Hugh & Lisa Club
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I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I hope 你 all remember this story and that 你 still want to read it and enjoy it!

Italics = Flashback 或者 Lisa's thoughts.

Lisa woke up early the 下一个 morning. She opened her eyes and found out she was in a hospital.Why am I here? What happened? She looked at her arms and legs and saw the casts around them. Then she saw a man sleeping in a big chair 下一个 to her. She looked at him curiously. Who is that guy? Why is he sitting here with me? Should I know him? She tried to take a closer look at him. He is pretty cute. Should I wake him up? He wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me right? She wanted to softly poke him, but she found she couldn’t 移动 her arms all the way over to him, the casts were too heavy and because of the broken ribs she couldn’t really turn her upper body. She then tried coughing, but it didn’t wake him up and it hurt. ‘Mister? Wake up, please? Time to get out of … the chair!’, she 说 not to loud, she didn’t want to scare him. Hugh slowly woke up and saw Lisa staring curiously at him. ‘Lisa! You’re awake!’, he 说 happily. She frowned at him. Why is he so happy that I’m awake? I don’t even know the guy! ‘Yes, I am awake… Who are you?’, she asked. Hugh’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open, ‘You… 你 don’t remember me?’, he asked sadness instantly visible in his eyes. ‘Should I remember you? I’ve never seen 你 before…’, she 说 sincere. Hugh didn’t know what to do, he pushed the emergency button and hoped a doctor could come and help them.

A nurse came rushing into the hospital room. ‘Something wrong?’, she asked. ‘She’s awake… and she doesn’t remember me.’, Hugh said. The nurse nodded, ‘I’ll get her doctor to visit 你 as soon as possible.’ Lisa watched Hugh and the nurse curiously. Who are these people? Why am I here? Which hospital am I in 由 the way? The nurse went away and Lisa looked curiously at Hugh again. ‘So who are you?’, she asked again. Hugh sighed, ‘I’m Hugh Laurie, I’m your… We are good friends.’ ‘Hugh Laurie…Doesn’t ring a bell, sorry…’, she blushed. He pulled his chair closer to the bed. ‘It’s okay, it’s not your fault.’, he 说 and looked up into her eyes. Wow! How can I not remember those eyes? What happened? ‘Hugh…? What happened to me? Why am I here in a hospital?’, she asked. ‘You, 你 had an accident… ‘, Hugh 说 but was interrupted 由 Lisa’s doctor coming into the room. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Lau, good morning.’, he 说 with a smile on his face and then turned to look at Lisa. Mrs. Lau? Hugh is my husband? When did I get married?! He is cute, but isn’t he a little old for me? ‘I ran into the nurse and she told me 你 were awake! How are we feeling today?’, he asked. ‘She doesn’t remember me…’, Hugh said. The doctor looked at Lisa, ‘Is that true?’. Lisa sighed, ‘I’m sorry, I just have no idea who he is. I feel like I just met him.’ The doctor scanned Lisa in a way that Hugh found kind of creepy. ‘I want to exam you, Mrs. Lau. I think it would be best if your husband stays in the waiting room with the rest of your family.’, he said. ‘My family is here?’, she asked. ‘Yes, your parents are currently sitting in the waiting room.’, the doctor answered. Hugh stood up and brushed a hand trough his hair, ‘I guess I’ll go waiting with them then…’ Somehow Lisa didn’t want Hugh to leave, she felt a certain connection with him even if she didn’t remember him at all. ‘Hugh?’, she asked. Hugh turned to look at her. ‘I-I’m sorry I don’t remember you… 你 are coming back later right?’, she asked afraid that he would leave. ‘Don’t worry Leese, I’m not going anywhere.’, he gave her a small smile which she returned with a bright one.

Outside of room 451 were Lisa’s parents, Alvin and Bonnie, waiting, Jennifer and Katie were also there. They all rose from their seats when they saw Hugh coming out of Lisa’s room. ‘How is she?’, Lisa’s mother asked worried. Hugh sighed, ‘She’s awake. She has lots of broken bones, but they say she’s going to fully recover from that, so I’m not worried there. It’s just that… she hit her head pretty bad and she… she doesn’t remember me 或者 the accident…’ Everyone stared at him. ‘The doctor, he-he’s now examining her, I guess we will hear 更多 soon.’ Lisa’s parents nodded. ‘Thank 你 for staying with her this night Hugh, that was really nice of you.’, Alvin said. ‘I couldn’t leave her here. I need to be here for her.’, Hugh replied, his voice breaking. Lisa’s mother instantly hugged Hugh, ‘Thank you, she’s always telling us how good of a friend 你 are.’ They all went to sit down and talked a little about trivialities, trying to make time go faster so they would get to hear how Lisa was and visit her.

