欢乐合唱团 Club
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posted by TempeGeller

This chapter is published a bit early, I want to update this story in the honor of Cory Monteith. I feel so sad about his death. All I can do to honor him is write, I will write a special fic for Cory. But this chapter is published in his name. I'm not the biggest Finn fan, and in this story he was a career. So not like he is in Glee.

Enjoy this chapter, And I hope the new fic will remember Cory.

Share your 爱情 and memories for him. Watch 欢乐合唱团 when 你 miss him.

Chapter 7: 6 loud bang no clue

日 #4

Tina, district 4

A couple loud bangs were heard. Tina jumped up. She wasn't anywhere near camp, Quinn had told her to look for Rachel. Yet the 6 bangs that followed closely on each other brought her in to panic. Could she ignore Quinn's orders? Quinn couldn't honestly ask anything in this situation. If the person that killed them was in their camp. Yet Tina pushed the ideas away, Rachel had saved her in a dangerous situation. If it wasn't for Rachel, she would have been dead. Plus, Quinn was really sensitive when it came to Rachel. It was the rage of a lover 你 should try to avoid. Tina thought about the five bangs once 更多 again. What if they were all part of her team? It wouldn't be good for them.
"Rachel…" Tina whispered as she walked closer to the big open meadow. There was one big 衬套, 布什 in the middle of it. There were all kinds of dead flowers. Part of Tina thought about Rachel, maybe she had heard the bangs too. Maybe the panic had killed all the flowers. "Rachel…"

Tina slowly stepped towards the bush. Part of her remembered Rachel saying that she could make plants grow. The bushes could come around her. Slowly Tina pushed away a bit of the plant. She could recognize Rachel's dark brown hair. Tina pulled her from the bushes and slowly moved water to her lips. Rachel awoke almost directly.
"Who were they?" Rachel awoke in panic. "The bangs…"
"There were 6…" Tina spoke "6…"
"I only counted 5…" Rachel started to panic. "What about Quinn?"
"I haven't heard anything about her." Tina spoke "I didn't hear anything that assures me of her being alive. It's all a big doubt. I don't want to …"
"I worry, Tina…" Rachel sat up. "6 people…"

"6." Tina hugged her. "It's almost the same number of people we 迷失 on 3 days. It's not fair…"
"It's the hunger games, Tina." Rachel smiled "Only 11 left."
"Well, we knew unfair would be the first thing." Tina reached her hand towards Rachel. "Let's go to the camp. Maybe it's 安全 there…"
"It's 安全 nowhere…" Rachel smiled "The odds are not in our favor. I thought 你 already knew that 由 now. Didn't 你 Tina?"
"Well, you're right about that." Tina spoke "I guess the variables were in our favor. Yet, I ignored the other people. I thought we could win this."
"Look, maybe …"Rachel stared to the floor. "Maybe it's not…"

"Maybe it is…" Tina turned to her. "Quinn…"
Yet, Tina stopped talking, it was almost like she had a fear to tell the truth. So Tina simple walked on. She remembered that the club had parted early on. There wasn't 更多 than she knew. It was rather simple, Rachel had left rather early. She didn't say where she was going. So Quinn haEmmd taken off with Jesse, Sam and Puck to find something. Quinn was always full of secrets. Her talk with Puck 或者 anyone else was kept a secret. Tina was not able to know anything, Rachel was neither.
"She's full of secrets…" Tina spoke "It must be tough on your relationship, or…"
"Quinn and I don't have a relationship." Rachel spoke "If we did, she would tell me about her secret plan. She asks me for things, but won't tell me the reason. It's almost like I can't handle it. And the simple 'it's too dangerous, drives me crazy."
"Well, I'm sure Quinn has her reasons." Tina spoke "They drive me crazy."

Rachel slowly turned away from Tina and stepped a bit on. She stared at the sky. The idea of the deaths made her scared. Tina was still alive, she was happy for that. Yet so much of her 老友记 could have died. They had taken off in the early morning. Both of them didn't know if they returned to the camp.
"Who took of this morning?" Rachel turned to Tina.
"Emma, Puck, Sam, Quinn, Jesse and Artie." Tina spoke "I think that's about it. I think they're supposed to be back. I mean…"
"That is…." Rachel turned away. "If they will return. "
"I'm sure someone has to return from that group…"
"You don't know that." Tina turned to Rachel. "What if they were ambushed? They could be dead, all of them. I was supposed to 加入 them, but Quinn told me to look after you. She cares for you, Rachel."
"Quinn is full of herself." Rachel spoke "She's all protecting, but no opening up."
"Rachel…" Tina took her hand. "Let's go on. Our camp is safe. 或者 the safest place right now."

