迪士尼跨界(crossover) Club
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 "You've done it now, Angel!"
"You've done it now, Angel!"
Belle hurried back towards the house, her 心 racing. “You’ve done it now, Angel,” she 说 to the small cream Pomeranian/Chihuahua crossbreed that was scampering along at her heels. Pausing for breath outside the door, Belle looked down at her dog. “Why did 你 have to nip her?”

天使 hung her head and looked genuinely apologetic. Belle sighed. She could never stay angry at 天使 for long. “I know, I know,” she said, leaning on the wall. “You did it because she came at us with a 扫帚 and shouted at me.”

Pushing open the door, she slipped quickly inside the Benbow Inn, weaving through the crowded tables with 天使 at her heels, and hurried up to where her Aunt was piling dirty plates onto a tray, ready to be washed.

“Aunt Sarah,” she began, breathlessly.

“Belle, there 你 are! You’re late!” Sarah Silver, who was Belle’s aunt on her mother’s side, thrust the tray into the girl’s arms. “Quick; I need 你 to wash these while I serve.”

“But Aunt Sarah-!”

“And put 天使 outside,” Aunt Sarah added, sweeping them both in the direction of the 厨房 door. “It’s not hygienic.”

Belle did as she was told, praying in vain that perhaps her Uncle would listen to her if her Aunt wouldn’t. “Uncle John-!”

“Ah, there y’are, Belle,” 说 John Silver, a man who had been through the wars quite literally and had had half his human parts replaced with cyborg parts in order to survive, and who was the cook at the Benbow. “Hurry up with those dishes now, girl; we’ve got a rush on and some big orders to fill.”

“Yes, but Uncle John-”

“John!” Aunt Sarah came hurrying through the door. “The barrels need refilling; and I’m up to my elbows!”

“This’ll have to keep,” John replied, setting aside the dish of 炖, 炖煮的食物 he had been stirring over the stove and hurrying into the taproom as fast as his legs – one real and one artificial – could carry him.

“Aunt Sarah, there’s something I need to-!” Belle replied, once more.

“Belle, whatever it is, it can wait!” Aunt Sarah insisted. “Just wash up, and please try to keep out of trouble!”

Belle watched in dismay as the door swung shut again, leaving her and 天使 alone in the kitchen. 天使 gave a dull whine and lay down at her mistress’s feet; with her head on her front paws. Belle thrust the dishes into the sink and folded her arms, tiredly. “Stay out of trouble?” With a sigh, she brushed a strand of stray hair out of her eyes. “Do 你 think there’s a place in the world where there isn’t any trouble, Angel? Maybe behind the sun, beyond the rain...over the rainbow, somewhere?”

天使 looked up at her, cocking her head on one side. Belle smiled. Most people 说 that 狗 could only understand a few words humans 说 to them – usually small words like “Dinner” and “Biscuit” and “Walk” and “Bath” and “Bed.” But Belle was certain that 天使 was intelligent enough to understand every word Belle ever 说 to her. She could almost imagine Angel’s voice, were she to talk, cool and sassy and she imagined that in response to her 问题 she would say something like “Mm, well, maybe, but we’re probably not likely to find it, are we?”

Belle turned back to the washing up and set about it as quickly as possible, thinking that perhaps if she made herself as useful as possible, there would be less work for her Aunt and Uncle and that perhaps then they could hear what she had to tell them before they heard it from someone else.

Alas for Belle, however, things didn’t quite go the way she had hoped. Before the last 餐车, 晚餐, 小餐馆 had left the inn, the door opened and their neighbour, Miss Mulch, walked into the room. She was a tall, thin woman with a sickly complexion, and Belle often likened her to a witch, particularly in light of her temperament and her habit of always wearing black. Uncle John was in the room when she came in and he looked up in surprise at her.

“Miss Mulch; what can we do for you?” he asked.

Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 held herself stiffly as she walked up to him. “Where’s your niece?”

“Belle? Why? Is she in trouble?”

“I should say so. I’m all but lame from the bite on my leg.”

Uncle John blinked at her in confusion. “She bit you?”

“No. Her dog.”

“She bit Angel?”

Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 rolled her eyes in irritation. “No!”

“What’s the trouble?” asked Aunt Sarah, coming into the room.