‘So Mrs. Lau, let’s see how 你 are really doing.’, the doctor said. Lisa nodded. ‘Do 你 feel any pain?’, he asked. ‘No, not really, just when I try to turn then I feel my ribs.’, she answered, ‘Do 你 know what happened to me? What kind of accident was I in?’ ‘I think 你 should ask your husband that. He was with 你 when 你 had the accident.’, he said, ‘I’m going to ask 你 some 问题 now to see how severe your concussion is.’ Lisa nodded slowly. ‘What is your name?’, he asked. ‘Lisa Edelstein and apparently Lau.’, she said. Hadn’t Hugh 说 his last name was LauRIE? Why does the doctor keep calling me Mrs. Lau? The doctor nodded, ‘Do 你 know what 日 it is?’ She had no idea and shook her head. ‘What month? 年 maybe?’ Lisa was deep in thought for a few seconds, ‘I believe it’s 2002, summer I think… They just got the Euro in 欧洲 and I just celebrated my 36th birthday in may.’ The doctor shook his head, ‘I’m afraid that isn’t right.’ ‘So how wrong am I then?’, she asked. ‘Just about 7 years…’ Lisa’s eyes widened. 7 years?! 7 years that I don’t remember? How the hell did this happen?

David had 给 them the 日 off, but they decided they would all meet at Roberts place. Peter, Olivia, David, Omar, Jesse and Robert sat in Roberts living room. Robert and Olivia told them about Lisa’s condition last night when they went to the hospital. They all exchanged some small talk although no one was really in the mood for it. They wanted to do something for Lisa and also for Hugh, but none of them knew what…

When the doctor came out of Lisa’s room Hugh walked to him immediately. ‘Is she okay?’, he asked. ‘Well, she has amnesia, memory loss for those who don’t know what that is. She thinks it is 2002, that would be why she doesn’t remember you.’, the doctor answered. ‘2002? She doesn’t remember the past 7 years? How is that possible?’, Hugh asked. ‘She has a severe concussion, but the amnesia is too severe for that. It is probably from the brain swelling I talked about earlier.’, the doctor replied. ‘Is she going to get her memory back?’, Hugh asked really worried now. ‘Most of it, but I don’t think she’ll remember everything. And it will take a while, possibly weeks to months before she remembers.’, the doctor explained. Hugh sighed, ‘Can we see her?’ ‘Of course, I just have to warn you. 你 cannot tell her major things that happened in the past 7 years. She has to remember on her own otherwise it might shock her too much and she will repress other memories.’, the doctor said. They all nodded.

Hugh, Lisa’s parents, Katie and Jennifer walked into Lisa’s room. Lisa’s eyes lightened up when she saw Hugh and her parents. ‘Hey mom, dad!’, she 说 happy. ‘Hey honey. How are you?’, Bonie asked her daughter. ‘Well, I just found out I don’t remember the past 7 years and I seem to have a lot of 识骨寻踪 broken, but besides that I’m great.’, she 说 not wanting to let her mother worry too much about her. She then looked at Katie and Jennifer. Should I know these people? They probably know me, they look really concerned. ‘I’m sorry, who are you?’, she asked them. ‘That are Katie and Jennifer, they’re your friends, just like me.’, Hugh said. Lisa looked at him suspiciously. I thought I was married to him? Doesn’t anybody know that? They all chatted for a while and Lisa realized that her parents had indeed no idea she and Hugh were married. Katie and Jennifer were very nice, she liked them already. After a while Lisa got tired and the nurse asked her visitors to leave.

Katie and Jennifer had brought Lisa’s parents to an hotel so Hugh and Lisa were alone again. ‘You could have told me we are married!’, she 说 immediately, ‘And why don’t my parents know that? I would think I would want them to be at our wedding!’ ‘Honey, it’s okay… it I don’t know how much I can tell 你 without shocking your memory.’, Hugh 说 apologizing. ‘You could tell me at least something! How long are we married? How did we meet? Maybe some memory in which we had fun together? Please Hugh, I need something.’, tears were welling up in her eyes. ‘I feel like I missed out on 7 years. I-I don’t know what kind of person I am right now, I don’t know my job 或者 if I even have one, I don’t know who my 老友记 are, I don’t even know my husband… I’m scared.’ Hugh took her good hand in his and kissed it softly . ‘You are an amazing woman, 你 are smart, funny, sexy and extremely sweet, the way you’ve always been. And I guess, I could tell 你 a little story about when we were just very good friends.’, he smiled. She smiled at him. He’s really sweet, where did I find him? Did I succeed after all? Have I finally found 爱情 with one of the good guys?

