Cardcaptors (English dub) Club
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(The following form of fanficing is my way. So notice that the text will appear diffrently. Thank you.^^*

Meanwhile, back at the other side of the darkest walls, Kasey, Kero, and Madison were all doomed. They are stuck inside yet another maze and Rexo is attempting to play yet another game with them- a game of survival without the use of magic.

Kasey: *Growled with rage* That no good moron! He takes away my powers so we can barely make it through all of this mess!

Madison: *Tries to calm him* Kasey, don't worry about it okay? Even if 你 cannot use your powers 你 are still the strongest person there is. Because 你 care so much for all of us- me, Felica, Sakura, Kero, and...well, maybe Li. But 你 are a caring person. And if it weren't for you, we all would be in trouble.

Kasey: I suppose 你 are right Madison...but 你 don't understand how much this means to me. Felica means the world to me because I have kept my promise to keep an eye on her sense we have meet many years ago. And as for Sakura- she is also important to me too because...*Blushes hard while looking to the left* I 爱情 her....

Madison and Kero: *Stared at him*

Kasey: *Sighed* Come on out and say it. 你 think I am crazy for loving a ten 年 old.

Kero: Well, I do admit it is kind of strange for a big guy like yourself to 爱情 a little girl.

Kasey: What does that mean?! Are 你 saying I am fat???

Kero: *Backed off a bit* No! No! I am just saying it's kind of know, how a little girl can have a crush on an older guy like Julian.

Kasey: That does it! *Tries to catch him*

Madison: *Stops him* Kasey! Relax please...

Kasey: *Takes a deep breath*

Madison: Look, Kero doesn't mean to insult you. It's just kind of weird.

Kasey: *Blushes a bit*

Madison: Kasey. Please try to understand. We are not trying to hurt you. We just want to make sure Sakura is 安全 with you. A lot of people can be...well..diffrent.

Kasey: 你 don't have to pretend to say diffrent words Madison...I know what you're implying. 你 think I am going to physically abuse her and then I will go to prsion for it and who knwos what'll happen to me. 你 don't gave to pretend to say it diffrently. I know what 你 meant.

Kero: *Floats down to Madison slowly while looking at Kasey* Truth is Kasey, we are just not sure 你 can be trusted with her. I mean, Sakura has talked about 你 every 日 and all the time. But she never told me 你 were an older person.

Kasey: .... I just don't know what is going to happen if Sakura ends up missing and everybody is going to take the heat on me. People always want to blame those who cannot be trusted.

Madison: *Gave a little tear* Kasey, now that is not true. I trust you. I trusted 你 the 分钟 I notcied Sakura was very happy. 你 don't have to pay any attention to what others think about you. Just care what I think okay? *Grabs his hands gently*

Kasey: *Stares at her face, filled with blush and tears*

Madison: And, sense we are being honest here Kasey...I have something to say as 你 too.

Kasey: *Blushed even harder*

Madison: I know it's complicating for 你 because 你 爱情 Sakura, but it is true Kasey...I have adored 你 too.

Kero: Wow! Something is telling me we are going to be having a 爱情 triangle.

Kasey and Madison: *Ignored his comment*

Kasey: 爱情 me too?

Madison: Yes Kasey, I do. And I am not just saying it. The 日 when Sakura introduced me to you, I felt something special about you. I had no idea what it was until I notcied how much nicer 你 were to me and to Sakura. You're like a guardian to us 或者 an angel. It's like 你 were meant to be with all of us.

Kasey: *Didn't say anything*

Madison: But, I do know 你 care deeply about Felica too. And I know that is why you're here right now. So, lets get back to searching for Felica.

Kero: We need to find Sakura and the kid too.

Madison: *Looks at Kero* Do 你 know where they are now?

Kero: *Crossed his arms and his legs* I am afaird I don't- the room changed so fast I had no idea where they went to.

Kasey: I think I do.

Madison and Kero: Huh? *Turned to Kasey*

Kasey: I'm not using my magical senses either, but I do have an idea where everybody is- somehow when the room was roatating, I watched as Li and Sakura were disappering and I notcied that the holes they were falling into were slightly identical. In other words, they all are trapped inside secert dungeons in Rexo's layer. All we need to do is make it to his layer, get them out of there, and try escaping without Rexo and his goons relaizing we're here.

Madison: *Put her hands together while smiling impressively* Well done Kasey!

