
情绪硬核 问题


my.friend.said.im.scene.cause.i.don't.cut.myself. and.i.said.thats.a.stereotype.he.said.no.it's.not. it's.just.how.your.emo.but.he.acts.like.he's. gangster.and.emo.and.he.has.no.looks.of.being.emo.or.acts.like.it.and.it.pisses.me.off.so.much.i.just.want.him.to.know.that.he's.a.poser.and.that.he's.not.emo.
TR3 posted 一年多以前
tht makes him a wannabe.u have 2 have a reason 2 be emoh and cut urself
iam_emo posted 一年多以前
 TR3 posted 一年多以前
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情绪硬核 答案

Mela1994 said:
Just cuz he cuts himself does not mean he's emo
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posted 一年多以前 
eric999 said:
no it probs mean his depressed u shold probs get im some help about that
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posted 一年多以前 
gunholy said:
no it sounds 更多 like hes deprresed and that is how he deals with it and not all emos cut
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posted 一年多以前 
i totally agree with you.surprisingly alot of people cut themselves when they are depressed.
joelemasters posted 一年多以前
_Charlie_ said:
nuh... 情绪硬核 is not about cutting...

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posted 一年多以前 
then what 情绪硬核 means
ko21yal posted 一年多以前
well 情绪硬核 is a way of living , thinking.. dosen't have to include the cutting part
_Charlie_ posted 一年多以前
EmoSuicidal13 said:
no. hes not emo
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posted 一年多以前 
zakbeck said:
i hate my life and cut myself but dont dress emo? does that mean i'm not emo?
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posted 一年多以前 
lollipopszx3 said:
No. I have a friend who cut once because she was really upset because she got caught with something illegal. Doesn't mean she's emo. I guess he doesn't have another way to stop the pain.
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posted 一年多以前 
iam_emo said:
no hes not emoh.and he needs 2 stop doin thtcuz 1 日 sum1s gonna beat his 屁股 4 wanting 2 be like us.or iont know.ask him wtf is going on 1st.
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posted 一年多以前 
scarsdntfade said:
No he is not but try to get him to stop cuz ik ppl who ddi tht stuff and the longer u take to help then the harder it is to breeak the habbit...he might not be doing it to kill himself but one slip and he hits a vein he could die and u dnt wanna loose a freindd to somthing like that...my friend almost did and it almost killed her knowing that her best friend was basically killing herself. Its not a good situation and he needs to stop.
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posted 一年多以前 
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