儿童动画电影中的女主角 Club
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Well! This was pretty overdue. I wrote my 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Princesses 列表 years 以前 (which I am now less than satisfied with, and may need to rewrite) but have done no 文章 ranking any general animated girls. So this might be a bit long, but I hope 你 enjoy!

Honorable mentions:Eilonwy, The Chipettes, The Three Good Fairies, Flora, Tecna, Raven, Misty, Jane Porter, Captain Amelia, Wendy Darling, Pocahontas, Katrina 面包车, 范 Tassel, Moana, Tiana, Lottie, Nakoma, Duchess and Marie, Marina, Miriam, Odette, Amalthea, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Jupiter, Sophie Hatter, Lorna, Honey Lemon, Aunt Cass, Bo Peep, Barbie, Nala, Crysta, 蕨类, 蕨类植物 Arable, Mrs. Brisby, Abbey Bominable, Twyla. (I'm sorry, I really love animated girls. Sue me.)

Traditionally, these lists have ten 或者 occasionally fifteen 或者 twenty rankings. But I 爱情 these ones so much I had to incude them. The only reason they didn't make the special 最佳, 返回页首 10 is because I just 爱情 the others a bit more.

13. Widow Tweed: The Strong Heroine

This lady is the whole reason I expended the ranking. Tweed has some 不可思议的 strength. She realizes Tod's life is 更多 important than her own loneliness, and while her absolute grief in letting him so is obvious, she does it anyway. Then there's standing down Amos Slade driving right towards her without even blinking and unhesitatingly firing his gun off and throws it back to him hard. SHE DESERVES 更多 APPRECIATION. And all of her scenes with Tod are so touching. I can never resist characters that are gentle with animals, and clearly she loves all of hers. I'm incapable of not bawling during "Goodbye May Seem Forever" and can hardly write about it without tearing up. Old people crying always gets me, and I know too well what it's like to say goodbye to a pet 你 really loved. One of the worst times of my life was being forced to watch my cat Zena get sick from whatever the cause was (we couldn't even afford doctors ourselves) until she passed away while we were out, and I'm still not over that. But at least Tweed seems to get a happy ending of sorts, with the hinted romance between her and the finally-chilled-out Amos. And she deserves it. 你 don't see a lot of old lady characters 给 much screen time 或者 respect but Tweed is awesome. I might need to 移动 her up sometime.

 "Amos Slade, 你 trigger-happy lunatic! GIVE ME THAT GUN!"
"Amos Slade, 你 trigger-happy lunatic! GIVE ME THAT GUN!"

12. 紫色, 紫罗兰色 Parr: The Wallflower Heroine

I clicked so hard with 紫色, 紫罗兰色 when her movie came out. I was so much like her at that age- super introverted, saucy, didn't fit in at all with my classmates, turbulent relationship with my troublemaking little brother who even looked just like Dash, and even started wearing my hair in my face to be 更多 like her. The only thing I don't really care for is how her character development is done. he goes from insecure, shy, and reserved to outgoing and confident pretty fast, and entirely changes her style within a few months at best. It came off as a little forced to me; couldn't she still wear dark 颜色 或者 keep the baggy jeans, so it still felt natural? But anyway, she's one of the best done 皮克斯 characters, I think. Very intelligent and observant for her age, and I 爱情 her powers. I also 爱情 that 你 don't get many shy heroines. She may 或者 may not have been an inspiration for one of my own superhero OCs.

 Helen: You're in charge until I get back, Violet. Dash: What! Violet: 你 heard her.
Helen: You're in charge until I get back, Violet. Dash: What! Violet: 你 heard her.

11. Ghoulia Yelps: The Witty Heroine

Let's face it: nerdy girls get pretty poor representation inthe media. For starters, we barely exist. Nerd characters are pretty much always male and girls are either prissy girly cheerleader types 或者 ladettes. And when we do get nerdy women, they're usually a bit stereotyped 或者 aren't allowed to really be into pop culture stuff (I'm looking at you, Big Bang Theory; I mean, would it really have killed them to at least let Amy like superheroes?). But Ghoulia is awesome. She's unapologetically a nerd. She's smarter than anyone, snarky, loves comic 图书 and computers. She's also allowed to like fashion, be pretty, and have a boyfriend, because none of these things need to negate the other. Also, she's hilarious- check out her diary entries sometime. She's pretty eloquent for someone who only speaks in moans.

