情绪硬核 Club
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added by walkingSPAZZTIC
Source: www.emobucket.com
added by Ali_Raj
Source: 情绪硬核
added by shego94
Source: my carma anD computer
posted by tigerlilly14
I wanna run but I cannot chase the sun I'm hiding from the light because it is so bright I don't wanna fight because i'm filled with fright look there is the spirites they come only in the night 你 wouldn't find me in the 日 of light morning when I'm out of your sight trying to escape the night the stars are so bright 你 call to me and I'm full of fright I carefully look to the sky but then I look all around and see nobody is to be found I run from the sun I run from 你 你 are not who i had thought I knew I can't I can't be blue as long as I'm far away from 你 Is this true what 你 are feeling that you're no longer peeling far far away where 你 can't find me it is my time to fly and now I will say GOODBYE.
added by mukeshsingh
Source: mukesh
added by AshleyDawnX
added by AshleyDawnX
added by jaxsky1
Source: devil was once an 天使 </3
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky
added by jaxsky1
Source: jax sky
added by ayseblack
posted by Mallory101
The night was falling
And the stars are 显示 up
My 心 is still weak and cold
I try to defeated with the shadow
But I can’t
Is this the only way I can find my true love?
Sitting here all alone
Watching the stars
Hoping for the sign
The night was falling slowly
And the stars are 显示 up
And my cold 心 still searching for something
My lonely soul is 迷失 in the darkness
Try to find the way home
My fallen 天使 is 迷失 in my embrace forever
I see 你 in my dreams, dark angel
My 爱情 is belong only in your dreams
There is nothing to do with it
I am just shadow
Who is always hidden from the light
My cold heart...
continue reading...
added by EroZacherySS99
posted by tigerlilly14
They call to me at night and fill my room with bright lights I cannot remember the last time I had seen 你 but I remember 你 were once here 你 had thought 你 could do no wrong that it would only be in a song but 你 did know all along that we couldn't belong we had our last song our last moment before 你 说 goodbye that moment 你 had the courage to say 你 were wrong I can't stay long I don't think your feelings for me are true I can't believe I'm the one that turned out to be blue 你 come to me as a blur a forgotten memory how will I live without 你 here how could I live in fear of your return I shall run into the sun to make sure the pain would be done bright lights flicker into the sky no words to say my last goodbye I can't say I'm sorry it was 你 that betrayed me can't 你 see all 你 did was drive me away no I'm not okay.
added by ayseblack
added by richard17
added by emofreaks
added by katkannibal
Source: my camera O.o
added by lilianafans