Rachel slowly started to 移动 again. She moved away from Tina, maybe she didn't want anyone to suffer under her pain. She was never alone in her hurt, there always had been there. This was the first pain since her mother had been taken from her. So she didn't want Tina to notice.
"Shhh…" Tina moved her finger in front of her mouth. "I heard something."
"Then let's move…" Rachel spoke

The leaves of the trees moved, almost like someone was moving through the woods. Invisible for the eye, but not to the ear. Tina moved away from the noise, yet Rachel was attracted to it somehow. Moving too close for her own good. Tina thought of the possibility of an ambush. Yet Rachel didn't think about the danger. All she thought was that it could be Quinn.
"Be careful…" Tina said, but before she could finish that line roots appeared around an attacker. He had a similar skin tone as Tina. He was strong.

"Mike…" Tina stepped closer. "What are 你 doing here?"
"I don't know…" Mike tried to 冲床 Tina. "I should ask 你 traitor."
"Well, I should tell 你 Mike…" Tina turned to him. "Maybe 你 don't see…"

Kurt, district 8

Kurt turned around as another bang sounded from the woods. Blaine almost turned to him in fear, Mercedes and Brittany had left to get food. Kurt and Blaine had decided to take care of the camp. Yet now fear over took them. Blaine stared at the sky, to get the 7 deaths of today, they would need to wait for the night to fall. Yet the fear that Mercedes 或者 Brittany was one of them existed.
"What if Brit doesn't return?" Blaine turned to Kurt. "I'm so sorry, I don't want to make it seem that I don't care about Mercedes."
"I get it…" Kurt smiled for an instant. "I feel the same way about Mercedes. I mean…"
"I…" Blaine smiled "7 people on one day. That's just as much people that died on the last day. I guess they could call this day, the bloodbath day."
"My guess too…" Kurt smiled.

After a few 秒 another loud bang scared them. Kurt who seemed to hide his true emotions. He wanted to scream, yet he kept his feelings to himself. Blaine was thinking about Brittany, Kurt was thinking about Mercedes. A part of his luck was have Blaine with him. That was one less person to worry about.
"That's 8…" Blaine whispered. "8.."
"I know…" Kurt whispered. "You don't know if Brittany is one of them. It could be the other group. There are 更多 people. I mean 8…"
"I hope Santana is not one of them either…" Blaine stared to the ground. "If she's one of them, Brittany's going to break. And in the end, what does it matter. It's the short pain. I bet the ones that were killed are actually done…"
"Blaine don't be negative Nancy…" Kurt smiled "You never know, maybe the capitol comes to its senses. Good things could happen. Anything can happen…"

"You really are positive." Blaine smiled "And brave. Where did 你 get that?"
"My mother died when I was young." Kurt smiled "After that my father kind of 迷失 faith for a while. I had to take care of the family and myself. Mercedes was really the only one that looked after her. I think life is to the 《勇敢传说》 ones. If 你 don't take chances, you'll miss life. Cause 你 can be dead tomorrow. I live my life brave. It's the only way to live."
Blaine stared at Kurt with a smile on her face. He admired his optimism. He doubted if Kurt would ever loose that. It seemed like someone who had 迷失 his mother would look at life different. Blaine would have gotten really mad with the world. It's 更多 simple than changing how 你 looked at life. He doubted he would see it as an opportunity to start living.
"I want to live to the fullest…" Kurt smiled "If I die here, I don't want to have regrets. Isn't it weird that I had my first 吻乐队(Kiss) here?"

"Not really." Blaine smiled "It was my first 吻乐队(Kiss) too…"
Blaine turned away from Kurt. Like he was trying to hide his feelings. Kurt only didn't seem to accept that look. Kurt took his hand again. It seemed to calm him down. Blaine let go of a tear. He wanted to cry. After a while he did.
"What's wrong?" Kurt put his arms around him. "Is it Brittany?"
"She's my friend…" Blaine turned to her. "She's strange and stuff. I don't know why we're even friends. We are friends, she's helped me. The 《勇敢传说》 thing, I lack that."
"Off course 你 don't…." Kurt smiled "When 你 need to be brave, 你 will be."

"You think so?"
"I don't doubt 你 will."

Santana, district 12

8 bangs came close together. Santana didn't know how much time was between them. She just felt like she had to get away. Climb in a high 树 and wait until everyone was dead. Then she could climb down and win the damn thing. Yet another part of her wanted to protect Brittany. Actually that was the part that could scream the loudest. Why had her 心 been so easily convinced? Why did she let 爱情 in her heart? Heat felt 更多 filling than something else. Yet knowing that Brittany returned her 爱情 was something she had never expected. So the fear that one of those bangs belonged to Brittany existed.