 *incoherent zombie moans*
*incoherent zombie moans*

10. Spectra Vondergeist: The Ethereal Heroine

The bright, if mysterious, ghost writer (ha... get it?) who refuses to share much of her past to keep herself interesting. Shy and reserved, she somehow still manages to have a rather forceful personality and some impulse control problems. That said, she's still considerably nicer than her book counterpart, who was just a mean gossiper. This Spectra still loves to write, but her imagination is so wild she can hardly differentiate her stories from reality half the time. She has a little 更多 depth than the other monsters and I 爱情 it. And after the Boogeyman (it was so hard to pick between her and Twyla as my 最喜爱的 monster- and Twyla does deserves a special mention for being perfectly happy with her loner status, which 你 never see), ghosts/phantoms are some of my 最喜爱的 monsters.

 "Sometimes I only hear half of what 你 say, and it's up to my creative side to figure out the rest."
"Sometimes I only hear half of what 你 say, and it's up to my creative side to figure out the rest."

9. Rose Quartz: The Empathetic Heroine

Yes, she's from a TV show, but I'm counting her anyway. Rose is a unique heroine. An incredible strategist, fighter, and leader who defeated Homeworld when the odds were vastly stacked against her and the other Crystal Gems, a gem created to be a super-strong warrior. And also the most feminine character with the biggest heart, the ability to feel utter sorrow when others were in pain, to see beauty in ugly 或者 ordinary things, to hate unnecessary violence. Also, while she may be "dead", she leaves a huge presence on the 显示 seen through characters' speaking of her, memories, and videos. She's avoids every dead mom trope out there 由 somehow managing to still be an active character. And she also doesn't get the heavy idealization mom/wife characters often get. The Gems and Greg definitely do this to her, but Steven learns Rose wasn't perfect- though she was at 心 a very well intentioned, kind person who ultimately did what she thought was right. (On a lesser note, can I take a 分钟 to appreciate how the 显示 completely avoids portraying all of its girly characters as bad guys? Rose, Lapis, Sapphire, and Pearl are all sympathetic while it's actually the rough, aggressive Jasper who is a villain (and even she is sympathized with). I am so tired of only the tomboys/nerds getting to be the 超能英雄 while the girly ones are either high school mean girls 或者 vampy villains. Rant over.) I wish so much she could meet Steven. When he "meets" her in her room only for him to remember it's just a simulation and the video tape she leaves him never fail to make me tear up.

 "Isn't it remarkable, Steven? This world is full of so many possibilities. Each living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear. The lives they live are so complicated... and so simple."
"Isn't it remarkable, Steven? This world is full of so many possibilities. Each living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear. The lives they live are so complicated... and so simple."

8. Lady: The Genteel Heroine

Now, I'm much 更多 of a cat person, but what is there to hate about Lady? She's the best pet anyone could have. She's fiercely protective of her family and loves them dearly. She's the definition of "silk hiding steel": when she finds out Tramp is a player and hurt her feelings, she puts him right in his place, and she shows utter dignity at all times, calmly telling Jock getting physical with him isn't necessary. She's demure but open minded to adventure, though at the end of the 日 she's happier with a secure family life. Her 小狗 scenes are also adorable. She's probably my 最喜爱的 迪士尼 female animal, definitely the most beautifully animated one.

 "Who is Trixie? And Lulu? And Fifi? And Rosita Chiquita Jua- whatever her name is?"
"Who is Trixie? And Lulu? And Fifi? And Rosita Chiquita Jua- whatever her name is?"

