哈利·波特与暮光之城 Harry Potter Battle Plans: For Those Who Hate Twilight

LilysLittleTwin posted on Dec 14, 2009 at 10:10PM
I don't want to mess up '1000 reasons why Harry Potter is better than Twilight', so here it is! Basically, Mrs-Grint, DracoLove777, dobbyssocks, me, and others have made a battle plan to knock the Twihards down a few pegs. All Harry Potter fans are welcome here, though.

This is the pledge to become a Phoenix Fighter:

'I solemly swear that I will do my best to protect others from the Twazi regime. I will never go over to the Disco Balls and betray my Order of the Potters heritige. Harry Potter is better than Twilight, not the other way around. I swear to protect what is left of the Vampire Fiction genre from Twilight and it's followers. I will remain loyal to Bram Stoker, Susan B. Anthony, and any other that worked tirelessly, only to have their work destroyed because of Twilight. Mischeif Managed.'
last edited on Jun 09, 2010 at 03:59AM

哈利·波特与暮光之城 4897 回复

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Showing Replies 1201-1250 of 4897

一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
Well, I have the full intent to be post 1234. I'll probably miss it though.
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
^Hehe, it's on. I guess I got to have 1111 and 1212 so maybe I'll let someone else have a turn... until 1313, 1414, 1515, etc. That'd be a cool thing to collect. I need a life... badly.
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
Yes, Toylet, you do...just kidding, I have even less of a life than you.

You can have 1313 and 1414, etc. That mean's I'm free to have 1221, 1331, 1441...
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…

ChocAttack266: Phew! Well, it's good that she did a great presentation. If no one in my school knew who MLK Jr was I probably would've strangled them. I'm not crazy - just passionate. ;)

*snort* Their nominating THOSE..erm... "actors"? Sheesh. I need to read some good literature.. but I haven't any cash. 'Why don't you go the library?' I hear you cry. Well, St George's library is up-most craposity. The only stuff they have is flimsy paperbacks mixed with old Hardy and Dickens on the sparse shelves. Glad to know that the local community always has access to reading. Not.

Oh yes, today in my Science class I was working on a project about the solar system with my friend and whilst I was collecting equipment I left her to look stuff up on the school laptops. When I got back, what did I see her on? Oh, right, she was looking at pictures of Taylor Lautner half naked. That's practically looking at porn. Almost. Also, she had gone to his fansite and written his "phone number" on her arm. She told me she's going to ring him tonight. Good luck with that, Alexa.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
big smile
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
Oh god. Taylor Lautner half-naked photos? Since Taylor Lautner, I've begun to consider changing my name. I can't believe people can look at him and think "mmmm... sexy."
My thoughts are usually along the lines of. "He's Sharkboy. I don't care if he has a "bazillion ab muscles" (has anyone else seen that? lol), he's still Sharkboy."
There's also a bit of, "We have the same first name, that's be really confusing. We're also the same height, that means I couldn't wear high heels without being way taller than him, and that'd look weird."
Am I the only one who thinks he has a funny looking nose? I don't know, I've gone completely off track now.

Anyway, it's no longer Ron's birthday in Australia, but it is Daniel Craig's. Happy Birthday fake Bond!
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
yah i saw "sharkboy and lavagirl" its soo cheezy!BUT if he wasn't in twilight i'd think him sexy, but twilight has totally put me off him y'know like somebody who picks their nose and then wants to hold your hand, its sick.
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
LLAMAS! ToyletGnome, he is SHARKBOY!

You're not alone! I reckon his nose looks like a snout. And he has a really fat neck. It's almost as big as his head! And it's really long. I was telling my friend about Tom Felton and she said "Who the hell is he?" So I showed her on Google images and she was like, "EWWW!". But as soon as we came to a topless photo she shut up and gawped for a good five minutes. What is up with this generation of females? Are we all obsessed with topless dudes? I mean, jeez! I fear for the future of my gender, seriously.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
i gotta go bring my dog for a walk but about the toppless guy thing i have to admit a HUGE weakness on my behalf (sorry)
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
OMG, where's the picture of Tom Felton shirtless? Show me, show me, show me! *runs to google images* Okay, I don't blame your friend, he's very sexadelic (thanks for the word).