Kero: We sure have a book worm here! *Laughs*

Just then, the room started flickring. The holorgram version of Rexo appeared in front of Kasey, Madison, and Kero.

Rexo: *Laughs* 你 sure are a book worm Kasey! For figuring out my hideout and the places where your foolish 老友记 are trapped in. But remeber: 你 must make it through this maze without any magical powers. Fail to do so and 你 will be killed.

Kasey: 你 know what Rexo?! I don't care what 你 do to us! I came this far and I am going to make it into your stupid hideout and attempt to rescue Felica, Sakura, and Li from your clutches! And when I do, 你 and I have got a score to settle!

Rexo: *Closed his eyes for a moment then opend them back up* Well played Kasey, well played. But 你 do realize that with youur friend, Felica is it? I will be unstoable! 你 can't defeat me at all! *Laughs evily*

Madison: 你 just zip it Rexo! Kasey is as 更多 powerful as 你 are!

Kero: Yeah! And so is Sakura too- she is the best Cardcaptor I know!

Rexo: Enough of these comments! Are 你 all going to my layer 或者 not?

All: Yes, we are!

Rexo: Fine then...let the games begin. Remeber: no magic.

Kasey: *Nodded*

Rexo: Lets start then...*Disappers*

At that point, Kasey, Madison, and Kero started walking straight ahead- not knowing what troubles will become of them.

Back in the secert dungeon room, Felica and Li were sitting in the corner slient as ever. Although they were quite, both were blushing hardly.

Felica: *Tried to speak first* So, how's it going?

Li: *Looked at her and then looked at the ground*

Felica: *Sighed while looking at her feet*

The two grew quite after sometime. After about twenty minutes, Felica decided it was really time to take courage and talk to him.

Felica: If 你 really want to know how I got in all of this, I will tell you...*Waits for an answer*

Li: *Looked at her lightly* Sure...

Felica: *Smiles, as she was happy she finally got him to speak* Well, I can't excatly remeber what happend because it was all a blur. I remebered though I was still asleep in the hotel room when these guys in weird looking coats just stuffed me in a large garbage bag. I was screaming and moving- doing everything I could to escape. But it didn't work too well. Soon enough, I was taken into this place where it was dark, cold, wet, and solid. There in front of me was this dark tall guy. Very scary looking. He 说 that he was delighted to see me, but not in a way anybody would say it. Before I knew it, I was locked up in here for quite sometime. I had no idea what these guys wanted from me other than I had something. That's when I found out I have a secert power known as the Golden Heart- I don't know what it does, but it apperantly gives me powerful magic and powerful atributes. *Started to ched tears* And...because of all of this, Kasey may be dead 由 now....I cannot stand to loose my best friend! *Cries*

Not knowing what to do, Li could only think up one thing- try to talk it over with her.

Li: *Sighed* It's not your fault....

Felica: *Continued crying, but looked directly at him* What?

Li: ....I 说 it's not your fault this happend. 你 had no clue what 你 were up against so 你 just got scared. It's not your fault, that's all I am saying.

Felica: *Dries her tears up and smiles slightly* Oh Li!

Li: Huh? *Turns to look at her*

Felica: *Slowly puts her head down on his shoulder*

Li: *Blushes really hard, but didn't budge*

It seemed as if Li was starting to grow 更多 mature around Felica. But all of that was about to change when Rexo suddenly entered in.

Rexo: How is our little powerhouse doing? *Noticies Li sitting there with her* What are 你 doing here?! I thought 你 were burnt to ashes!

Felica: *Woke up and was startled*

Li: *Got up and pulled out his sword, pointing it at Rexo*

Rexo: *Chuckled* Now good will that little sword do you? 你 know with your friend here I can still out beat you?

Felica: *Shook her head fast at him* No! No! No!

Rexo: *Looks at Felica* Oh yes, yes, yes! 你 my dear are going to be usefull 由 defeating this brat.

Felica: Nooooo! I will not harm him nor work for 你 and your army! *Tries to make a run for it, but was grabbed 由 Rexo*

Rexo: 你 are such a child! 你 don't know what you're up against. *Brutally throws her to the wall, knocking her out* 你 are being faced 由 Rexo, soon to be most powerful being in the world! Do 你 really think 你 can defeat me with your cluelness?!

Li: *Clunched his fists and growled loudly* ENOUGH!

Rexo and Felica: *Stares at him*

Li: I will not have 你 insult her like this! 你 want to fight me, lets go it then!

Rexo: *Laughs* 你 really are joking aren't you?