They had just finished shooting the fifth season when David told him he was throwing a party for the whole cast because they had been so amazing over the past years. The party would be 更多 of a small vacation as they would all go to some fancy hotel close at the 海滩 for a long weekend, which meant Friday night till probably Tuesday. The hotel was in a small village 3 hours south from LA. David had organized a bus to take them there. It would leave at 2pm on Friday at the studio…

It was about 1pm when Lisa called Hugh, ‘Hey Lisa!’ he said. ‘Hey! 你 finished packing yet?’, she asked. ‘No, I don’t really know what to take with…’, he replied shyly. ‘That’s not true, 你 pack all the time with going back and forth between LA and London... Is something wrong?’, she asked concerned. ‘No, it’s just that I don’t really know if I want to go. I’m not really good at parties.’, he replied. ‘It will be fine. Just try to relax a little. It will be fun, hanging out with friend for a weekend, not stressing about work.’, she tried to reassure him. ‘I-..’, he 说 but Lisa interrupted him. ‘Don’t worry so much. 你 know what I’m coming over to help you. I’m finished anyway.’ She hung up on him, put her things in the car and drove to his house.

‘Hey…’, he 说 and hugged her instantly. She smiled, ‘Please tell me 你 have at least one thing in your suitcase yet, because we only have about 30 分钟 till that bus leaves and it’s at least 15 from here to the studio.’ Hugh blushed, he hadn’t done anything yet. The whole 日 he had been thinking about going 或者 rather not going to the party. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with his friends, he had just hoped that he could spend some time alone with Lisa before he had to get back to London. Preferably alone with Lisa far away from his colleagues and friends. After their little 草莓 yogurt game she was all he could think about.

At 1:50pm Hugh called David, ‘Hey David, it’s me. I’m sorry but I don’t think I’m going to be ready in time to catch the bus. Something has come up so…’ ‘Should we wait on you? We can wait for a few minutes…’, David replied, ‘Lisa isn’t here yet either.’ ‘No, it’s fine… 你 guys just go without me. I’m going with my own car and I’ll take Lisa with me. We just called, she hasn’t finished packing yet.’, Hugh smirked, all he 说 was true, he just left out that it was his stuff Lisa was packing now. ‘Okay, then we’ll see 你 guys there I guess! Bye!’, David replied. ‘See 你 later.’, Hugh replied and closed his phone.

He walked into his bedroom where Lisa was frantically filling his suitcase. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. ‘Hugh, I’m busy…’, she 说 with fake annoyance. ‘I know’, he 说 and pulled her a little closer. His grip was too strong, she stopped fighting him and turned around so they were facing each other. She put her hands on his chest. ‘You’re really difficult sometimes 你 know.’, she grinned. He kissed her lips, it was something they did very often nowadays. They called it friendly kisses, but they both knew they were 更多 than ‘just friends’. ‘I called David, told him we’re going to the hotel 由 ourselves. So we have a little 更多 time now…’ Lisa smiled and this time she was the one to give him one of their friendly kisses.

At 4pm they finally left his house. They decided to take her car as leaving it at his house would make the press suspicious. It was supposed to be a 3 小时 ride to the hotel, but traffic was really bad so it took a whole lot longer. At 9pm they were still about an 小时 away from the hotel, at least that’s what they thought. They had taken a few ‘short-cuts’, but now they didn’t really know where they were. ‘Hugh? Do 你 have any idea where we are?’, she asked. ‘I-I actually have no idea…’, he replied. ‘We’re almost out of gas and I’m getting tired..’, she mumbled. About ten 分钟 later they drove into a small village, not the one they were supposed to get to, but at least they could ask where they were. They stopped at what 说 on the outside that it was an hotel and walked into it.