7. Alice: The Logical Heroine

The sweet, prim and proper little girl with a big imagination who gets 更多 than she asked for when she wants something weird to happen in her life. She's exceedingly polite, but she doesn't put up with rudeness from people- and a good thing too, because the Wonderland inhabitants for the most part are, unfortunately, little else but rude to her. I just 爱情 her mix of classy English rose with a very appropriate snippiness to other people's bad manners. I also really relate to her theme song "In a World of My Own", and if I didn't already wish "Learn Me Right could be my own theme song, this one would be it. She's also one of the funniest heroines IMO, if not always intentionally, for how frustrated she gets with the mad characters. I don't blame her for finally getting sick of Wonderland's crap, and I can't believe she's been slammed for just crying! She was a 迷失 little girl who's been shrunk, shouted at, washed up, held up in her journey, and that's before almost getting killed. She's great, though sadly a lot of AIW 粉丝 cling 更多 to the "we're all mad/NoRmAl PeOpLe ScArE mE" nonsense from the 伯顿 remake than have actual appreciation for the 图书 或者 迪士尼 movie 或者 Alice herself.

 "In my world, the 图书 would be nothing but pictures."
"In my world, the 图书 would be nothing but pictures."

6. Cinderella: The Enduring Heroine

灰姑娘 has FINALLY gotten 更多 of the respect she deserves in 最近的 years, but sometimes she still gets bashed as a 金牌 digger 或者 pushover. Yeah, go live with an abusive family with no friends, resources, 或者 even constitutional rights to help, and see how well 你 do. 灰姑娘 has some truly amazing endurance. Her family treats her like dirt and she still finds reasons to smile and laugh every day. She's one of my biggest role models. But as optimistic as she is, even she has her limits. She has 更多 awareness than Snow White that her life is hard and realizes there's only so much she can do, and finally does break when the stepsisters ruin her dress. She also obviously resents her stepfamily's attitude- 你 can see it in her tone, expressions. Of all the princesses that get called stupid, 灰姑娘 is the one that baffles me the most. She's perceptive and very wise about her situation. She represents the most to me what it means to be a 迪士尼 Princess and as someone who was also abused growing up with a similar sense of humor, she's one of the characters I relate most to.

 "Maybe I *should* interrupt the, uh... 'music lesson'."
"Maybe I *should* interrupt the, uh... 'music lesson'."

5. Anna: The Loving Heroine

I originally preferred Elsa but at last I see the liiiight <3 I watched 《冰雪奇缘》 sure I wouldn't like Anna much but my 爱情 for her as grown every year. I aspire to be like Anna 更多 than any 迪士尼 girl. She's 《勇敢传说》 in the truest sense, forgiving, and has so much unconditonal love. Really, how many people do 你 know who would sacrifice themselves for someone 你 truly believed intended to hurt 你 and didn't 爱情 you? While to a degree I wish Anna had 更多 爱情 for HERSELF because she deserves it, I completely admire her selflessness. And yes- she is selfless. 你 can make mistakes and be selfish sometimes and still do selfless things. That's another thing: Anna makes a lot of mistakes. Obviously. She's too rash and follows her 心 too much and instigates sometimes. I blame her naivete purely on her upbringing like Snow's (and I do find it a valid excuse, because Elsa was naive too in her own way). Also, she's gorgeous. I think Elsa's colorful makeup and skintight dress make people forget what a natural beauty Anna is, but she has one of my 最喜爱的 animated heroine looks.

 "Hang in there, Joan!"
"Hang in there, Joan!"

4. Ice/Tora Olafsdotter: The Heroine-Next-Door

Ice is actually a DC comic book character, a Nordic, white-haired, sheltered princess with ice magic (sound familiar?), but I like both the comic version of her and the cartoon, so I'm counting the latter. They chose to portray the somewhat naive Tora as 更多 of a ditzy Cloudcuckoolander, but she's still the nicest member of the team, honest to a fault, hilarious, and I 爱情 her. Ice doubts her importance on the International Justice League. J'onn tries to reassure her that she's the 心 of the bunch but Tora just can't see it against the "cooler" 或者 更多 accomplished heroes. I can really relate to this- I know I'm smart, but I feel like I've done nothing impressive with my life and aren't good enough at anything to stand out 或者 make a living out of and it really depresses me sometimes. Tora also has a great friendship with the 更多 rambunctious Fire/Beatriz de Costa, as well as an on/off again romance with the jerkiest Green Lantern ever, Guy- but she refuses to waste time on him when he doesn't 显示 her respect, so she's no pushover. Anyway, 你 just don't see many 超能英雄 like Ice, the sweet, girly ones (who just happens to have my 最喜爱的 element <3)

 "Beatriz... 你 always did care too much."
"Beatriz... 你 always did care too much."