Anyway, is 1223 a special number?
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
He is sexadelic! (Though I can't take word as my own. I stole it from a book XD) But that's not the point! Why is this generation of females obsessed with shirtless guys? It doesn't seem to matter if they're stupid or manipulative or mean or tasteless or even sexually harassing you (from what I've seen, anyway)! The only thing that seems to matter is how fit or good-looking they are. What happend to the girls who are into boys who are intrested in literature? Art? Bringing peace to the world? Maybe their aren't any guys like that anymore. I mean, sure, we can all fancy a guy who's gorgeous - but that's it?

Yesh, I think it would be. :P
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
the perfect guy would be a guy who's artistic, kind, fun loving, loves animals, who's gentlemanly and has a REALLY hot body, sadly no such guy egsists (SIGH...*starts crying*, danm you romance novels, danm you!!):(
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
No, such a guy does exist... whether he's straight, that's another story.

I don't get the obsession with shirtlessness either (although I'm not opposed). It's just another way appearance can be shown off and personality can be shunned.

The enormous amount of partial-nudity in New Moon just goes to show that they seriously can't rely on a plot or good acting to get people to watch the movie.
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
i didnt even watch new moon, hah!
一年多以前 BellaCullen96 said…
I think Tom Felton is one of those guys you were talking about... ♥
Haha, sorry, I'm a tad bit obsessed with the guy ;)

Yeah, I know what you mean about the toplessness. And Bella is even like that too (no surprise there). I remember in Breaking Dawn she said something like "I didn't think there was anything more beautiful than Edward Cullen without a shirt, but then I saw him naked." Another reason why she's not a good role model (to add on to the many that Annie wrote on a pick's comments)
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
as i said before bella is only capable of emotions that include ed such as "loving" ed ,missing ed ,or hurting herself to hear ed..etc
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
*snort* Yep, I was sorta basing it on him. But a mixture of other guys I know, too. Why can't we just put them all in a blender and mix them into one guy? *sigh* If only...

I REMEMBER THAT PART!! It's something like.. "There wouldn't be anything for beautiful than Edward in his khaki pants if I hadn't seen him undressed." or something like that. I knew she mentioned pants somewhere. Sorry, my fixation on pants in downright disturbing sometimes. Even my friends think so. :P I'm quite hyper. I got up early to have a shower now I have loads of free time and I just drank an energy drink AND NOW I'M A BUNNY RABBIT. :P
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
i am th exact oppisite i'm soo tired and i only got up(yawns)
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
Okay, this is a funneh/weird conversation me and Lady Anne had: (something like this, I don't remember the original)
Annie: Ron's getting old :(
Me: But he's twenty years younger than Severus.
Annie: But still, he's THIRTY!
Me: And Severus is FIFTY!
Annie: Yeah, but...Sev's dead...
Me: And Alan Rickman is SIXTY-THREE!
Annie: Crikey.
Me: And he's alive.
Annie: Well, yeah.

That was so random XD
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
Happy 50 pages, everyone!

I still need to see New Moan. But much higher on my list of priorities is to finish A Very Potter Musical - I've only seen Act 1. Every time I try to watch Act 2, I get sidetracked by homework or someone calls me to do something. Every single time.
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
P.S. Take that, Taylor! (That's ToyletGnome, by the way, for members that didn't see her post on the last page.) I MADE POST 1234!!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 BellaCullen96 said…
You HAVE to finish AVPM! You haven't even seen some of the best parts yet! :D
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
I know. "A Portkey can be a harmless object, like a football...or a dolphin..."
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
Yay, I just finished watching Act 2! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.

"If this homemade Dark Mark won't convince you..." Lauren Lopez is brilliant.

And now I really need to go to sleep. Ciao, all!
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
Oh my Godric! AVPM IS THE MOST EPIC MUSICAL EVER! Me and Sarah made our own homemade Dark marks. Mine is now my facebook picture. XD
Er - yesh. Very random convo there. Izzy should go to bed earlier, it was 2 in the morning! Tsk tsk. *waggles finger*
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
And I stayed up even later than that! :D Three cheers for night owls! Like Hegwig here:
o,o <HOO!
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
you guys stay up later tan 2am on the computer? *whistels* jeeze
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
Owls are awesome. TWIT-TWOOOOO!! RIP Hedwig.. :'(

Ah, I don't stay up that late. Not much of a night owl - unless I sleep the whole day. So whenever me and my friends are planning to go out I have to nap during the day so I won't fall asleep when we're at the club. XD *sigh* I'm so tame. :P
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
lets take a moment to rember hedwig *sniff*
hey mrs-Grint its funny that you say your tame when your pic has a lion on her head, geddit 'lion' 'tame' ahh forgeddit
i say up really late reading harry potter ob., i try to limit it, but its hard :(
一年多以前 Quakefur said…
* is silent to remember hedwig*. * hour after being silent* Sorry, but I'm kinda confused... Is it the Order of the Potters, or the Pheonix Fighters?
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
*five minutes of silence* We're the Order, but the members of the Order are Phoenix Fighters
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
It's not my fault I missed 1234! I fell asleep at 7pm... by accident.