‘Hi, we are…’, Hugh started. ‘I know who 你 are! 你 are Hugh Laurie and Lisa…ehm..’, the receptionist squealed. ‘Edelstein’, Lisa finished. ‘Yes! How can I help you?’, she asked. Hugh blushed, ‘We are kind of 迷失 actually and the car is almost out of gas.’ ‘O dear, that’s bad! Where do 你 have to go?’, she asked. Lisa handed a map to the woman and pointed at the hotel they were supposed to go. ‘I know that hotel, it’s about an 小时 and a half away from here. It’s not so many miles, the roads are just very bad.’, the receptionist 说 and started to draw the route on the map, she also gave circled the nearest gas station. Hugh and Lisa thanked the receptionist and walked back to the car. They both sat in their seats, but Lisa didn’t start the car. ‘You okay?’, he asked. ‘I’m really tired and hungry. I haven’t eaten in like twelve hours.’, she replied. ‘Why didn’t 你 tell me?’, he asked, ‘I can drive if 你 want. Do 你 want to go to a restaurant?’ ‘I…’, she started but he interrupted her. ‘You know what, let’s just stay here. They probably have some rooms free and I think we can find something like dinner, we’ll give David a call and tell him we’re coming to the party tomorrow.’, he said. Lisa sighed, ‘You don’t mind?’ He smirked, ‘Not at all.’

They checked into the hotel but found there was only one room left. The room was very small, which meant it was just big enough to squeeze one double 床, 床上 into it. There was also a small bathroom with a toilet and a shower. The hotel didn’t have a restaurant but there was a little 商店 down the 街, 街道 that was still open. Hugh went to get them some 食物 while Lisa took a shower.

When he came back Lisa was lying on the bed, her eyes closed listening to her Ipod. Hugh put the bag with the 食物 down, pulled his shoes of and climbed onto the bed. He stroke trough her hair and she opened her eyes. ‘You’re back…’, she 说 sleepy. ‘Yes and I’ve got 你 some food.’, he smiled. She was dressed in a 粉, 粉色 nightgown, which looked like a summer dress. It was light 粉, 粉色 with white 花边 edges. It was short, barely covering her hips, and really low cut as the only thing covering her breasts were small triangles of fabric. She looked amazing.

Hugh grabbed the bag and gave it to Lisa. In it were some sandwiches, 橙子, 橙色 juice, lots of chocolate, strawberries, whip cream and a small beaker of 草莓 yoghurt. Lisa smiled, ‘What do 你 think we’re going to do tonight?’, she asked playfully. Hugh blushed, ‘I-I just thought 你 liked 浓情巧克力 and you’re a vegetarian and I didn’t know what 你 would want to eat and I knew 你 liked these things and…’ She cut him off 由 接吻 his lips lightly. ‘It’s okay Hugh, I was just kidding.’ Hugh’s face turned 更多 red, ‘I knew that…’

She got all the 食物 out of the bag and put it on the very small nightstand. They both ate some sandwiches and drunk 橙子, 橙色 果汁 in silence as they were very hungry. After they were both full Hugh went to take a shower. Lisa stared at the rest of the 食物 on the nightstand, there was even 浓情巧克力 sauce, she started to eat a 浓情巧克力 bar.

Hugh came out of the bathroom after 15 分钟 only dressed in sweatpants. Lisa dropped her 浓情巧克力 bar and stared at his masculine chest. He laid down 下一个 to her, which was hard as the 床, 床上 was a little small for both of them. They both turned to lay on their sides facing each other. He started to stroke her up and down her back as they talked a little. She snuggled closer to him and played with his chest hair. ‘Hugh?’, she asked worry suddenly audible in her voice. ‘Yes?’, he replied. ‘What is this? This thing between us? What are we?’, she asked. Hugh didn’t know how to answer. ‘We’re colleagues, friends… very good friends…’, he 说 while twirling her hair around his fingers. It was really soft and it smelled so nice. Lisa smiled, ‘Friends?’ Hugh kissed her on the lips yet again, ‘Friends’. They both smiled brightly at each other.

‘Do 你 want some yoghurt?’, he asked playfully. ‘I’d prefer strawberries… and 浓情巧克力 sauce’, she grinned. She picked the box of strawberries of the nightstand and gave them to Hugh. Then she picked the 浓情巧克力 sauce up and opened it. ‘Too bad we don’t have plates…’, she 说 while she put some of the sauce on Hugh’s chest. ‘Yeah, too bad…’, Hugh replied while she licked the 浓情巧克力 of him. He then handed her a 草莓 which she ate very quickly. They repeated it a few times before Lisa climbed on 最佳, 返回页首 of him so she could straddle his hips. She licked the 浓情巧克力 of his chest but when he handed her another 草莓 she told him to eat it instead. He understood, ate the 草莓 and pulled her closer and closer to him.

