Huddy Club
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posted by huddycat69
New chapter ! Ready to go ? Buckle up !

When Cuddy arrives at the hospital today, she feels uneasy and tense. She has the impression that everybody looks at her. Relax, Lisa, it’s just your imagination, how can they know for 你 and James ? 你 really need some days off. She goes to her office. There, she can try to relax and takes a little time to think about last weekend. But she has a lot of work to do, and certain tasks are urgent. She works since an 小时 maybe, when someone knocks at the door and enters her office. It’s Wilson. What a relief ! She was afraid it could be House. She’s not ready yet to face him.
-Wilson !, she says, I’m glad to see you. And she smiles. Wilson melts, this woman is driving him crazy.
-Hey, Lischen ! We need to talk about …. us. How do 你 think we have to behave here at the hospital ?, he asks and sits down in the chair in front of her.
-Well, I don’t know.I think that everybody knows that I broke up with House and that he’s now married to Domenica. But I wonder if to announce our relation is a good idea. What do 你 think of it ?
-I think it will be good to hide it for a while, I don’t really know how House will react, and he’s at the moment kinda nervous and upset, so…, Wilson 回复 without leaving her eyes.
-I agree with you, we’ll wait a few days 或者 a few weeks before we make our relation public.
-Just a few days because I’m gonna miss 你 the whole days, Wilson adds with a smile, I hope we can have lunch together at least, and maybe I can come to your office 或者 你 can come to mine and…
-Stop, Wilson ! Ok for the lunch, but no sex at the hospital ! And as she ends her sentence, the door opens brutally. House comes in and stops when he sees Wilson. He stares at him, wondering why his friend is here and what they were talking about as he came in.
-Hey, I need your authorization for a risky treatment, he says without leaving Wilson’s eyes. He tries to see a shade of embarrassment in Wilson’s eyes, a sign of his betrayal, but Wilson turns away and looks at the floor. Really weird, House thinks, they hide something, I can feel how uneasy they are. And this thought makes him angry, angry at himself because of this stupid wedding – of course he really thought that Cuddy will have stopped him, he just wanted to hurt her as much as she hurt him- and angry at Wilson and Cuddy to plot something in his back, probably something against him.
-What kind of risky treatment ?, Cuddy asks without looking at House, she keeps her eyes riveted on papers in front of her.
-I want to open the brain of my patient to 搜索 a tumor. He has already 给 his agreement, I just need yours.
Cuddy takes a quick look at the patient file and gives House her agreement. She hopes that House will go now, so she can be alone with Wilson. But House seems not to want to leave, he observes alternately Wilson, then Cuddy.
-Do 你 need anything else ?, Cuddy asks him. I’ve got a lot of work, so if 你 could leave, I could work.
-You and Wilson are plotting something, but I’ll find it out !, House says and leaves her office.
Wilson stares at Cuddy, but doesn’t say anything. She looks at him, she seems tired.
-We do like we said, we keep our relation secret for a while. Are 你 ok with this ?, she finally asks him, and a little smile illuminates her face.
-Yeah, that’s the best solution, he 回复 with a smile. He stands up and comes near Cuddy to give her a soft kiss. She gives him a lovely gaze and sends him out of her office .
-Go to work, James !
-Alright, but I will miss 你 !
Cuddy follows him with the eyes, what a charming gentleman ! He’s so nice. Her phone rings and gets her out her thoughts. She picks it up and is amazed as she hears House on the phone.
-Cuddy, we have to talk, I know I behaved like a teenager, but I need to talk to you.
-Cuddy, are 你 listening to me ?
-Yeah, I … , House, I don’t wanna talk to 你 yet, I can’t, she almost shouts, I’m too heartbroken, too hurt, give me some 更多 time. And then maybe we can talk calmly about the situation, she says in a breath.
-Cuddy ! I 爱情 你 !, he 回复 desperate. I need you, only 你 can make me happy and a better person ! You’re the only one in my life, you’re mine !
-House ! Stop it please. I 爱情 你 too, but I need time to think things over. I dumped 你 for a good reason, I didn’t take this hard decision all of a sudden. And 由 the way, you’re married now, why don’t 你 talk with your … wife, she says with a 苦 taste in the mouth. It should have been her on House’s sides on Friday evening, not this girl !
-Cuddy, I know I hurt you, but 你 broke my 心 ! And that’s the only way I know to behave when I suffer, and 你 know me so well ! Cuddy, please, I need you.
-House, give us time. And she hangs up.
She feels very bad, very sad. What a mess-up ! She really needs to clarify her mind. She still loves House, and she’ll probably 爱情 him for the rest of her life, but to be with him, that’s another thing. He’s too immature on certain points. She needs a man on whom she can count all the time, a man who takes care of her, a man who’ll be there when she needs him. That’s Wilson. She really likes Wilson, and maybe with time he can be the man she’ll live with. But she knows, that House will always be in her heart, and she doesn’t know if Wilson can deal with that in the time.


