: April 1st, 1996
Astrological Sign: Aries


Age: 15
How old does s/he appear?: She looks around 14-15.
Eye Color: Dark green
Glasses 或者 contacts?: Neither.
Hair color: Dark brown:
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline,...
continue reading...
added by WritingPaper
Source: ~Gotta 爱情 Us Teens~
added by Alex13126
I won't leave.... I promise. I'm not giving up on this place....
Guys, don't leave. We just want to give everyone equal chances.
We all have different opinions. Different views. Can't we compromise? If Mike and Jen come back, if 你 don't like it, then please don't pay attention to them. Jen and Mike both consider this their 首页 as much as we do~
To quote Lilo and Stitch: Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. 或者 forgotten. Right? And we're a family~
Families fight. Families fall apart. We went through this once... remember? But we can fix it, just like we did before.
continue reading...
added by Alex13126
added by Alex13126
added by WritingPaper
Source: ~Gotta 爱情 Us Teens~
added by Alex13126
Source: Meee
added by spongeekat
I, personally, am GLaD all these characters are gone, so I made a video about it. :) Song: Gives 你 Hell- All American Rejects Mary-Sues- Randi, Nathan, Sadie, Mike, Ray, Jen Others- Anna, Alex, Evan (I didn't bother coloring the eyes.)
posted by Alex13126
 Virgo, my Zodiac Sign
Virgo, my Zodiac Sign
Aries - The Ram
March 21 – April 19
Aries people are creative, adaptive, and insightful. They can also be strong-willed and spontaneous (sometimes to a fault). Aries people can be driven and are very ambitious often making them over-achievers in anything they set their mind to tackle. Aries are 火, 消防 signs, and so too is their personality. They may be quick to anger, but don’t take it personally, it’s just their fiery, passionate personalities 展示 through. Aries signs have excellent sense of humor, and they get along with almost everyone at the party (and they DO know how to party)....
continue reading...