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 Fixin' It Up!
Fixin' It Up!

It has been a 年 since 灰姑娘 married Prince Kit. Both of them head to the forest to attend their wedding anniversary that the mice and Fairy Godmother have prepared for them. Meanwhile, 真假公主 and Drizella, who are currently taking over Cinderella's jobs at the household, are not having a good time. 真假公主 manages to follow 灰姑娘 and the prince to where the anniversary is being held. Figuring out that it was magic that gave 灰姑娘 her "happily ever after", she swipes the Fairy Godmother's wand when she drops it. 真假公主 returns 首页 quickly and shows it to Lady Tremaine and her sister, both thinking it's just a stick and she has 迷失 her mind.

The Fairy Godmother shows up and attempts to get the wand back from Anastasia, who accidentally turns her into a statue. Impressed, Lady Tremaine takes the wand and reverses time to undo Cinderella's happily ever after 由 going back to the events at the end of the first movie, in a bid to once again make Cinderella's life a misery. She makes what was originally a tiny shoe fit Anastasia's big foot with 灰姑娘 being locked in her tower, only to be freed to see 真假公主 and Drizella leaving. While speaking with 灰姑娘 as she's about to give her the replacement glass slipper she pulls out, Lady Tremaine snatches it with her staff and shatters it. Furious, Lady Tremaine confronts 灰姑娘 and does not allow her to approach the Prince 或者 the palace, but allows her to clean up this mess. When Lady Tremaine leaves, this leads Jaq and Gus to appear and for 灰姑娘 to sing "More Than a Dream". Gus and Jaq try cheering her up, Jaq saying that "Princey knows he danced with Cinderelley last night!" and gives 灰姑娘 the idea to go after kit and convince him that they danced together.

Skipping back to the step family, they've arrived at the castle, where Kit is speaking while sword fighting with his father. They go into discussion about how the king was immediately smitten 由 his Queen, Kit's mother, who had passed on years before. With 真假公主 arriving, Kit is, at first, glad as he thinks it's the girl he danced with (Cinderella), but slightly disappointed when seeing Anastasia. He tells her that she and her family will get an escort home, but Lady Tremaine uses the wand to make him forget who he really danced with and marry 真假公主 that night. Kit falls under the spell and, believing he danced with Anastasia, gives her the ring to marry them. 真假公主 goes hyper and agrees to the marriage.

Meanwhile, Gus and Jaq had witnessed this event from a lamp high above the scene since they got inside with Cinderella, who was claiming to be the royal 老鼠, 鼠标 catcher to stay inside. Gus and Jaq play along and, when viewing this scene, they rush off to tell Cinderella. Later on, 灰姑娘 is seen confronting Kit and both are confused, the prince thinking he danced with 真假公主 yet 灰姑娘 knows the truth. She is cut short from saying what really happened and forced to go find the mice (Jaq and Gus) that have come into the castle. 灰姑娘 is placed in the cellar where Gus and Jaq tell her what Lady Tremaine had done to Kit, 灰姑娘 now set on getting the wand back.

真假公主 and Kit have a moment where they dance and 真假公主 is repeatedly stepping on his foot 由 accident. When the waltz is over, the King summons her into another room, while the Duke takes the Prince out and tells her about his wife. He gave her the Queen's most treasured possession, which is a seashell. Both the King and 皇后乐队 were walking one 日 on a beach, unknowing of one another, and reached for 说 seashell at the same time. Their hands met and they fell in love. He allows 真假公主 to keep the shell, who is smitten with it instantly. Kit tells the Duke that he felt nothing when his hand connected with Anastasia's, and is once again confused. Jaq and Gus get into the room where the step family is staying and Lucifer's tail manages to get caught on fire, prompting the famous line "Someone put out the cat!" coming into play. 真假公主 throws a 枕头 against him and whams him right into the wall, the stepmother demanding that someone would call for the housekeeper. 灰姑娘 gets into the room in disguise with a 城堡 maid bonnet covering her eyes and hair.

Lady Tremaine pulls the bonnet off to reveal Cinderella. Jaq and Gus get the wand, and the three make a run for it down the halls while being chased 由 guards. With Jaq and Gus using the magic from the wand, they transform Lucifer into a jack in the box first, then a mini-sized Lucifer, then back to normal when he's in the 老鼠, 鼠标 hole. 灰姑娘 makes it to a staircase where Kit appears, 灰姑娘 trying to break the spell on him so he would remember who he really danced with. She is narrowly cut off when the guards get to her and Lady Tremaine takes back the wand. 灰姑娘 manages to grace her hand over Kit's, which has him shocked and now baffled. Lady Tremaine orders for 灰姑娘 to be on the 下一个 ship on exile from the kingdom. Drizella almost divulges their plan and Tremaine warns her to keep quiet, unless she wishes to 加入 Cinderella.