House feels bad, sad and angry. He goes in the room where his team is working on the case of the week.
-Any new symptoms ? Any reactions to our treatment ?, he asks.
-Nope, not yet at least, Chase answers. We’re waiting for the results of the brain surgery.
-Well ! Does any of 你 know something about what Cuddy and Wilson are plotting ?
They all look at him surprised and finally Taud asks :
-Why do 你 think that they’re plotting something ?
-Well, I went yesterday to Wilson and he was still in bed, he told me that he was with a woman he met in a bar, but he was in a hurry to see me leaving, I found it weird, House replies.
-Well, I understand Wilson, if he was with a woman in 床, 床上 and 你 came and disturb his… sexparty, then he was right to want 你 to leave ! Don’t 你 believe it ?, says Chase with a smirk.
-Yeah, maybe… but he didn’t want to tell me her name, he just 说 that I don’t know her, but I’m sure he was lying.
-And I suppose that 你 think that maybe Wilson and Cuddy were…, adds Taub slowly.
-No, Taub, you’re kidding ! That’s impossible ! Wilson is House’s best friend and Cuddy… well, Cuddy was his girlfriend 2 weeks ago, they wouldn’t do that !, Foreman exclaims.
-You’re probably right, says Taub, that would be miss tact.
-Why do 你 think that Cuddy and Wilson could be together, asks House suddenly interested.
-Forget it, that was a stupid thought, I’m sorry, 回复 Taub embarrassed.
House looks at him, but Taub doesn’t say anything.


Wilson comes into Cuddy’s office to take her for the lunch.
-Are 你 ready ? Can we go to eat something in the cafeteria ?
-Yeah, I’m coming.
They go together to the cafeteria, but none of them remarks House who observes them.
House tries to find something in their behavior that would 确认 his idea. But they’re very cautious. Maybe is Wilson a bit too close to Cuddy, he cares a little too much, and House thinks of having caught a glimpse of … of 爱情 ??!! in Wilson’s eyes ! House is completely annihilated 由 this, no, he must have imagined it, it’s impossible, his friend won’t betray him, most of all in these hard times. But what if this is true ? He must find some proof of a possible relation between Wilson and Cuddy. A small smile appears on his lips : He’s going to organize a close surveillance, but for it he’s going to have to involve his team, excepted Marta. He bleepers his team and explains them his plan. Foreman and Chase seem to find the idea funny, Taub is at first reluctant, then he gets convinced.