“The trouble, Mrs Silver, is that your niece and her dog got into my garden on their way 首页 from school today. That mangy fleabag was chasing my old cat; and when I went to shoo her out, the animal bit me!”

Belle, who had been listening from the kitchen, quickly hurried out to defend her dog. “It was only a nip!” she exclaimed. “And she only did it because 你 tried to hit us with a broom!”

“Oh, Belle!” sighed Aunt Sarah.

Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 straightened up. “A dog that bites is a bad dog, and I’ve had the Sheriff’s permission to have it destroyed.”

“No!” Belle exclaimed.

“Now, Miss Mulch, that’s a bit harsh,” began Uncle John.

天使 had followed her mistress into the room and now she began to bark in defence. Belle turned to her. “Angel, shush!”

“Would 你 rather I sued?” Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 asked. “By rights, I ought to.”

“You can’t!” Belle cried, appealing to her Aunt and Uncle. “She’s my only friend!”

“Look, Miss Mulch,” began Aunt Sarah, “Angel’s honestly not a vicious dog. It’s perfectly natural for a dog to defend their owner-”

“So you’re not taking her away!” Belle snapped.

Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 straightened up. “If 你 go against the law, it won’t be good for you. I could get the police involved, 你 know.”

Aunt Sarah and Uncle John exchanged a glance. Then, they both turned to Belle. Her 心 dropped. “No! No, you’re not taking her away!”

“Belle,” sighed Uncle John, “there’s nothing else we can do.”

Angel, however, seemed to sense that something was up, as she suddenly darted towards the door, which Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 had left open. “Run, Angel!” Belle cried, and then, ducking under her Uncle’s arm, she darted after her.

“Belle, come back!” cried Aunt Sarah, rushing to the door, but Belle was already out of sight. Turning, rather angrily to Miss Mulch, Aunt Sarah straightened up. “Miss Mulch, all these years I’ve been wanting to tell 你 what I think of 你 and now...well, being a Christian woman, I just can’t say it!”

Then she turned and hurried out after Belle. Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 turned to Uncle John, who folded his arms and indicated the door. “Well, 你 can leave the way 你 came in, Miss Mulch; unless you’d like the take the scenic route through the kitchens?”

Belle hurried along the lane, looking left and right for any flash of cream 毛皮 amongst the green of the hedgerows. “Angel?” she called, desperately, worrying now. 天使 was a very fast runner and was good at hiding. “Angel!” Belle called again.

Then, to her relief, 天使 shot out from under a nearby 衬套, 布什 and scampered up to her in delight. Belle breathed out and bent down to scoop her into a hug. “Oh, Angel,” she sighed, glancing around her. “Why do the bad things always seem to happen to us?” She looked around. They were a good long way away from the house, but no doubt Aunt Sarah and Uncle John would come after them, with Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 too. Belle would not allow anyone to take her dog away from her. It was true when she 说 that 天使 was the only friend she had. Everyone else in their quiet, provincial town thought that she was odd and kept well away from her. 天使 was the only one she could really talk to, the only one she really felt understood her and who cared; she was always ready with a loving lick 或者 nuzzle when she felt her mistress needed it.

“We’d better run away, Angel,” she said, finally, having thought it all through. “We can’t go back there; they’ll just take 你 away. No, we have to find somewhere else to live. Come on.”

She put the dog down and together they both began to run again until they felt they could run no more. 由 this stage, Belle felt that they had put significant enough distance between themselves and the Benbow Inn to allow themselves a brief rest stop. She leaned against a 树 and then allowed her tiredness to drag her down to sit on one of its roots. 天使 sat down beside her and lay her head on Belle’s knees, with another soft whine. Belle patted her head. “I should have packed some things first, you’re right,” she mused. “Some food; some supplies. Oh, Angel,” she added with a sigh. “This is all such a mess.”

Even as she was thinking it, the clip-clop sound of horses’ feet approached them. She looked up to see a lovely light brown horse with feet the size of 汤 plates, pulling a caravan that looked something like a house on wheels. Seeing them, the horse stopped and then from inside the caravan came a sudden banging and clattering that sent a startled 天使 barking again.