Their eyes fluttered shut when their mouths crashed down on each other as their tongues immediately started their own battle. The mix of strawberries, 浓情巧克力 and each other was too much, too good. He didn’t want it to ever stop. Their hands were groping all over each other. They needed this so much. Their tongues kept playing until the need for oxygen was too big. They opened their eyes and stared at each other. Hugh brushed trough her hair. ‘Just 老友记 right?’, she asked. Hugh blushed, ‘I’m really hungry for some whip cream now.’ Lisa smiled and handed the whip cream to him. He pulled Lisa’s nightgown up so he could put the whip cream on her bare belly. He also added some 浓情巧克力 sauce. Soon Hugh was on 最佳, 返回页首 of her, her legs wrapped around his waist and their tongues playing again. They tried to reassure each other they were just friends, but the words didn’t mean anything anymore. They made out till deep into the night. It took all of their self control to not rip the remaining clothes of each other and have each other completely, but they made it. They didn’t want to 交叉, 十字架 that line yet. Not when he had to go away so soon.

The 下一个 morning they left the hotel to go to David’s party. They had separate rooms there and people were constantly around them. But when everybody went to 床, 床上 they went to see each other. They talked, cuddled and kissed. It had been an amazing long weekend.

由 the end of his story she was fast asleep. He smiled at her, she was beautiful even with 2 broken arms, 2 broken legs, 2 broken ribs, lots of bruises and wounds. Her eyes had sparkled and a soft smile was still displayed on her face. He did 爱情 this woman, he just didn’t know how to not jerk her memory and telling her they weren’t married. Maybe he shouldn’t tell her, maybe he should just go with it until she was at least a little bit better. Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing that had happened to them…

Please rate & review!
added by Edithuddy
Source: Aledith, me =)
added by huddyislove
Source: me and 谷歌 图片 XD
added by lovehousemd_frv
Source: me;)
added by huddyislove
Source: me <3 (:C
added by huddyislove
Source: doditu @ lj :)))
added by LisaLover
Source: me / cuddys-heart @lj
added by huddysmacked
Source: mlo1114@LJ
Hi Everybody, this is my first Huli fic. I usually just write for fun & never really put anything out there for other people to read. But I thought why not give it a shot & see what people think. This is probably not any good & way off. Hopefully I will get better at this. Please let me know what 你 guys think. Thank You!

Hugh just got 首页 from shooting the last scene of episode 2. He thought after the sex scene in the first episode he was in the clear, boy was he wrong. He doesn’t even know how he made it through rehearsals...
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posted by Noeloe
Thank 你 for your sweet reviews!


Chapter 17

‘Ahh! There are our drinks! What took 你 so long man?’, Omar asked. ‘I got a call.’, Hugh answered and gave him a faint smile. ‘Ooh, I get it, I get it. Hope 你 don’t mind we already started the game’, Omar nodded and laughed. Hugh shook his head no. ‘Well here’s to the 3 B’s guys!’, Omar said. ‘Beer, babes and bowling!’, Jesse replied. ‘Cheers.’, Hugh 说 and quickly took a sip of his beer. ‘Strike!’, Robert yelled and proudly walked back to the table. ‘Did 你 see that guys?! I just made a strike! Me!...
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posted by Noeloe
Ooo, you're so nice to me! So as promised, the 秒 part of chapter 14!

It's SUPER CHEESY, so be warned:P

Chapter 14 B

She was standing at the side of the Lake looking at her watch, it was 10.28 pm. She almost hadn’t made it because David wanted to talk to her about a few changes in a scene which they are going to shoot tomorrow. Luckily she had gotten away in time. She had quickly changed into the sweater Hugh had 给 her earlier that evening and smiled as it fitted perfectly. She looked up at the Lake, but couldn’t really see anything as it had gotten too dark. At exactly 10.30 she...
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posted by Noeloe
Thanks for the reviews! This one is going to be a girls chap again!

Chapter 7: Differential Diagnosis

‘I guess 你 just have to pick the right guy for that.’, Lisa teased. ‘I guess so, but I don’t know how to do that exactly, 你 mind telling us a little bit 更多 about your perfect guy?’, Olivia teased back. Lisa blushed. ‘O come on! It’s just us! We already know he works on House! Do 你 really want us to make a 列表 of all the possibilities and start crossing them off?’, Jennifer asked. Lisa smiled, ‘That would be fun. I’d like to know what 你 think I think is the perfect...
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嘿 gals! Thanks for the reviews! They really make me want to write more!:D About this chapter, I didn't intent to write this as I thought I had the story all thought out from the beginning, but somehow I typed the words;) I hope 你 enjoy!