When Cuddy comes to her office, she feels the eyes of someone on her back. She turns around but sees nothing abnormal. But the feeling doesn’t quit her. She calls Wilson to ask him if he noticed something weird in the behavior of his colleagues.
-Well, I didn’t notice anything, but I’ve got the impression that someone observes me, he says. And what about 你 ? Do 你 feel the same ?
-Yeah, that’s why I call you. I’m sure that’s a House’s plot. We have to be carefull, James.
-Yes, we’ll be. … I’d really want to be at 首页 with you, Lisa. And he hangs up.
Me too, James, thinks Lisa. She feels annoyed with House’s behavior, why does he always act like a teenager ? Suddenly the door opens and Chase comes in.
-Chase ? Is there a problem with House ? What has he still invented to make me the life even 更多 difficult ?, she asks with a sigh.
-Nothing, everything’s ok, Chase replies.
-So, why are 你 here ?, she asks with a bad feeling.
-Oh, I just wanna see if you’re fine.
-You just wanna see if I’m fine ?, she asks totally amazed. What the hell are 你 telling me ?!
-Don’t get me wrong, after Friday evening, I thought 你 were very bad and I just wanted to help 你 to feel better.
-I’m fine, thanks, so go to work now !
-Ok, but …. If 你 need someone to talk to… I’m here.
-Go out !, she says 由 containing with difficulty her anger.
-Do 你 want to have 晚餐 with me this evening?, he asks with a smile.
-Doctor Chase ! I’m your boss ! Did 你 forget it ?, 回复 Cuddy stunned.
-No. I just thought we could learn to know each other better, and …
-And ?, she asks and rolls her eyes.
-And …, well 你 see what I mean, he continues embarrassed.
-Doctor Chase, am I dreaming 或者 are 你 trying to pick me up ?, she says and smiles, thinking that’s another House’s trick to make her …. Angry ? To put her in an uneasy position ?
-No, no, well … maybe… 你 know you’re stunning and … I like beautiful women, so … If 你 change your mind, 你 know where I am.
-Go out !
Chase goes then to Wilson’s office. Wilson will be maybe 更多 willing to speak with him.
-Hey, Doctor Wilson ! May I talk to 你 ?
-Chase. I’m very busy, can’t 你 come later ?, Wilson asks apparently annoyed.
-Sure, I can, 回复 Chase, but it takes just a few minutes…, he adds and stands in front of Wilson’s desk.
Wilson gets down to work, but Chase doesn’t 移动 and waits. Wilson holds his head, irritated and says :
-Doctor Chase, what do 你 want ?
-I just wanna know if 你 think that Cuddy would accept to have 晚餐 with me this evening ?, Chase asks and stares at Wilson to see how he’ll react to this.
-What ?, 回复 Wilson a little shocked. 你 wanna have 晚餐 with Cuddy tonight ? Wilson can’t believe what he’s just heard.
-Well, she must be quite depressed after House’s wedding, so I wonder if I…
-Stop it ! I don’t want to hear anything else ! Go out of my office !, Wilson says in an irritated voice and with some anger. And Chase isn’t sure of it, but it seems to him that Wilson reacts a little too much violently.
-Ok, I’m going.


In House’s differential room. So, what did 你 find out, tell me, House asks to his team.
-I think, there’s something weird with Cuddy, 回复 Chase. I talked to her and she was a little nervous.
-And do 你 know why ?
-No, she threw me outside before I manage to know why.
-What did 你 tell her ?, wants to know Foreman.
-I just ask her to have 晚餐 with me tonight, Chase replies.
-What ? 你 ask her out ??!! , Foreman and Taub exclaims. House stares at Chase and tries to figure out what Chase did.
-No, I just wanted to have 晚餐 with her, that’s it !, Chase says a little embarrassed because of House’s glance.
-And with Wilson ?, asks House with angry eyes. Did 你 ask him to have 晚餐 with 你 too ?
-No, Chase replies. Same thing, he seems to be on burning thistles.
-And what did 你 tell him ?, Taub asks with a smirk.
-Shut up !
-That would interesting me indeed, House says.
-Well, I just asked him if he thought that Cuddy would accept to have 晚餐 with me.
-Well done, House says. And how did he react ?
-A little too much violently, if 你 want my opinion.
House thinks a moment, then he turns to Foreman and Taub. Did 你 find anything in Wilson’s apartment ?
-No, we found nothing, 答案 Foreman.
-Except a woman’s perfume, but we’re not sure it’s Cuddy’s, because we never were close enough to Cuddy to smell her perfume, adds Taub.
-Was it a scent of lily ?
-Yes, how do you… know ?, asks Taub and understands what this means.
-I see, 答案 House with a strange glimpse in the eyes.
-But a lot of women have to wear a perfume with lily scent, 你 know, Foreman adds. That’s not a proof that Cuddy was with Wilson.
-I don’t believe in coincidences but … I want other proofs before to attack.


下一个 chapter is coming soon ! :)
Hello awesome huddies!!!
While waiting for the most wanted premier of House ever, and getting prepared of what we're about to watch, i found a chance to continue on with my story! So that's a Smutty part!!It's my 1st time i write smut so be kind with the comments! A special thnx to @sheis1963 for correcting my mistakes and enrich the story!! Thnx babe:)
Enjoy and let me know what 你 think!!

ps:One 更多 日 to Huddy sex!!!!!!!Yahooo!!!

2 months later...

Another regular 日 in New Jersey. House woke up to the sound of his pager.. He yawned turned around...
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I understand there is frustration directed at the Huddy fandom but we DO have legitimate reasons for not liking the Lucas arc and therefore some of us have been fairly vocal about it.
I don’t bash other ships but I will 问题 the current storyline and the writers if I feel it warrants it.