3. Pearl: The Exemplary Heroine

你 know how people complain about wanting strong female characters? Who have negative traits and make mistakes while still get sympathetic portrayals? 你 know how a lot of those people still complain when they get a character who is exactly all of that and say she's awful/selfish/mean/etc? Hi! You've just met Pearl and half the Steven Universe fandom's view on Pearl. I immediately loved her. She's precise, smart, good at what she does. She doesn't particularly like Earth, but she fights for it anyway, because that's what Rose Quartz wanted, and she loved and respected Rose. Pearl is also, frankly: a worriwart, easily embarrassed, brutally honest, super proud, insecure, needs others to know she's right. She misses 首页 and has deep emotional issues. AND ALL OF THIS MAKES HER GREAT. She tries so hard to be the best she can be, even though she was "only" made to be basically a living purse: a pretty object that shuts up and holds your stuff. She sticks to her 枪 and never lets people treat her like crap. She's ladylike, prim, but loves a good fight. She's "strong in the real way": she uses her genius and agility to taunt and take down an aggressive gem the size of a building. She can also admit her mistakes and forgive others. She's so inspiring and relatable to me, and she also has one of my 最喜爱的 voices ever. I seriously can't say enough- 你 just need to go watch an episode!

 "I *am* a gem of many talents. A dedication to fact is just one of them."
"I *am* a gem of many talents. A dedication to fact is just one of them."

2. Fluttershy: The Sensitive Heroine

My actual spirit animal ❤️ I couldn't believe how much I related to Flutters when I started watching this show; it was almost like watching myself (though admittedly Flutters is considerably 更多 patient and kind than I). We were bullied growing up, prefer quiet time 或者 time with 动物 to crowds and parties, get terrible anxiety when it comes to being the center of too much attention, 爱情 nature, are sensitive and, to copy Hitchcock's 描述 of Grace Kelly, are snow covered volcanos: calm and gentle on the surface with some hidden passion. We can only be pushed so hard before we snap back. I honestly cried watching "Hurricane Fluttershy" because besides it just being terrible to see Flutters so distraught, the deep rooted rage over her bullying hit 首页 pretty hard. She's also just like the Classic Princesses, which I love. It's so nice having a character who is shy/socially anxious and is allowed to not do a 180 on her personality a la Violet, because 1) overcoming flaws doesn't happen that fast and 2) people really need to realize there is nothing wrong with not being outgoing, extroverted, 或者 loud. Also, her friendship with Rarity is one of my 收藏夹 and I 爱情 everything about her (cough romantic) relationship with Discord, both of whom have really helped the other grow for the better.

 "Um, if 你 could not maybe yell so much, 或者 maybe stop saying words all together."
"Um, if 你 could not maybe yell so much, 或者 maybe stop saying words all together."

1. Three-way tie:
Sally, the Independent Heroine
Aurora, the Idealistic Heroine
Snow White, the Optimistic Heroine

Are 你 made I couldn't just pick one? Haha, too bad. I 爱情 all three to pieces and I can't decide.

Aurora- Oh, Aurora. While 灰姑娘 defenders have been rising and even Snow has started to gain 更多 fans, 你 remain the least respected 迪士尼 heroine ever. But I'm a sucker for the underrated ones. And yes, I DO think she's underrated. I think Walt carefully constructed her character and that we learn a lot about what we see. (And again I say, if 你 took any of the other DPs and gave them the same screen time, you'd learn just as much about their personalities. Plus, 茉莉, 茉莉花 and Elsa already have far less anyway.) She's lovely in ever sense. I agree with Phillip, she hardly appears to be human, 更多 of a fairy herself with her otherworldly voice, poise, and royal air. But she's real. All grown up and ready to be an adult, Rose longs for romantic companionship, as is only natural for her age and as a heavily sheltered girl. She respects the fairies' wishes but mentally, much like Cinderella, defies their rules. She dreams and hopes they might come true. She watches out for it- she wonders if there's somehow a connection between the birds' rituals and her own life. She also shows a lot of strength in her reaction to the truth of her life. Would it be easy to lash out, run away to be with her crush, 或者 throw a fit? Of course, but that she doesn't and instead mourns her old life and Phillip in dignity is pretty inspiring. I don't mind if she lacks development; not every character needs that to be great in every story.