“Oh, confound it all!” came a rather 交叉, 十字架 voice from inside the caravan, and then a door at the back opened and a thin man with a shock of white hair and a matching beard stomped down the steps, brushing himself down of dust. “Impudent thing!” Then he noticed Belle and 天使 and smiled, politely. “Oh, hello there.”

“Good evening, sir,” Belle replied, getting to her feet. The side of the caravan read “Professor Merlin, acclaimed 由 the Crowned Heads of Europe. Let him read your Past, Present and Future in his Crystal Ball. (Also Juggling and Sleight of Hand)” She smiled and nodded to the sign. “Is that you?”

“Why, yes it is,” Mr Merlin replied, taking off his glasses to polish them. “And who do Philippe and I have the pleasure of addressing?”

“My name’s Belle Garland,” Belle replied. “And this is my dog, Angel.”

天使 was sniffing at Philippe’s feet. The horse, carelessly, snorted at her and went back to tearing up a clump of grass. “So what are 你 doing sitting 由 the side of the road?” asked Mr Merlin. “No, no, don’t tell me. You’re...travelling in disguise. No, that’s not right. You’re... going on a visit? No, that’s not it. You’re...running away?”

Belle laughed. “How did 你 guess?”

Mr Merlin smiled and pressed the tips of his fingers together. “Mr Merlin doesn’t guess, my child. He knows. But why are 你 running away? No, no, don’t tell me. Let me see...they don’t understand 你 at home?”

Belle smiled. “No. No one understands me; apart from Angel. And now our neighbour, Miss Mulch, wants to have her put down just because 天使 bit her when she was defending me. And our town’s so...so boring anyway.”

Mr Merlin nodded, understanding. “You want to see other lands; big mountains; vast oceans..?”

Belle nodded. “Just like in one of my books.”

“Like me,” Mr Merlin agreed, patting Philippe. “We’ve been on the road 或者 years now; travelling; doing our acts.”

Belle took a deep breath, a thought suddenly forming in her mind. “Mr Merlin, could we come along with you? We could earn our keep and we wouldn’t be any trouble. Please?”

Mr Merlin looked startled but recovered quickly. “Well, er-”


“Well, 你 could, of course, but, er, I’ll just have to check my crystal ball first,” Mr Merlin replied, flustered, leading the way into the caravan. Belle followed, with 天使 at her heels. Inside the caravan, it was lavishly decorated in bright colours, like stepping back into a medieval castle, Belle thought, as she seated herself in the chair Mr Merlin offered her. He sat opposite her; a 表 between them held the crystal ball.

“I never do anything without consulting this first,” Mr Merlin explained as 天使 leapt up onto Belle’s lap and curled up. Belle watched him place his hands on the crystal and close his eyes, focusing. Presently he opened his eyes and looked into the crystal. “I see...a house,” he said, “no, an inn; just on the outskirts of the sea, with a picture of an admiral on the sign.”

“That’s our inn,” Belle said, leaning forward. “The Benbow.”

“And I see...a woman...with light brown hair and in a red dress and a mob cap...”

“That’s Aunt Sarah. What’s she doing?”

“Hm, well, I can’t quite see. Oh, she’s crying.” Mr Merlin looked up at her. “She’s distressed, I think. I think she’s been looking for something...or someone...and can’t find them.”

“Me?” Belle said, softly.

“Well, yes, someone she loves very much; she and her husband.”

Belle felt a rush of guilt. “What’s she doing now?”

“Well...” Merlin blinked suddenly. “She’s falling onto her knees. She looks like she might be...about to faint...”

Belle sprang to her feet, knocking 天使 off her knees. “Why?”

“The crystal’s gone dark,” sighed Mr Merlin.

Belle looked at Angel. “She could be ill, Angel. We’d better get back. I’ll figure out something to do; I’ll hide 你 somehow from Miss Mulch; but we need to go.”

“What’s this?” Mr Merlin asked, looking surprised. “I thought 你 were coming along with me?”

“Oh, I can’t! I have to go!” Belle hurried out of the caravan with 天使 racing alongside her. “Bye, Mr Merlin, and thanks for everything!”

Philippe began to whiney in agitation as the wind picked up. “Come on, Philippe,” 说 Mr Merlin, catching his bridle. “We’d better get under shelter. Poor girl; I hope she gets 首页 alright.”