Late afternoon, Kit is seen talking to his father, but motions into a small fitting room perhaps. He speaks with Jaq and Gus, who perform the song "At the Ball" explaining that he danced with 灰姑娘 and that he was under a spell. This causes him to hurry out the room and to the stairs where he confronts his father, who forbids him from stepping down the stairs. Kit agrees, only to jump out the window and climb down the vines, then gets on his horse and demands one of the guards to tell him where 灰姑娘 is. He rushes off to her rescue so she isn't sent away for good, the King allowing this to happen when he sees it. Kit and his trusty 骏马 race after the boat, where they end up running through a lighthouse and the horse gets scared of heights. Kit is seen flying onto the 船, 小船 and using a small blade against the sail to soften his fall. He sees 灰姑娘 and places his hand against hers and knows it was her who he danced with.

They return to the castle, and the King orders for Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella to be brought into custody. They vanish, and Kit says that it is 灰姑娘 who he wants to marry. When 灰姑娘 is in front of a mirror and getting ready for the wedding, Lady Tremaine appears from a closet behind 灰姑娘 with 真假公主 now looking identical to Cinderella's appearance. Lady Tremaine then makes 灰姑娘 vanish into a 南瓜 carriage, this one being an evil version along with a human version of Lucifer as the driver. The intent is to have her killed. With the help of Jaq and Gus, the three conquer over the 南瓜 carriage and Lucifer, and ride back on the horse that was used.

灰姑娘 makes it back to the wedding, just in time to witness, to her amazement, 真假公主 (still using Cinderella's appearance) looking her dead in the eyes and saying "I...DON'T", and declaring she only wants to be loved for herself, having realized she does not truly 爱情 Kit. Lady Tremaine and Drizella then emerge from the shadows, infuriated 由 Anastasia's sudden conscience. The King sends his guards after them, but Lady Tremaine creates a whirling vortex of magic and fends the guards off 由 turning them into various animals. As Lady Tremaine prepares to strike down 真假公主 for refusing to marry Kit, 灰姑娘 steps in to protect 真假公主 for trying to fix her happy ending. An unfazed Lady Tremaine decides to turn them both into toads. Kit steps in to protect them, to Lady Tremaine's delight. The King and Grand Duke step in front of them, only to find themselves in danger of being turned into toads.

Before striking down all five of her prey, Lady Tremaine vents her spleen at Anastasia, claiming everything she had ever done since she and Drizella were born was for them, and them alone. 真假公主 demands to know whether Lady Tremaine had any part in the death of her father, and Lady Tremaine states that she was indeed responsible for it, claiming that he was a burden to 真假公主 and Drizella, and even worse, that she not only killed Cinderella's father, but also her mother, and states her killing spree was carried out to help 真假公主 achieve power. 真假公主 protests that she refused to marry Kit as she has learnt the true meaning of love. 灰姑娘 stands up for 真假公主 again 由 telling Lady Tremaine that she and 真假公主 both know that she killed their parents to quench her own thirst for power. 灰姑娘 adds that she and 真假公主 now know that nothing they have done will ever be good enough for Lady Tremaine, and 真假公主 adds that power is the one thing her mother values above all else.

Visibly insulted 由 灰姑娘 and Anastasia's remarks, Tremaine calls 真假公主 a liar and tells the King that she now intends to take over the Kingdom as she had magic on her side. Infuriated to realize how ruthless and unloving Lady Tremaine truly was from the very beginning, 灰姑娘 asks Kit for his sword. Kit gives it over but tells 灰姑娘 she may need him, to which 灰姑娘 回复 由 saying she had to defend them herself. She then dares Lady Tremaine to attack them and prepares to deflect the incoming bolt of magic, wisely keeping her anger in check. Lady Tremaine then aims the wand and yells 'BIBBIDI...BOBBIDI...BOOOOOOOOOOOO!', unable to contain her hatred and lust a 秒 longer. 灰姑娘 manages to deflect the bolt of magic and it bounces back to Lady Tremaine and Drizella, sending them to the 城堡 cellar and turning them both into toads. As the vortex of evil magic vanishes, 灰姑娘 turns around to make sure 真假公主 and Kit are alright. They both reply they are fine, but 真假公主 begins to disapprove of the act of kindness 灰姑娘 has performed for her, as she is convinced she does not deserve it.

真假公主 then brings 灰姑娘 and Kit back together and asks for her permission to use the wand to transform back to her normal self, calling herself 'an insolent, spoilt, brazen hussy'. Seeing Anastasia's remorse, 灰姑娘 tells her that it's fine if 真假公主 needs to use the wand for that purpose. 真假公主 then transforms back to her normal self, throws the wand over to 灰姑娘 and attempts to give the seashell back to the King. He attempts to let her keep it, saying 'everyone deserves true love'. However, as 真假公主 is now adamant she does not deserve true 爱情 as she has tried to take it away from Cinderella, she insists that the King should keep it, and he reluctantly takes it back. She then decides she has no other choice but to isolate herself from Cinderella, and prepares to leave the Palace. 灰姑娘 tries to talk 真假公主 out of doing so 由 stating that she forgives her and that she should try to forgive herself. 真假公主 remains unconvinced, however. She apologizes for everything she has ever done to 灰姑娘 and promises to stay out of her life forever. Anastasia's anger finally gets the better of her, and she rages at 灰姑娘 for protecting her, claiming that she did not deserve to be protected 由 her and does not deserve her forgiveness, and that she should have let Tremaine use magic on her. Horrified 由 Anastasia's tirade, 灰姑娘 tells her she does not deserve to be punished in such a way, to which she retorts 由 telling her that she still deserves to be punished, despite Cinderella's protestations, and that if she wishes to banish 真假公主 from the Kingdom, she is at liberty to do so. 灰姑娘 tries one last time to reason with Anastasia, but it's too little, too late.