Santana moved 下一个 to the trees. She tried to listen to the surroundings. She wanted to know if everything was safe. If she got in to an ambush, she wouldn't be save. She meant nothing to Brittany dead. She didn't wanted to protect Brittany. So she was careful. Santana turned around, it almost seemed like she heard something. A couple of 秒 ago, it seemed like she heard a scream. It wasn't that abnormal. And then another bang sounded.
"9…" She whispered in her head.

Santana started to run. Part of the nine bangs made her terrified. The bloodbath was on the fourth day. On the first 日 only 5 people died. On this 日 almost 10 people died. On 15 分钟 更多 people died than on this last 3 days. Santana bumped to a tree, she couldn't keep her breathing silent. Than it happened. She broke down. She fell to the floor. Tears came from her eyes and panic took over her body.
Her anger and everything that had happen to her was coming out. She felt everything under her hands. Part of her knew that she was an easy victim right now. So easy that anyone could kill her right now. Maybe she needed someone to protect. Protect from her own hate. She had destroyed herself with hate. Only now she noticed that she stopped living for the last moments. That was the harsh truth. She had stopped living. Only when she met Brittany, she felt that there was 更多 than hate. And right now her life was going to be gone. She could see the future, with a child and all. A child that was Brittany's 或者 maybe even hers. Why was she thinking about this, when someone of them was going to die.

Santana hit the 树 out of anger. Anger and sadness seemed so close, why were the two feelings so close to each other. Why couldn't she tell what she felt anymore? Did she hate herself? She beat the 树 again and started to 冲床 the floor. She started to be really noisy. And she thought that she was a really easy target. Slowly she tried to pull herself up 由 the tree. Yet it seemed that she 迷失 balance. It were two arms that kept her up. Santana didn't want to turn around, she didn't want to die.
"calm down, sweetie." Brittany's voice sounded close. She pulled Santana close to her body. Pulling her in a much needed hug. Santana could smell Brittany. She had a sweet smell of 柠檬 in her hair. How she had obtained that smell was something Santana couldn't guess. Her head called for spontaneity. So she took a leap of fate. She kissed Brittany. For a moment, all she felt was love. Not anger, not sadness. Love. In a way she felt free. It was amazing to feel only one thing at the same time. Brittany didn't only smell like lemons, but it seemed like she ate them too. The 吻乐队(Kiss) took a bit over a minute. After that she closed Brittany in a hug.

"I 爱情 you." Santana smiled as her words sounded . "I'm going to do everything to protect 你 Brit."
"Santana, 你 can't do that…" Brittany pulled her hand. "Santana, we have to get out of here. It's not save. The careers are on a move. Becky is turning out the deathly one."
"Do 你 know who died?" Santana stared at her.
"No, I just started running." Brittany spoke "I don't know what happened. I think Mercedes moved in the other direction. I'm so glad you're not dead, Santana."

"I'm glad 你 are alive." Santana pulled her again in a hug. "You can't believe how happy I am. I don't want to sound rude, I didn't want anyone to die."
"Well of course." Brittany hugged her. "You couldn't think. 你 might think there's only hate inside of you, but all 你 do is love. I mean 你 hate, because 你 迷失 everyone 你 love. 你 were alone. No one cared for you. Yet 你 wanted to protect someone and now 你 want to protect me. 你 are full of 爱情 Santana. I want 你 to live…"
"No, I have nothing to go 首页 to…" Santana hugged her closer. "I have no friends, I have no family. I am alone. All I have is you. So all I can do is make sure 你 go home."
"If 你 go home…" Brittany hugged her. "My family will be yours."

Santana let herself get close to Brittany. She couldn't believe that 爱情 was going through her vanes. The hate she had felt for all those years seemed gone. Maybe it was gone. Yet if Brittany died she would feel empty. The same way she felt about her sister. The same way she had always felt. She was sure that Brittany had changed her life. With only a few words she had taken away part of the hate. When the words 'I 爱情 you' crossed her lips, most of it seemed gone.
Brittany pulled on her arm. She started to run, pulling Santana behind her. She seemed to go faster and faster. Part of Santana thought it was romantic. That is if 你 didn't know that they were running from something scare. 或者 maybe just people. To her people were scare. After fifteen 分钟 of running, 或者 in Santana's words fifteen 分钟 of heaven, Brittany stopped.
"I think we're 安全 for now…" Brittany whispered.