由 the time Belle had reached the house, the storm had turned into a twister and no one was in sight. They must be all in the storm shelter, she thought, but when she ran to it, the doors were locked. In a panic she scooped up 天使 and thrust her way back into the inn, looking for somewhere they could shelter, perhaps under the bar.

But before she could get to it, an enormous gust of wind ripped the windows open. The edge of one hit her on the side of the head and she staggered and fell to the floor, dazed. Then, Angel’s barking roused her and she scrabbled to her feet and ducked under the bar before collapsing, out cold.

Some time later, she awoke, again to the sound of Angel’s barking, and pulled herself out from under the bar. “Is the storm over?” she asked, rubbing her head. Then, through the open window, she saw that the entire inn was up inside the cyclone.

心 pounding, she ran to the window, 天使 joining her, and looked down into the swirling dust circles. “I don’t believe this,” Belle exclaimed, looking at Angel. “We’ve just been swallowed up by-”

天使 interrupted with a fierce bark and Belle noticed what she had noticed. Riding along on her bicycle just outside their window, still dressed in black, still with her stiff, firm features was-

“Miss Mulch!” Belle cried, backing away from the window, and then the entire house began to topple and tilt. With a cry of fright, Belle snatched up 天使 and leapt aside as a 表 narrowly missed them and hit the opposite wall. She realised then that they must be descending. “Hold on, Angel!” she cried, ducking under the bar again, thought, as she did so, she swore that the image of Miss 护根, 覆盖, 覆盖物 seemed to have turned into that of a witch on a broomstick, cackling.

The house tilted and twisted until, suddenly, it hit the ground with a sudden thud and all was still and quiet. Belle drew in her breath, and then, feeling it was 安全 to come out again, she did so and crossed to the door.

To her enormous surprise, they were no longer in their small, familiar town, but in a strangely bright little village, and little it certainly was for surely the only people who lived there had to be dwarves, 给 the 分钟 houses and minuscule gardens. Belle looked around, taking in all the colours, and suddenly, unexplainably, she stopped feeling afraid.

“Angel, I have a feeling we’re not in France anymore,” she said.

“You’re telling me. But where are we?”

Belle gasped and 天使 did likewise as they stared at one another. “Angel! You’re talking?”

“You can understand me?” 天使 blinked at her. Her voice was exactly the way Belle had always pictured it. “Wow! This is weird!”

Belle almost laughed. “You’re telling me!”

“Maybe we’re over the 彩虹 after all, then,” 天使 mused, scratching her ear with her back foot. “A place where 动物 and humans can communicate.”

Belle nodded, slowly. “Come on, Angel. Let’s see if someone here can tell us where we are.”
 "Over the rainbow, somewhere?"
"Over the rainbow, somewhere?"
 "You're not taking her away!"
"You're not taking her away!"
 "Mr Merlin, could we go along with you?"
"Mr Merlin, could we go along with you?"
added by bugbyte98
Source: bugbyte98
added by KeeperSeeker
posted by PrincessBelle2
 “What are we waiting for?”
“What are we waiting for?”
The 日 of the 海滩 trip was finally upon them and everyone was excited.

“Ooh, I can’t wait to get on my cozzie and get into the sea!” Lottie squealed that morning over breakfast.

“Cozzie?” Aurora asked, spoon halfway to her mouth.

“It’s what I call my swimming costume!”

“Oh, I see.”

“I hope there’s some good waves for surfing,” Jim said.

“The Prof says we can go poking around the rockpools, so that’ll be cool,” Merida said.

“I hope they sell ice cream nearby,” 说 Jasmine. “No 海滩 trip can be complete without ice cream.”

“I hope I can sneak away for...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “This is so cool!”
“This is so cool!”
Everyone was celebrating in good form that evening. Mr Ratcliffe allowed them to deck the school hall out with fairy lights and a large banner 阅读 Congratulations from the rafters.

“By rights, it ought to say “Well Done, Team,” 或者 something,” Meg pointed out. “But it’ll do since we couldn’t find anything else at the last minute.”

As good as his word, Mr Ratcliffe also provided alcohol but limited them all to only two coupons each. It was fair enough, thought Belle; this was a school after all, and none of them wanted its reputation to be sullied 由 wild drunken rampages on...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 "Don't. 你 won't win."
"Don't. You won't win."
“Wow!” grinned Snow White as they left the classroom. “Finally an R.E teacher who seems to know what she’s doing!”