I also want to say that I’m only 写作 about my personal experience and opinions and don’t speak for other Huddy 粉丝 but I believe some feel similarly.
I do spend the majority of my time on the Huli spot because I felt it was safer to be a Huddy there when the Huddy spot was being bashed 由 Hamerons...
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Ok sorry this has taken so long but here it is, just in time too. Dont own anything...comment and rate please :) Hehe my authors notes have gotten smaller.
At that moment Lucas walked in.
I saw House turn sharply and his hands ball up into fists. Lucas came over and put his hand around my waist. It took all I had not to cringe away and leave his touch.

I looked into House's eyes he looked suprised that i was letting Lucas touch me.

"Honey lets get out of here."I heard his voice say. House was suddenly suprised.

"Honey? What's that about? 你 let him call 你 that?" House...
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"When was the last time 你 wholeheartedly made 爱情 to someone?"
House was taken off guard 由 the 问题 especially coming from his newest fellow, Dr. Kayla Blake.
"Are 你 trying to seduce me, Ms. Blake?" He asked in a mocking tone a-la the film, The Graduate.
Blake laughed and rolled her eyes.
"No. Never. I just realized today that I can't remember the last time I really made 爱情 to someone..."
"Oh, I know what this is about." He 说 with a grin as he poured out a vicodin pill and cut it in half.
He swallowed one half and put the other half in his pocket.
"Wilson, finally made a...
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posted by LisaLover
A/N thanks for all your comments!

Cuddy opened the door wider and saw her underwear hanging on his cane. She desperately tried to run to him and got them back, but House had already managed to drive away.

The 下一个 日 Cuddy came to work earlier, decided to wait for House at the reception near the clinic. He was late, as always, which didn’t surprise her at all. He walked past her, taking the files from the desk.

“Good morning Dr. House” she 说 trying to start the conversation in the polite way.

“Good morning Dr. Cuddy” he answered 阅读 the documents in his way to the elevator and...
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posted by Sculy08
A Happy Life: Chapter 5

13: I talked to Simon's parents and they 说 he was a healthy kid. They wanted to know why I needed the information. They didn't buy my story about needing it to put with Rachel's records. I had to tell them.

[House looks back towards Cuddy. House sighs and puts his hand to his brow and rubs.]

House: 你 can't make up one lie. How did Foreman ever believe 你 about going straight! They aren't coming here are they?
13: I don’t' know. I ah.. I'm sorry House.
House: Go to Cuddy's house and use the key under the 花 pot. I want 你 to 搜索 the House.

[a monitor starts...
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 "I always want to 吻乐队(Kiss) you,"
"I always want to kiss you,"
Well. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve published an article. I use my words carefully - o actually did write an 文章 for Saviors. I just haven’t published it. Yet. It’s on my mum’s Air so i can’t access it right now. This is because when i write an article, i really want to be happy with it. I also want to be bothered to write it ;) but mostly the happy thing. This is because every 文章 i have written since Teh Itch one has been graded 由 me against that, and since that was 4000 words of things that mostly hadn’t been pointed out before I was mostly to very happy with...
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Foreplay- sexual activity such as 接吻 and touching each other before having sex.
Banter- conversation that is not serious and it’s often playful.
Flirt- to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, often in a way that is not meant seriously.
Why was Cuddy searching these words in the dictionary? Her head spun when she read the last word.
These were the words people use to describe her relationship with House. Cuddy held her tears. So what did that meant? That House and her will never work out. That he wasn’t serious, he didn’t want anything with anybody. How could she be so dumb, how...
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(House looked at the X-Ray of Cuddy’s chest; which showed multiple lesions on one side of her left lung.)

Wilson: They 说 yes, she’s being prepped for surgery.

House: That’s what caused the cysts and the excess trauma.

Wilson: She’s going to be okay.

House: Yeah. She is.

(Wilson left, whilst House let out a sigh of relief and a small smile.)


(It was the end of the 下一个 day, when Houses went to see Cuddy in ICU. The nurses were taking the tube that helped her breathe out of her throat. When the left House entered and brought a 粪便, 凳子 from the side of the room and sat on it, waiting...
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*They were almost to the backdoor...moving slowly...then they heard Mark* Is Lisa with you????

*One of the men answered* no you?

You idiot! Now they're going to the cops...they couldn't have gotten that far espcially House ..lets go look for them.