 "But 你 know something? I've fooled them. I *have* met someone."
"But 你 know something? I've fooled them. I *have* met someone."

Snow- the one that started it all. She gets so much hate just for daring to want 爱情 after being treated like crap from her only family member. What an awful person. She doesn't let it get her down, though. I know many say her optimism is unrealistic, and maybe so, but I don't mind. I wish I had half as much of her thick skin. I mean, she wasn't made to be a complex character, 更多 of an ideal for the audience to root for and give warm feelings to. And that's fine. She's not the deepest, but she's quite well-rounded. She is nowhere near the spineless doormat people often say she is. Did they somehow miss the part where she demands the dwarves wash up if they want to eat their own 食物 in their own house? I think Snow's one of those people who think they know what's best for you. She's incredibly sympathetic- she almost got murdered, has no parents of her own, but worries that the "childen" might be orphans. I also don't think she's stupid. She knew the hag was shifty, but she couldn't very way say no without looking rude (which to someone like Snow, is probably the same as spitting in her face). She was also pretty sheltered and really believed in magic. Also, she didn't "pine" after the Prince; she was content to have fun with the dwarves while avoiding Grimhilde. She's a 射线, 雷 of sunshine. She's iconic, and paved the way for pretty much every succeeding animated heroine after her, so like her 或者 not, but her kind, cheerful personality is a staple in the 迪士尼 legacy. I've always loved her.

 "Ohhh, 你 must be Grumpy."
"Ohhh, 你 must be Grumpy."

Sally- Sally, like Aurora, is a young (kind of?) adult who is restless and tired of the chafing rules she lives under. She works for a grouchy guy who doesn't appreciate her, and is too shy to confess her feelings for her good friend, Jack. For a girl made of leaves and cloth, she's actually quite human. I, like Sally, can relate to wanting to get out and seeing 更多 of the town but being unable to do so. And I think this was better presented than Belle in BATB, because she doesn't appear to have anything holding her back at all, but Sally is kept busy as a maid/cook and does care for her creator. We also have similar taste in guys, don't feel like anyone listens to us 或者 takes us seriously, have similar hobbies, are soft-spoken and like cats. And in contrast to her sweet, modest, ladylike personality, Sally DOES stand up for herself sometimes, and is 《勇敢传说》 enough to try to help Jack 由 sneaking into Oogie's lair all alone. There isn't a single thing I dislike about Sally. She's cute, has a relatable mix of fear/courage that I find realistic, she's feminine and introverted, and has an impulsive side.

 Dr. Finkelstein: That's twice this 月 you've slipped deadly 茄科, 茄子, 茄属植物 into my 茶 and run off. Sally: Three times!
Dr. Finkelstein: That's twice this 月 you've slipped deadly 茄科, 茄子, 茄属植物 into my 茶 and run off. Sally: Three times!

If 你 read that entire thing, awesome! I have the worst time ranking any 最喜爱的 thing of mine so it's not absolute. Thanks for reading!
added by Safira-09
Ok, I felt the need to update my list, because I wrote my last 文章 on the topic about a 年 ago. So enjoy my current 列表 :)

20. SNOW WHITE (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) /previous position: 15/

For the last couple of 月 I grew to 爱情 Snow White. She's so adorable and cute. I 爱情 her always positive attitude. And she's also so sweet! It's a bit of a problem for me that she's quite naive, but still this doesn't bother me that much! She's a perfect, little princess!

19. TIANA (The Princess and the Frog) /previous position: 14/

Tiana is a character that I firmly believe need...
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added by rzenteno
Source: Cinderella, Childhood Animated Movie Heroines
I like animated movies... a lot. And whenever looking my 最喜爱的 电影院 EVER they do happen to pop up a lot. But sometimes it's hard to remember that the world of 动画片 isn't dominated 由 迪士尼 and it's nice to remember 电影院 I enjoyed that didn't have a big name behind them so here I am to share some animated 电影院 I 爱情 that are not connected to the biggest names in 动画片 namely Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks and Studio Ghibli. also I am going to avoid 电影院 that 你 had to see a TV 显示 或者 日本动漫 to fully appreciate it so alas I must say sorry to "Kim Possible a stich in time" and...
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I'm still making a video (so 你 can see the poise and grace in action!), I'm just making an 文章 just in case my video gets blocked because youtobe is a bitch, so I'm crossing my fingers it doesn't cause problems.

