黑塔利亚 My 黑塔利亚 Family

BeB posted on Jul 05, 2011 at 02:27AM
For me and my Hetalia family, join in as any Hetalia character that isn't taken!!!
 For me and my 黑塔利亚 family, 加入 in as any 黑塔利亚 character that isn't taken!!!

黑塔利亚 28392 回复

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Showing Replies 13501-13550 of 28392

一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
Megöllek Romano!
Az idiotizmus tesz engem akar ütni neked!
Hol a serpenyő!?
Amerika nem segít most!
Anya mérges most
一年多以前 BeB said…
Anya dont leave me with them! T_T
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
It's okay Anya, you can stay! And Belgium, thanks. *laughs*

Romano, what is wrong with you? Snap out of it!! *slaps Romano*
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
*cough* I generally try to stay out of this *cough* but romano just isn't right in the head
一年多以前 FlyingMintBunny said…
What's going on?
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
Estonia......I don't even know anymore.
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
*walks in* Hi gu-*sees what's going on* O___O *tactful retreat!*
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
Te egy borzalmas szerelmes!
Fehéroroszország szeret téged, és bántok neki, mint a szart!!!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
Lithuania! *cough*
一年多以前 BeB said…
LIZZY! American please! And Romano, you got that fear that you have no control or something, cuz no one here is yours -3- Not unless they sell them selves to you, then thats different.
一年多以前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
Okay.....America doesn't want me to leave and Estonia's here,so I won't leave.
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
一年多以前 NanaChi said…
NO! Hungary is trying to take what's MINE!
Now she's casting a spell on me!!!!!!! QUICK EDDY, HIDE BEHIND THIS
-uses table as shield-
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
*half-hiding behind doorframe* Yes?
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
America *cough* could you grab me a blanket *coughs then hugs the rabbit toy america bought a few days ago for her*
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
There IS no DAMN spell! I speak Hungarian when I'm MAD you idiota!

What drugs are you on you dolt? This frying pan is about to go up yuur ass if you don't pull your act together!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
Um...*fidgets* do you remember the time I ...uh.... b-broke your fingers?
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
@Belgium: Here, I'll get it for you, Belgium. *hands blanket*
@Belarus: *flinch* Um... yes... Please don't break my fingers again!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
oh thanks *cough* lithuania
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
*le ragequit*

I'm done....I'm just done.....
Now if you'll excuse me I need to set up a doctors appointment. I have to make sure that stupidity isn't transmitted through bites.

*exits the room*
一年多以前 BeB said…
*shakes Romano and hands him a tomato* calmm. DOWN. Now play with yourself while I speak with your mother! *blinks noticing Belgium holding bunny and smiles* She liked it... <3

*clears throat following Hungary* Sooooo Lizzy, baby! Calm down, you know him hes Italian~ SOUTH Italian, you know how they are! ^^ He was brought up by Spain too, second biggest perv to France and England! Can you blame his mental state? Prussia and France probably brainwashed him when Spain wasnt looking!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
I-I wont.....I'm just s-s-sorry about that okay?! *turns away blushing*
一年多以前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
Hungary-chan? Please don't leave.
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
I know America. I'm not mad about that! I'm upset because he used to be so lovey-dovey with Belarus and now he's a total flake!
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
I-it's okay! I mean, well, okay, the fact that you broke my fingers is bad, but they've obviously healed, and I've long since forgiven you, anyways.
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
America*cough* could you sound like you aren't trying to *cough* put the move on hungary
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
*doesn't turn around* Huh? You did?
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
Hungary *pulls on your sleeve in chibi form*
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
*looks down* Ah! Anya, you're a chibi now! When did that happen?
What is it Anya-chan?
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
A-anya? *cough* you look quite cute -starts to long to be chibi again-
一年多以前 BeB said…
E-Eh? Moves on HUNGARY? -_-'' Belg, you must be sick to think that, I would never!
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
Of course. I have a hard time staying mad at people for very long, especially you. *blushes slightly and looks down*
一年多以前 BeB said…
And some guys can just become idiots not sure how ^^
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
*cough* nevermind america
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
Yes America doesn't swing that way! He has his eyes set on Kore-wait?! It would be sick to be attracted to me!?
*has feminine pride hurt*
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
Hungary *cough* you okay?
一年多以前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
I don't want you to be upset.I don't like momma to be upset.
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
But.....I was horrible to you....I thought you would hate me.
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
@Hungary: I think he meant because you're sort of the "mother" if you think of all of us as a family.
@Belarus: I could never hate you! I know that some other people think you're scary, but I know you're very kind and caring and sweet. I... *insane blush* I also think you're quite pretty.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 BeB said…
*goes wide eyed and shakes head* nonono! Thats not what I meant, well kinda... only because your... kinda grown to be like family to me! Its like the thought of Mattie that way kinda makes me sick, your really beautiful and awesome so dont get all hurt dudette!!!
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
*cough* *gets up and staggers randomly to the backyard*
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
*blushes more* -////- Бог чорт вазьмі... um....t-thank you.
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
*picks up Anya and rocks her*
I-I wasn't mad! >//>
I wasn't worried over something so petty! Che!
Of course I'm beautiful! I knew that! Pfft!

*doesn't take compliments to well*
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
S-sorry... I think I just made things really awkward...
一年多以前 JapanHetalia said…
*lays in the grass*
一年多以前 SacredDawn said…
No no. I-it's fine...*rubs the back of the neck*
一年多以前 YugiohFanatic1 said…
*smiles* Am I cute?
一年多以前 xxdarkbunnyxx said…
*notices Belgium* Hey, what's she doing?
一年多以前 FlyingMintBunny said…
@Anya, Who are you talking to?
一年多以前 Trainofdoom said…
Oh yes cute! ChibiAnya is very cute!
Did you know that in Hungarian 'anya' means mother?