Hugh had told the director that Lisa wouldn’t be able to shoot all 日 and had then driven her home. He promised her he would come 由 after work and bring some 食物 if she promised him she would at least try to sleep a little…

Lisa woke up when she heard something tapping her window. She quickly sat up and turned around in the hope to see Hugh standing...
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Loved 你 reviews!Thank you!^^ I won't tell 你 who the father is yet, although there might be some clues as to who it is not... Enjoy!

‘I think 你 should buy a test first, 你 know to be 100% sure and then…’, Hugh was telling Lisa, who was currently puking in yet another trashcan. A new wave of nausea had hit her soon after she realized she was most likely pregnant. ‘You know, 你 sound way to happy for someone talking to a woman who’s puking her guts out.’, Lisa said. Hugh blushed, ‘I’m sorry...’, he immediately started to rub Lisa’s back like he did before. After she...
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Hello guys!! Yeah, I sneaked again! Didn't want 你 to wait :)))))
Anyway, here's the last chapter to my Huli fanfic, hope 你 like it and thanks for reading! :DDDDD

And they held each other for a while. None of them wanting that moment to go away. None of them wanting to face the truth, the truth that they can never be together.
So Lisa started crying again. Hugh couldn’t put up with her being broken. He was broken too. He didn’t know what to do, but he thought he had something to ask.
“Would it be…” he started unsure of his idea “Would it be selfish of me to ask for 你 to wait...
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Ok, ok, I know I'm evil, but I can't be too evil if I give 你 this chapter just 12 hours after I gave 你 the 前一个 one, can I? xDDD
Ok, so... little 更多 Katie today, cause I know how much 你 爱情 her. :DDDDD Stay tuned for 更多 :DDDDD, uh a teaser maybe? You'll see (:C

It was two weeks since Lisa got that necklace.
She didn’t know if what she did after getting it was right, but nobody but David knew of it, so it was all good. At least for now. She knew it was going to get out in public really soon. And he was about to find out about this really really soon. She snapped out of her thoughts...
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Seriously, I'm gonna spoil 你 XDDDD, but oh well... I've been really bad to you, so lets push it a little faster, shall we. :DDDDDD
Can't wait to hit chapter 20!! Stay tuned and you'll see why (:C

The night before:
His voicemail was full for a week now. He decided he would listen to all the messages and return some. He hoped he wasn’t too late for some of them. But what Hugh didn’t know was about to hit him hard.
It hit him so hard, it made Hugh act radically. And what was 更多 radical than proving your mistress 你 loved her.
In the morning:
Hugh was thinking about Lisa, just like many times...
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Ok, so here is the chapter 13. 你 know how they say 13 can be both lucky and unlucky? Well.... You're gonna find out in a 分钟 if it is a lucky number when it comes to my fanfic (:C

They didn’t even get to do the interview. Why? Because Lisa fainted a few 分钟 before camera was on. The first thing she remembered after hitting the red carpet, literally, was waking up in a hospital bed. She opened her eyes and saw Hugh standing at the other side of her bed. His eyes were puffy as if he was crying.
“Hey” she 说 quietly, a little bit ashamed of what happened on the red carpet.
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Ok guys, this is it! :DDDD So first I wanna thank 你 for your awesome reviews! I'm posting the 5th chapter :))) I wrote a few during the weekend so be sure you'll have a chapter almost everyday no matter how much tests in school I have xDDD. This one chapter was a little hard for me to write, because I was afraid I would lose some of their character essentials, so tell me if 你 think I got it right. :) Oh, and this isn't one of those fics where Hugh just divorce and get with Lisa and they have a baby and live happily ever after. Those fics are pretty much unrealistic xDD and as much as I...
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So, I came back 首页 yesterday at about 1-30 am and I was so excited to get on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 and share with 你 some of my pics.And what do I get? My internet is not working! I was so pissed but I couldn't sleep so I chose to be creative. And I poured another 3 chapters. Here's the chapter 4. I know you're not gonna be satisfied with it, but don't get to harsh with me, ok? :)

Hugh was already prepared for the 下一个 scene. Well, actually, he was prepared only partially, the make up, the wardrobe; everything was how it should be. But the part that he wasn’t prepared for was what was about to come...
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