圣女魔咒 The 3 word game..

piperleoforever posted on Jan 28, 2011 at 02:41PM
Got this from the link spot
So just type in three words
And the next person does so too
And will have a full story
But don't reply to yourself!

Start : Piper walked by...

圣女魔咒 81 回复

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 81

一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
the creepy looking...
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
demon who looked...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
as if he...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
just got back...
一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
From a horribly...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
trip in the...
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
death zone and...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
Piper got ready...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
to send him....
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
back from where...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
he was born...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
but then something....
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
akward happend to...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
him so he....
一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
tried to run...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
to the dark...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
house in the....
last edited 一年多以前
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
neighbourhood but then...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
someone came running...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
to him with...
一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
fireballs in their...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
hands which they...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
threw at the...
一年多以前 Char30 said…
Demon nearly missing......
一年多以前 twilighter4evr said…
him then Piper...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
was hit by....
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
a giant fly...
一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
she screamed and...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
motioned her hands...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
big smile
at leo who...
一年多以前 Char30 said…
froze the scene.........
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
and helped the...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
innocent children who...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
were crying in....
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
the cage they...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
big smile
were put in...
一年多以前 mimialliwell said…
by the evil...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
warlock who had...
一年多以前 Char30 said…
wanted to take.........
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
out their eyes...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
big smile
to use them...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
for own personal...
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
gane because he's...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
demonic boss wanted...
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
to make him...
一年多以前 casandanna said…
big smile
give him all..
一年多以前 Char30 said…
the power to.....
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
rule over the...
一年多以前 piperleoforever said…
underworld because he...
一年多以前 HaleyDewit said…
was a little...