I know not everyone might not agree with me, but the good thing about this, is that we all have an idea on what elegance is and I was giving points on poise, grace, appearance, class, how they act, and the impression they left on me. I needed a lot of help with this. I've asked and googled and this is what I came up with. I had a really hard time ranking the characters, so the...
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added by KataraLover
Source: chausseeca of deviantart
Alice - Alice In Wonderland - 1951

Alice is listening to her sister read aloud from a history book, which she vocally expresses her boredom. While wandering off, Alice lays down a riverbank wishing that she had a world of her own. Just then she sees a white rabbit. He frantically exclaims how late he is, which make curious and causes her to follow him. As Alice crawls inside the rabbit hole and she accidentally fell in to a world she never imagined.

Alice - She is the main character. She was listening to her sister giving her a lesson. She contastly tells her to stop 白日梦 and pay attention. She eventually slips away from her sister to go to her own world. Near the bank, she spots a white rabbit and saying that he is late and Alice goes with him. She follows him to a rabbit hole and she fall into it to Wonderland. Now she is trying to get out of Wonderland. Eventually she got out of Wonderland and went back 首页 with her sister for 茶 time. And it was all a dream.
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://princekido.deviantart.com
added by PrincessFairy
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Me
added by Animated_Paint
added by Safira-09
posted by dimitri_
 Stupid over Cupid
Stupid over Cupid
Not a lot has been going on lately on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 so I decided to do this 文章 because it seemed like a lot of fun.

I'm 19 and I will turn 20 on June 10.
I live in the French part of Canada which some people call Paris of North America. I originally studied 3D 动画片 but I've tried taking several different classes for my first 2 years of College including Social Sciences. As 你 can see, I'm very indecisive. I now have little idea of what I want to do in life and I am on a break from College for now. I'm thinking about studying 动画片 again but it's very risky and it will be hard to get back...
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Now, none of these are perfect films, I will be listing their flaws, but I do like these 4, and I will 列表 why; feel free to decide I am stupid and should never have an opinion again, but sadly I'm stubborn and these are sticking as firm faves - 或者 at least likes.

4.The black cauldron: flaws = underdeveloped characters, basic story, bland, no signature musical numbers.
My thoughts: I didn't put atlantis here as that is still quite respected within it's own cult, but there are very few people who like this. Despite being blander than other films, it's no 首页 on the range, and I 爱情 the artwork,...
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It's been a while since I last wrote an 文章 here so now I decided to do a new one about my 最喜爱的 songs from animated 电影院 that are sung 由 a heroine, hope you'll like this new 文章 and don't forget to leave a comment. The only requirement I had was that the heroine has to sing at least half of the song

10. Reflection
 When will my reflection 显示 who I am inside?
When will my reflection 显示 who I am inside?

This song is so relatable which is the main reason to why I 爱情 this song very much, but also because it's a beautiful song and Lea Salonga does a wonderful job, she has a great voice even though she's pretty low on...
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Ok so some people mightn't know what this one is about but I have this on Vhs and I actually like it . I got it as a present from my mom so I watched it . I 爱情 it although the only flaw I have to it is that its too short (48 mins). With great 音乐 and enchanting moments like the ball prehaps this version of 灰姑娘 is indeed charming and very sweet. The story begins where Cinderella's mother passed on and her father goes off for a few days leaving her with her wicked stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters. Nearby lives a handsome prince who is seeking a bride.

Personally if 你 haven't seen it then do see the film I tell ya its very sweet and charming .

Verdict: The fairytale story children love

Rating: 8/10 very short but worth a buy
added by mokeyoke
Source: 迪士尼
added by mokeyoke
Source: 迪士尼
added by mokeyoke
Source: 迪士尼