真假公主 then mounts Cinderella's horse and rides to the harbour, hoping to board the 下一个 ship leaving the Kingdom. 灰姑娘 breaks down after Anastasia's outburst, but Kit comforts her and assures her that there is still some hope. 灰姑娘 remains hopeful and she and Kit bring back Fairy Godmother from the stone state she had been turned into before Lady Tremaine turned back time. 灰姑娘 and Kit decide to finish the ceremony and then look for Anastasia. Fairy Godmother restores Cinderella's wedding attire and offers to restore the original timeline, but they reject the offer as they cannot see much point in doing so. 灰姑娘 and Kit finally tie the knot and then get into the King's private carriage to track down Anastasia. At the harbour, meanwhile, 真假公主 considers her choice and soon starts having flashbacks to the wedding. It finally dawns on 真假公主 that she does truly deserve Cinderella's forgiveness and true love. Cinderella, Kit, the King and the Grand Duke reach the harbour and 灰姑娘 runs over to hug 真假公主 and consoles her 由 telling her that everything is alright. 真假公主 then confesses that she was wrong to punish herself in such a manner and that she accepts her forgiveness, and also apologizes for inviting 灰姑娘 to turn back on her kindness. 真假公主 admits the only reason she tried to take away Cinderella's happy ending was because she was under Lady Tremaine's influence, to which 灰姑娘 回复 that she understands completely and that she knows how truly sorry 真假公主 is, and tells her that isolating herself would be the worst possible punishment.

Kit joins the conversation and tells 真假公主 that he thinks she made her mind up too quickly, and that she didn't need to be so hard on herself, and 真假公主 confesses that Lady Tremaine's manipulation was also the only reason she called herself 'an insolent, spoilt, brazen hussy'. 灰姑娘 expresses her relief that 真假公主 did not fulfil her threat to isolate herself, and that she is glad 真假公主 now knows she truly deserves her forgiveness. 真假公主 hesitantly asks 灰姑娘 if they can truly mend their strained relationship, and 灰姑娘 promises her that they can wipe the slate clean and become True Sisters, and the two embrace, bringing their animosity to an end. The King gives 真假公主 his shell back and she takes it willingly, now knowing she deserves true love, and she joins 灰姑娘 and Kit in a group hug. They set off back to the castle, but not before Fairy Godmother reappears in their path and tells them that she has decided to restore Tremaine and Drizella's human forms. The King decides they should be made to work as lowly servants, rather than banished, and 灰姑娘 also decides that kind of punishment would be far 更多 effective. They are turned into humans again, this time wearing the exact same rags they had forced 灰姑娘 to wear. Cinderella, Kit and 真假公主 arrive back at the Palace and 加入 hands as they walk back in, receiving a warm welcome from the crowd, leading them to sing the final song "True 爱情 At Last". 灰姑娘 then delivers her final line to the camera; 'And we will all live happily ever after...Again!'. The ending credits 显示 several paintings depicting the main cast before 展示 the King announcing to 灰姑娘 and 真假公主 (now married to the Baker from 灰姑娘 2) Lady Tremaine and Drizella have decided to leave the Kingdom for good. 灰姑娘 and 真假公主 both breath a sigh of relief and embrace each other, knowing that Lady Tremaine will never be a thorn in their side again.


Jennifer Hale as Cinderella
Chris Daniel Barnes as Prince Kit
Susanne Blakeslee as Lady Tremaine
Tress MacNeille as 真假公主 Tremaine
Russi Taylor as Drizella Tremaine and Fairy Godmother
Andre Stojka as The King
Holland Taylor as Prudence
Rob Paulsen as Jaq, Grand Duke and Bishop
Corey 伯顿 as Gus
Frank Welker as Lucifer

(Jennifer Hale also provides Cinderella's 唱歌 voice)


The movie's soundtrack is composed 由 long-time 迪士尼 collaborator Alan Menken, The original songs contained in the body of the film, including "Perfectly Perfect," "More Than a Dream", "At the Ball" and "True 爱情 At Last" are written 由 frequent 迪士尼 songwriters Alan Zachary, Michael Weiner and Alan Menken. Instead of using a pop song, the credits would continue to use Menken's soundtrack.
 True Sisters At Last!
True Sisters At Last!
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How does it feel to have won your 秒 round?

It’s very gratifying because this was a story I believed in, but I was worried it wouldn’t be well-received. Going into this contest, I was hoping to get at least one win for each of my stories, and I was starting to get a little worried that might not happen.

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