"Are 你 sure it's Becky?" Santana turned to her. "Little innocent Becky Jones?"
"I don't think she stopped being innocent…" Brittany turned to her. "Becky wants to get back to her parents. She's doing all it takes. She's doing what everyone would do. She's surviving. I don't want to know what happens to her when she gets home. The nightmares she's going to have for her whole life. But she will live in a big house, she will have food. Winning this, will bring safety."
"I don't know…" Santana smiled "She seems rather crazy…"
"You shouldn't judge someone in this setting…" Brittany spoke "This is not the setting to say anything about people. I mean anything bad. Most people are really nice, if 你 met them before…"
"What about Sebastian?"

"Well, maybe not everyone…" Brittany smiled "He's prejudice. He doesn't see things the way they are. That's just as worse."
"Prejudice is bad… "Santana laughed "Yeah, maybe 你 are right about Becky."
"I'm always right…" With that Brittany closed the distance between them and went for a 秒 kiss. And for that moment, they let life be amazing.

Kurt, district 8

"Does it worry 你 that Brittany isn't back yet?" Kurt turned to Blaine.
"Well, it does." Blaine lifted his head from Kurt's lap. "I bet just as much as 你 do. I mean Mercedes hasn't returned either."
"I would be lying if I told 你 I'm not worried.." Kurt smiled "But I would 爱情 to believe that she's fine. The only problem is that the odds aren't with us. There are only 17 people left. With this things, only 8 people will remain. 更多 than half of them have been killed. The chances aren't with them. Think about it, we are 2 of the 8. 6 are left…"

"And now you're starting to be a negative Nancy…"
"Well, we can all do that." Kurt smiled "We can take turns. Can't we?"
"Are 你 asking me to be mister positive?"
"Well, I knew I shouldn't be asking you…" Blaine sat up and gave him a playful push.

Kurt tried to think about Mercedes. Was she anywhere near the events? Did she see how people were killed? Would she be changed for a whole life? Kurt didn't want to think about it, maybe Blaine was really right. Maybe these 9 people were the lucky ones. The ones that didn't have to kill anymore. They were free from anything this games were. He was still in the middle of them.
"What if we're the last ones left?" Blaine turned to Kurt. "I won't kill you…"
"I won't either…"

"This is crazy, isn't it?" Blaine lay down. "Maybe dead is the best way to be…"
"And you're negative Nancy again." Kurt laughed

Tina, district 4

Tina stared at the upside down Mike. After Tina told him he wasn't seeing the right things he had stopped talking. Like he didn't want to use his right to final words. Rachel took a step back, 展示 that she wouldn't kill him. Tina felt bad, she had a 刀 in her bag. Yet it was only meant to cut wood. Not to kill him. She pulled it from her bag, than she turned to Rachel.
"Can the roofs strangle him?"
"I'm sorry, I refuse to use life to give dead…" Rachel turned around. "you're on your own."

Tina almost directly rolled her eyes as Rachel stepped closer to the edge. Now she noticed how close they were to the river. They hadn't been here yet, the river was wild and showed no mercy. Anyone who fell down would be crushed to the stones. Deathly. Rachel didn't feel like going there, she turned back to Tina for just a moment. She was holding the 刀 in front of Mike. Almost like she was trying to figure out how to kill him. Tina let her mind yell. Don't do it. Yet, she needed to. Mike was glaring at her. 展示 her that she would not win.
"I'm better than you…" Tina whispered.
"If 你 were better, I would be dead…" Mike smiled "You're a traitor. At least Quinn has…"

With that there was a loud bang behind her. Tina turned around to find Rachel moving her hand to her neck. She pulled a slow dart from it. A dart that came from a blow pipe. For a tiny 秒 she smiled. She started to 移动 around, almost drunk. Towards the river.
"Rachel…" A voice sounded from behind them. "Rachel!"

With that she fell down. Tina turned back to Mike, she found an 《绿箭侠》 right through his heart. He was dead. Quinn stepped from the 树 and ran towards the river. All she could see was a fast river. Circles in the water like something had fallen down. Quinn opened her mouth wide and screamed Rachel's name. Tina put an arm around her shoulder, but her arm was pushed off.
"I told 你 one thing!" Quinn yelled "One thing! Protect Rachel! Yet, you're standing in front of the career thinking about murdering him. While someone kills Rachel behind your back! I told 你 one thing and 你 screw it up!"

