I Am Number Four Movie Club
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posted by wahidullah
hi my name is wahidullah from afghanistan i am very huge fun of hollywood 电影院 and i am a collector of good 电影院 when i saw ( i am number four ) i just become a fun it is an amazing movie the story the actors the direction . i liked very very much the 表演 of (Alex pettyfir) he is an exellent actor he is perfect in every way spicialy he got very good voice . and other actors tersa palmer is also very beutifull and sexy hot and so the others in my opinion the movie should have lots of sequals like the amazing (xmen) 电影院 and the main actor should be alex and he should find lots of 更多 powers and number four and six and other number guys should become a team the sequals must release fast a very short gap between them . thank 你 for making such a nice movies