哈利·波特与暮光之城 1000 Reasons Why Harry Potter Is Better Than Twilight

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:29PM
just start at one and see if you can get 1000

哈利·波特与暮光之城 54807 回复

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Showing Replies 32151-32200 of 54807

一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
一年多以前 TempBest said…
Hailo! (=
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
I'm doing Maths homework :L
一年多以前 TempBest said…
That sucks :( I already finished mine :P
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
I need help with part of it.
一年多以前 TempBest said…
What's it about?
 What's it about?
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Well, I have to answer these questions...

· Does one mathematical idea help you understand other mathematical ideas?
Consider your current thinking about Mathematics and provide examples of how ideas are linked.
· To what extent are exactness and precision essential to using Mathematics?
Support your answer with examples from your own experience.

· Why is it important in Mathematics to understand how, why
and what you are doing and not just to give the final answer?
Draw on your mathematical experiences in your response.

Consider this quote:

'The essence of Mathematics is not to make simple things complicated but to make complicated things simple.' [S. Gudder]

· Give some mathematical ideas to support this assertion. Can you provide any contradictions to this quotation?
一年多以前 TempBest said…
Holy O.o
"· Why is it important in Mathematics to understand how, why
and what you are doing and not just to give the final answer?
Draw on your mathematical experiences in your response." My teacher said it's because if you get the wrong answer, they can tell where you went wrong and fix it. :P
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Yeah, O.o is right. My school is weird lol.

Thanks, I was going to put "This is bullshit" for every answer.
一年多以前 TempBest said…
Lol xD Wonder what your teacher would've said :P
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
I probably would've gotten detention. xD
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
big smile

I know this is pretty random, but check this link out! link

Hooray for Emma-she's against Miley Cyrus, Ashley Judd (whoever that is), and...Kristen Stewart.

...Who agrees with me that Emma will kick ass on KCA that night?
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Not me. :/
一年多以前 zanhar1 said…
I figured out why I don't go on the random spot as often, my first post I'm called a bitch for stating my opinion. I ignor that and move on to a new question someone else is fighting same happnes with the next and then someone posted the question what do you masturbate to 0.o so conclusion reached that spot is going down hill.
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Oh. I don't go on the Random Spot at all. It took over my updates.
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…

Hmm...now that you mention it, KCA is more like a popularity contest nowadays, and since Twilight's really "popular," then so is Kristen. Unless I didn't get what you were saying; it's just a guess.
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
@zanhar-I rarely go on there; just to look at images, usually.
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. ^.^ Especially since Emma got that ugly-ass haircut.
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
^Lol. I got the idea since SpongeBob keeps winning. If Kristen AND SpongeBob win that night, I'm gonna go nuts!

...Or I just won't watch it like I did for last year.
一年多以前 zanhar1 said…
What's KCA?

Yah that's what I do now but I decided to give it a shot... Worst idea since me and my sister putting tin foil in the microwave to see what would happen!
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
I don't really pay attention to award shows.


I wish kids were that clever now. :P
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
Kids Choice Awards. It's on Nickelodeon once a year-usually between March and April.
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
Hi, Gred_and_Forge!
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Then again, those kids voted for Green Day for Boulevard of Broken Dreams, completely ignoring the fact that it's a unique rock opera.
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
KCA is on?
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
^On April 2, it is.
一年多以前 zanhar1 said…
Oh... Nobody I want to win ever wins lol.
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
I don't like anything Nick produces except for Drake and Josh and iCarly.
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
The day after Fred and George's birthday x]
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
^OMG, yay! Cool.

Wait, Fred and George's Birthday is April Fools day? I didn't know that. So cool. Makes total sense, too.
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
Yup, the Weasley twins were born on April Fool's Day ^_^

There's a new iCarly tonight :p
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Hmmm... should I make a special homework-helping forum thingy on the Biggerstaff spot?
一年多以前 zanhar1 said…
I love April my birthday is the 9th
一年多以前 xDark_Angelx said…
Night, guys. :)
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
一年多以前 Ms_Mea said…
Fred and George's b-day is on April Fool's? Cool :D Another thing to celebrate on that day :)

Night! btw
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 zanhar1 said…
Good night
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Whaaaaaaaaaat? Everyone's going?

一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
I'm still here! I was just saying night to Dark Angel.
一年多以前 Ms_Mea said…
Ima here :)
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…

So should I make the forum?
一年多以前 Gred_and_Forge said…
What forum? Sorry, I'm looking for pictures for my pick (hopefully it won't get deleted)
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
should I make a special homework-helping forum thingy on the Biggerstaff spot?
一年多以前 Ms_Mea said…
Maybe...it sounds like a good idea :)
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…
Okay... I'll be right back...
一年多以前 TempBest said…
Make it! =D
一年多以前 GemonkDruid said…

一年多以前 TempBest said…
Awesome :D
一年多以前 Ms_Mea said…
lol I bet on all my imaginary Reese cups that at some point that forum is gonna be full of random stuff soon lol