“Yeah, she was pretty cool,” agreed Aladdin, hitching his rucksack onto his shoulder.

“Compared to Mr Frollo, anyone’s cool!” Hercules pointed out.

Belle 说 nothing; she just pressed closer to Adam as he gave her a squeeze and looked over at Flynn over the 最佳, 返回页首 of his head. “What’s next; English?”

“Yep!” Flynn sighed. “Romeo and Juliet! Great!”

“Oh, yes!” Belle sighed. “I 爱情 Shakespeare!”

“But it doesn’t make sense!” Flynn insisted....
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 "He loves me! Oh, I knew it!"
"He loves me! Oh, I knew it!"
Everyone was reeling about the dance that evening when it was over.

Alone in her room, waiting for the rest of her roommates, Ariel idly plucked the petals off a 花 John had 给 her. “He loves me! He loves me not! He loves me!” She giggled, gleefully as she plucked off the last one. “Oh, I knew it! I knew it!”

Rapunzel came dancing into the room. Her hair was coming undone from the many grips and floral bands she had in it and was beginning to trail on the floor but she didn’t care. “What a magical evening!”

“Did Flynn pucker up, then?” giggled Ariel.

“Not yet, but I...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “You look beautiful.”
“You look beautiful.”
The evening of the school dance came around, and Belle was nervous; she didn’t mind admitting it. Why, she wasn’t sure; although it was probably something to do with the fact that she had never been to a dance like this in her life before.

“It’ll be just fine,” her 老友记 told her, reassuringly. “We’ll have a lot of fun. It’ll be great.”

The staff had gone all out to make the hall look nice for the dance. 灰姑娘 had spent half the 日 polishing and waxing the floor. In fact, halfway through sweeping it, she had been caught dancing with her broom, pretending she was at...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “I like him a lot, Phoebus.”
“I like him a lot, Phoebus.”
Belle excitedly spent the best part of the 日 with her cousin, 展示 him the ropes of 迪士尼 High. It was wonderful to see him again. Phoebus had always treated her with an older brother-type affection, which she returned. He was a joker but could be serious when it was required and certainly a boy with a kind 心 and the ability to see injustice when it was right in front of him. Belle could remember a time when they were a little younger and they had gone to see the Festival of Fools in Paris on their own. A young boy with a hunchback had been teased and tortured 由 the crowds but Phoebus...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “I don’t need help, from 你 或者 anyone!”
“I don’t need help, from you or anyone!”
Audrey sighed, irritated, as she stomped back to her room. Her roommates were all out so she was alone, but two 秒 later there was a knock at her door.

“Who’s there?” she called.

“Hey, it’s Jim!”

Relieved, she went to let him in. “Jim, 你 would not believe what Belle’s just been saying!”

“Yes, I would.” Calmly, Jim folded his arms. “She told 你 that 你 were sick, right?”

“Oh, don’t 你 start!”

“Audrey, it’s the truth! Everyone can see it but you!”

“I am not sick!” Even as she 说 it, she knew that she was lying to him. “Why can’t everyone just...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 “I said, leave me alone!”
“I said, leave me alone!”
Audrey, it was well known, enjoyed swimming, and so it was down at the pool where Belle found her later that day. She sat on a lounger to watch her. They were the only people in the pool room and now as Belle watched Audrey swimming, she realised that Jim was right. Audrey definitely wasn’t eating properly. Her swimming costume showed that much. She was so...skinny.

Presently, the girl stopped swimming, caught hold of the pool rail and looked up curiously at her observer. “You ok?”

They hadn’t really spoken properly before, apart from the few brief times when Belle had accidently walked...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “Adam kissed me.”
“Adam kissed me.”
Meg and Snow White were waiting in their room when Belle and 茉莉, 茉莉花 got back. “Hey.” Meg gave Belle an apologetic smile and went over to hug her. “I’m sorry I had a go at 你 earlier.”

“Me too,” 说 Snow White, even though she hadn’t had a go at Belle.

“It’s all water under the bridge now,” Belle insisted. “Let’s just hope our 下一个 R.E teacher is better.”