Phoenix Fighters! Hoo Ha!
It feels like we're a type of Nerd Fighters - Harry Potter Nerd Fighters!
一年多以前 sydnosh said…
what's wrong with being a nerd huh?

oh yeah yesterday was ron's birthday I forgot
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
sundosh, a Nerd Fighter is someone who fights FOR nerds, not against them. Common mistake. The vlogbrothers (Hank and John Green) are the leaders of the Nerd Fighters, they're awesome.

On that note, does anybody watch the vlogbrothers? I've been watching all their old videos, and I just got to the one with the tetris song (October 17th - Flitwick's B'day), it's been stuck in my head all day. "Party blower solo!"

Today is Miranda Richardson's birthday! There's been a lot of Harry Potter related birthdays since AJ (ChocAttack266) broght it up.
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
This is the result of much boredom in my period five History class. It took me half the lesson.
 This is the result of much boredom in my period five History class. It took me half the lesson.
一年多以前 BellaCullen96 said…
I don't watch them, but I've heard of the nerd fighters

That is a "totally awesome" Dark Mark! :D
I should redraw mine soon, it wore off again...
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
I've heard of the vlogbrothers...but only cause Toylet (right, from now on I'm always going to refer to ToyletGnome as either Taylor or Toylet. Much easier, since I am lazy) was singing the tune of the tetris song all day. ALL DAY. I had to clap her over the head, a la AVPM Ron. "Racist sister!"
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
^ It didn't help that everyone kept playing tetris during class!

Anyway, I spent half of assembly ignoring our principal and counting how many people it would take to perform 'Get Back to Hogwarts' - 13, and I want to be Draco. AVPM is "totally awesome".

For any Shoebox fans, today AJ and I had a conversation and it went a bit like this.
Me: I've got new socks on!
AJ: What colour are they?
Me: *disappointed face* ...brown

And that is officially the most random thing I've posted in my life.
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
im mad abot taking polls today i took a poll how much do you like twilight? only 2 people loved it(idiots) 4 people werent botherd, 2 people said no and 6 people (icluding me) absolutley f**king hated it!!
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
big smile
*snort* Someone has a fun day. Mine was extremely boring and exhausting. The only good thing that happend today is that I discovered an AMAZING singer, Marina and the Diamonds (yes, I know. But it is just one singer).

And today in French me and three friends had to share a computer in the library, playing this stupid virtual snakes and ladders game - but answering questions in French. I was so bored that I noticed that the counters were red, blue, green and yellow - the Hogwarts house colours! I was Slytherin, Josie was Gryffindor, Alice was Hufflepuff and Hazel was Ravenclaw. Unfortunatley, Gryffindor won and Slytherin came last. I didn't revise my French, OK?!
一年多以前 clevercaoimhe said…
big smile
im watching glee on tv, wactching f.r.i.e.n.d.s on the computer and browseing fanpop on another window :)
一年多以前 Quakefur said…
Wow, I just read that My Immortal thing. It has forever ruined fanfiction for me... Loopin, Snap, and Vampire(Harry)?? *runs in circles screaming. Explodes*
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
My Immortal must be destroyed! *jumps in front of canon characters protectively*
一年多以前 Quakefur said…
...I think it melted my brain... *attepmts to cast protecting spell on charactors, but acidentaly lights tree on fire (fire!!=D) due to brain-loss caused by My Immortal*
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
Aguamenti! *tree stops burning* Protego maxima! Pwetty lights...
一年多以前 Mrs-Grint said…
So pretty... *drools*
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
I saw a Failing Dawn poster today, ewww.
一年多以前 ChocAttack266 said…
一年多以前 LilysLittleTwin said…
I got bored, so I made a list of usernames that i might ever use. Why am I mentioning this? I have no idea. Probably because I am still bored. I will shut up and go to bed now.
一年多以前 ToyletGnome said…
It was in UEC when that emergency meeting was called, around the corner. Jackie and I wanted to throw up.