"Quinn…" Tina moved closer to her. "You can't blame me about having a hard time with killing. Just because 你 do it like it's nothing, doesn't mean…."
"You bring people in danger…" Quinn hit her chest. "You were supposed to protect her! And 你 failed her and 你 failed me!"
"I failed you!" Tina yelled "I failed you! 你 don't tell us anything. 你 kept Rachel guessing. 你 with your secret plans about anything. 你 have Emma with those stuff and then. 你 should share! Quinn, 8 people have died. 8! 15! Rachel is just one of them! 或者 is your plan going to change my death?"
"Rachel is!" Quinn screamed. "You got her murdered! She…"

"Then why don't 你 confess?" Tina pushed her. "Yeah, you're so full of plans that 你 can't even talk to her. She tried to get to you, but 你 wouldn't share! If 你 talked to her, she wouldn't have been at that field. Plus 你 gave Becky the weapon that killed Rachel. Why is that? Do 你 want to kill us all? Do 你 want to win? 或者 were 你 and Rachel going to pull some crazy winning plan? 你 didn't care for any of us. We were just pawns in your stupid plan!"
"That's it, Tina." Quinn yelled "You're out of the alliance."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to stay…" Tina stepped away. "Not with someone who gives careers the murder weapon. I trusted you, I believed 你 had a good plan. Well, maybe you're just together with the careers. They're waiting to kill us. I bet 你 are just going to kill them in their sleep. Be careful Quinn, a 刀 in the back is rather painful…"
"Oh, miss Tina gets pissed… "Quinn yelled "Than why…"

"You have some crazy fetish with Rachel…" Tina pulled her bag over her shoulder. "I hope someone plants that 刀 right in your back. 你 will know what betrayal is…"

Tina moved away from the camp. Anger was building up in here, at the same time she felt sad because of Rachel. Rachel didn't disserve to die. She was a sweet girl, a nice person. She was her friend, she owned her life to Rachel Berry. Yet now she was the only one remaining. She stepped on. Maybe in the direction the dart came from. She turned around, the last thing she saw was the same dart heading her way. She fell down. Her eyes closed and silence over took.

Tina Cohen-Chang was no long alive. Her 心 beat stopped and she turned cold. And the light in her eyes went out. Another bang sounded. Nine bangs. Nine deaths. Only 8 remained.

Quinn, district 11

Quinn's blood boiled in anger. Rachel Berry was dead, her body was crushed against the rocks. There was no way to say goodbye. Tina didn't trust her anymore, where did she go wrong? Why couldn't Tina just do what she asked. Protect Rachel. Was it so hard. No it wasn't all that hard. She hadn't counted on some things. Her plan had gone wrong. Without Rachel Berry nothing mattered anymore. She thought about what Tina said, her attitude towards killing. Was it wrong that she didn't care when she killed Mike 或者 Sugar? It wasn't she didn't feel anything. It was just that it was for the best. Quinn thought about Rachel. Why didn't she make a 移动 towards her? Maybe she could have been Rachel's type. Maybe, yet she didn't make moves. She kept Rachel at an arms distant. Maybe the words : 'I 爱情 you' would have made the last moments of her life sweeter.

Why hadn't she taken a chance to tell Rachel she loved her? Why was the word : 爱情 so scary to her. Maybe because she didn't know how it was going to end. 或者 was she scared that Rachel would not accept Beth. Maybe. 或者 maybe she didn't want to get hurt. Quinn let the pain 移动 away, as anger took over. Anger towards the careers.

She stood up. She was going to kill them. All of them, first on her 列表 was Sebastian. The man that was a big supporter of the capitol. He didn't disserve to be the winner of the games. He should die, she was sure that he told Becky to kill Rachel. Why did they go after Rachel? When did she become a threat to them.

She moved with a determent footstep to find them. She was going to make sure that Sebastian's dead was painful. That he knew for sure he was going to die. She was not going to make it painless. Not like Rachel's dart to her neck. She remembered the image. Rachel falling down. Scared. She wished she could have hugged her, but she was too far. Too late to even get there. She moved 下一个 to the trees. She was going to find him. He was going to pay.

Santana district 12

"Not another one!" Brittany moved closer to Santana. They were sitting in a tree, were they were safe. "Is that the 10th one?"
"Yes, Brit." Santana nodded. "I wish lightning would have proceeded it. When is night fall?"
"Only a few hours…"

Santana stared at the sky. She bet the evening was close. Pretty close in fact. She could still see the sun high above the sky. Santana wanted to know who died, not that she feared for anyone's life. Brittany was right 下一个 to her. She knew that Brittany cared for Blaine, so she did too. Brittany stared at her. Who died? That idea kept Santana busy.
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