“I’m not going to miss Mr Frollo one bit!” 茉莉, 茉莉花 declared, lying down on her bed.

“None of us are!” Snow White shuddered. “He did look at me in a creepy way once. I hate him.”

“We all do,” Meg...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “Did 你 have something to say, Miss French?”
“Did you have something to say, Miss French?”
Belle walked into the R.E classroom feeling somewhat confident. “No matter what happens,” she thought, “I will not let him abuse me again.”

“Hello, ladies,” grinned Aladdin, sitting at the front 表 with his feet up.

“Shift!” grinned Jasmine. “You know we always sit here!”

“Aw! Do I have to? I’m comfy here!”

Meg rolled her eyes. “Well, if 你 don’t move, one of us is going to have to sit somewhere else.”

Belle looked around. Aladdin’s 老友记 were sitting at the back table. There was a spare 座位 beside Adam. Before her 老友记 could object, she made her way...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 “Wow. The “She’s different to the rest speech” already. This is getting serious.”
“Wow. The “She’s different to the rest speech” already. This is getting serious.”
“So, I don’t know; it’s like she’s stalking me 或者 something. Am I just being paranoid?”

“I don’t know, dude. She does a lot of crazy things.”

“Yeah, like the way she use a fork when she can’t find a comb.”

“What do reckon, Adam?”

The trio glanced over at him but Adam was too absorbed in his book to respond. “Adam,” 说 John a little louder. 阿拉丁 cleared his throat, loudly and Adam looked up. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

“Yeah, we can see that,” grinned Hercules, stretching.

“What are 你 reading, anyway?” asked John.

It was the Tenant of Wildfell Hall....
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posted by PrincessBelle2
 "What did 你 think of the book?"
"What did you think of the book?"
Friday evening rolled around and Belle leapt excitedly to her feet. “Book Club! I’m so excited!”

“Have fun,” 说 Meg, who was currently engaged in painting her toenails purple.

“What book are 你 doing?” asked Snow White, applying moisturiser to her cheeks.

“Wuthering Heights.”

“Huh. Never read that one,” 茉莉, 茉莉花 commented, brushing her hair.

“Oh, it’s one of my favourites! It’s this tragic 爱情 story between two characters, Cathy and Heathcliff. They 爱情 one another, but Cathy’s pride stops her from marrying Heathcliff and she marries a man named Edgar for his...
continue reading...
posted by PrincessBelle2
 "Plenty of other girls in other schools do this for better grades."
"Plenty of other girls in other schools do this for better grades."
“Miss French, may I have a word, please?”

Belle looked up in surprise. She had been in 迪士尼 High for about a week and she was beginning to get used to everything here. She had spent her first enjoyable evening at the Book Club meeting and it had been wonderful. Rapunzel, Hercules, Linguini, Ariel and John made very interesting 阅读 and debating companions, although Belle couldn’t help wonder if Ariel, who didn’t seem to have paid much attention to 1984, had another motive for attending the club. At any rate, it had been great to be in a place where others shared her deep passion...
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    This is the part where I finally come into the story. First let me tell 你 something’s about me; I’m eighteen, I’m from Kentucky, moved to New England, I live on my own, I’m kind of a loner, and if I do say so myself I’m really smart. Oh yeah, and did I mention I’m a wizard with magical powers? I’m also pretty good with magic if I do say so myself. Anyway, I woke up and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. As I walked 由 the downstairs hallway, I saw three little kids asleep. The kids looked like they were 10-12 years old and for some reason were...
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added by Popcornfan
Source: Popcornfan
added by valuu2013
 "If I was out of line, as 你 so put it, then it is only because the sin inside 你 made it so.”
"If I was out of line, as you so put it, then it is only because the sin inside you made it so.”
Belle didn’t want to have to face Frollo the 下一个 morning, and she prayed silently that this would be one of those morning where she ate breakfast alone. Unfortunately, when she walked into the room, he was there, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him as she slid into a seat.

“Did 你 sleep well?”

Belle started, unable to believe it. He was 表演 as if the 前一个 night hadn’t happened at all. “My dreams were haunted,” she managed to stammer.

“Oh? 由 that gypsy daemon?”

“No...by...something else.”

“Well, I am sorry to hear that.”

His tone was curt and stiff,...
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added by LightningRed
Source: LightningRed