*House backed up and crouched down. He motioned Cuddy to do the same. They hid under her 表 waiting for the men to leave.*

*Mark walked through the kitchen* When I find them theres going to be hell to pay.

*Abby was getting restless and started to cry*

*Mark turned around and saw them under the table* I was guys didn't get very far.....
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Chapter 11 - "The Lunch"


Cuddy came out of the bathroom feeling rather suspicious and intrigued. Now fully dressed, she was ready to face this odd, rare situation she was in. She made her way to the living room only to find House standing up, the Thai 食物 boxes on the 表 in front of the couch.

“You’re not staying?” – She asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“I 说 I was bringing 你 lunch, I didn’t mention staying.” – He answered, narrowing his eyes, trying to read her thoughts.

“The 食物 你 brought is fairly...
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Chapter 9 - "The Denial"


Trying to mentally erase the image she just saw, Cuddy closed her eyes as she tried to sit up.

House stepped aside to provide her some space.

“Had a nice night’s sleep?” – He asked, getting a 座位 on his couch.

Cuddy rolled her eyes:

“House, I’m not at my best mood. Don’t push it.” – She threatened – “And what’s this for?” – She asked, picking up the lollipop.

He stared at it.

“By the way I caught 你 off guard 由 opening the door; I assume 你 weren’t the one who rang the doorbell?” –...
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Ok after these 2 chapters I'll only post 更多 tomorrow...because although they're already written, I need to 编辑 some of them, make small changes, etc...and It's time for me to go and sleep and snore etc etc :P
I apreciate the comments, thanks, glad 你 guys like it so far =)


Chapter 5 - "The Dance"


“James?” – Asked Kelly, while they were dancing.


“Exactly how many times does a man stare to a woman’s chest?” – She asked.

“Whoa! What kind of 问题 is that?” – He...
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added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by LUCIE452
Source: me

Note: I haven't seen episode 6X10 yet, so my opinion is not based on what happened there...
And please forgive my spelling mistakes:)

At first, i was Ok with the the Luddy arc, I have no problem with Lucus... he doesn't bother me that much :P
And i thought ( and still think ) that jelous House is really fun to watch XD
BUT the only thing I'm worried abot is Cuddy..
I thought this realtionship would make her happy.. not to happy to want Lucus forever (Im a huge Huddy 粉丝 XD) but happy enoguth:) cuse this is sort of what she wanted, a realtionship...
This thing is, she is sad ! :O
She is wearing...
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(Cuddy's P. of view)

One step 前锋, 期待 and two steps back
just stuck in the same situation

You've seen me in the corners
a bystander in your world
at least that's what I thought

And when I saw 你 drowning
I found myself running to your rescue
unafraid and without a thought
without a doubt in mind

and it's been like this
for so long it's my burden
one I chose to willingly take

all because

You took my 心 and pulled me along
beside 你 we walked in pain
towards heaven's gates
through hell's waters
and I've never been the same

And there was a time I vaguely remember
we were running and we collapsed

but 你 didn't...
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posted by Fabouluz
Bows and flows of 天使 hair and ice cream castles in the air
And feathered canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun they rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

Moons and Junes and ferris wheels the dizzy dancing way 你 feel
When every fairy tale comes real, I've looked at 爱情 that way
But now it's just another show, 你 leave 'em laughin when 你 go
And if you...
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I've known them for quite a while,
and many years have passed,
we're always irritating each other,
so it surprises me that we last.
But lately things have changed,
more so than they could,
a sadness fills the air,
more so than it should.

There's been tension between them,
here there are no lies,
but something bad is going on,
and it's hidden behind their eyes.
I know how they feel about the other,
and I know that they're both true,
but there's been a different feeling forming,
something foreign, something new.

It's a 爱情 that's been progressing,
something that's been left unsaid,
like a silent whisper calling,...
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"I think she's in 爱情 with you." Chase 说 in a slurred tone as he downed his 龙舌兰酒 shot.
"You're very drunk...why should I listen to you?" House asked with a smirk.
"Who better would know but me? I can tell these 爱情 her too...I 爱情 Ally." He 说 with a laugh.
"Good for you." House 说 as he stood up to walk to the men's room.
"You guys! How much 《内衣少女》 did 你 get me?" Cameron asked with a chuckle as she held up a 紫色, 紫罗兰色 colored teddy.
"You can never have enough." Cuddy 说 as she refilled Cameron's margarita.
"Cuddy! I've...
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