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posted by emmygirl822
Another chappie...and yeah, that's all I've got. o3o
Chappie Three
    "We're going to die!" Alyssa exclaimed worriedly, as she paced around.
    "Calm down, Lyss," Arielle softly assured her. "We'll probably just get grounded forever."
    Alyssa released a bloodcurdling scream. "Genna! One Direction! EVERYTHING I LOOOOVE!!!!"
    Of course all she was worried about at the moment was her 最喜爱的 boy band and her best friend and her makeup and...
    Joe, Arielle, and Alyssa were all pacing back and forth in Alyssa's room, which was completely filled with the color 粉, 粉色 - the walls, the items, even her! It made Arielle and Joe stick out like sore thumbs in such a setting.
    "You're concerned about that?!" Joe shook his fist in Alyssa's face. "You're absolutely ridiculous."
    "Am not!" Alyssa retorted.
    "Are too," Joe argued.
    "Kids!" a voice called...Alyssa and Joe's father. That was their cue to head down for a long lecture. They clamped down the stairs, attempting to stall for time.
    "We know you're there," Arielle's mom shouted through the 墙 dividing the wooden stairs and the living room. Of course she did; her hearing sense was unbelievable.
    Sighing, Arielle hesitantly made her way down, as did Alyssa and Joe. They anxiously avoided their parents' gazes and stood in a straight line, shoulders touching.
    "So...do 你 know why 你 are here right now?" Mrs. Maher (Alyssa and Joe's mother) questioned them all.
    "Because we did something wrong?" Joe guessed (even though they all knew exactly why).
    "Which was....?"
    "We pulled a prank on the whole school," Alyssa answered, wanting to disappear right then and there.
    "And that prank was...?" Arielle's mom pressed.
    "We set the school on fire," her daughter responded, voice wavering.
    "Not precisely," Joe corrected her calmly. "I just installed some hologram projectors and set them off. The 火, 消防 wasn't actually a fire. It was really a hologram, but it looked as if the school was in flames."
    "What in the world would provoke 你 three to do such a thing?!" Mr. Maher demanded.
    "We thought it'd be all in good fun. We never meant any harm!" Joe guilty admitted.
    "I thought 你 had common sense..." Mrs. Maher couldn't have looked 更多 disappointed. Suddenly, the tweens were wishing they had never even thought about playing this joke...if it even was a joke.
    "We do!" Arielle desperately tried, but even she knew deep down that saying anything wouldn't help in this case.
    "We certainly hope 你 three have learned your lesson," Arielle's mother shot them a perturbed glance, shaking her head.
    "You almost killed an innocent boy!!!" Mrs. Maher obviously wasn't as calm. "He's in the hospital getting stitches since he cracked his head open, all because of 你 guys."
    Now Alyssa was aware of the hot water they were in. Were they about to be sent to juvie? Where were the police ready to arrest them?
    "You are aware of the fact that there will be serious consequences for what 你 have just done," Mr. Maher sternly explained.
    "I'll accept any of them..." Arielle 说 responsibly.
    "So will we," Joe and Alyssa agreed.
    "You better. Because you're not staying here," Arielle's mother revealed.
    "Huh?!" They gasped in unison.
    "We're sending 你 to Gravity Falls!" Mr. Maher made it sound like it was absolutely horrifying...yet the expressions on the trio's faces were blank.
    "What's Gravity Falls?" Joe asked after a moment of silence.
    Alyssa already was concentrating on her iPod. Then she passed it to Arielle. "Read this; I'm too lazy to read it aloud."
    Arielle held back a giggle as she read what it said. "Gravity Falls is a town up in west....OREGON?!" Her jaw practically dropped to the floor as she stared almost into her mother. "You're sending us across the country?!"     
    "Yes," Her mom answered without any emotion.
    Alyssa snatched the iPod back, then dropped it to the floor.
    "Oh, and no 更多 unlimited texting on your cell phones until we know we can trust you," Mr. Maher continued.
    More gasping.
    "Only calling."
    Alyssa over-dramatically passed out onto the couch.
    "And no 更多 One Direction. I threw out your CDs!" Mrs. Maher finished, a hint of amusement detectable in her serious voice.
    All that was heard then was the sound of high-pitched, muffled sobbing.
    Nobody else dare spoke a word, for fear that what they loved would be taken away as well.
    "All right...we're done. C'mon Arielle. We're going home." Arielle's mother grabbed onto Arielle's hand.
    "Bu-but I have so many questions!" Arielle protested.
    "You're leaving tomorrow, and your flight is already booked. You're staying at a hotel for the summer. We'll be visiting 你 every so often, and we're supplying 你 with clothes and debit cards. No electronics unless 你 feel the need to use them. Now, come on. We have to get 首页 so 你 can pack your things and say good bye to your father."     
    "See 你 tomorrow," Arielle whispered to Joe and Alyssa, resigned to her fate.
God, this was so fun to write. The usual disclaimer: I do not own GF blah blah blaaaaah. xP xD