Li: I am not joking 你 jerk!!! Lets do this now so we all can leave and pretend this never happend!

Rexo: Funny thing 你 说 there. Because even if 你 all get out of here, I will still track 你 down kid. I may be powerful, but I am also psychic too. I am able to track anyone down and bring them to my realm no matter that cost.

Felica: that..*Moaned* How 你 found me?

Rexo: Indeed it is miss. I was so lucky enough to have found 你 too because if I hadn't, I would be doomed 由 the minute. So as 你 can imagagine it's now wonderful why I am unbeatable.

Li: 你 are just making stuff up!

Rexo: It's true kid! Look, do 你 want to fight me 或者 not?

Li: I do. But first, I want 你 to promise not to use Felice in this duel.

Rexo: Why? Is it because it's not fair?

Li: *Growled* No! Because I don't want to see her hurt.

Felica: *Looked at him with fright and blushed* You...really feel that way Li?

Li: *Looked at her*

Rexo: Enough talk! Lets duel!

Li: Fine...*Walks*

Felica: Li wait! *Grabbed him 由 the arm*

Li: *Stopped and turned to her*

Felica: *Started crying* Li, please! I don't want 你 to fight him! Not now at lease! Wait until we find the others! Please, please!!!

Li: *Sighed* Let me go Felica...

Felica: Huh?

Li: I know 你 don't want me to get hurt, but I would rather get hurt then see 你 get hurt. And as for the others, I don't know what to do for them...

Felica: can 你 talk like this?! 你 don't even care for me do you???

Li: It's not that I don't care for 你 Felica...I want to finish this so we can all go home. I had enough of this as much as 你 do.

Felica: But...I want to see Kasey again...I miss him so much...

Li: *Sighed* I have to get going now...sorry Felica. Just stay there and don't run off. *Walks away*

Felica: *Stared at him and then cried once more*

Poor Felica was at her mercey- she had no idea who to trust more. But for a fact is that Li wanted to end this as much as anyone else.

Back at the maze, Kasey, Madison, and Kero were still walking through the maze hoping to locate the exist and to find the way to Rexo's layer. Upon doing so, Kasey had another vision.

Kasey: *Pasued for a moment*

Madison: Kasey?

Kasey: *Closed his eyes, then opend them back up* Good news guys...apperantly, Rexo is not watching our 移动 anymore.

Kero: Meaning?

Kasey: I can get us out of this maze...*Turns to them* With my magical powers again.

Madison: Really? *Smiles big*

Kasey: *Nodded*

Kero: Yahoo! Then do something to get us out of here!

Kasey: Already on it Kero. *Transformes into a rhino* Hop on guys!

Madison: *Climbs on his back*

Kero: *Slowly floats near Madison*

Kasey: Hang on! We're going to dash through all of this! *Paws the ground and starts to charge*

With him as a rhino, Kasey and the gang made it pass the maze easily. After making it to the portal, Kasey returned to his human form.

Madison: This is the place right?

Kero: I have a hunch that's what it is..

Kasey: Lets go then. I have got tons of 识骨寻踪 to pick with Rexo. *Leads the way*

Walking through the portal was like walking through the darkest part of a castle- it was so dark, with very few lights but there was a long red carpet leading the way.

After walking through the hallway about a few feet, Kasey had another vision. His vision this time was that Sakura was trapped in a secetr dungeon just in the right of his direction.

Kero: *Notices him* Kasey, what's up?

Madison: *Watches him*

Kasey: *Puts his right ear against the way and uses his hands to feel it* She's here...

Madison: Who? Sakura?

Kero: It can't be..he knows where Sakura is too.

Kasey: *Nodded* Sakura is in here somewhere. Stand back. *Transformes into a rhino again and charges at the wall*

With enough force, Kasey broke through the stoned 墙 and entered into the secert room. There, he saw Sakura moaping in the corner.

Kasey: Sakura!

Sakura: *Looks up and notices him* Kasey?

Kasey: *Returns to human form and smiles big*

Sakura: *Gasped* Kasey!!! *Runs to him and hugs him tightly* I missed 你 SO much!

Kasey: *Hugs her tightly too* I missed 你 very much too Sakura.

Sakura: *Stops hugging and stares into his face*

Kasey: *Smiles at her*

Kero: Hey! Hey! 嘿 Sakura! *Flys in*

Sakura: Kero!

Kero: Glade to see me too?

Sakura: *Giggles* 你 know it!

Madison: *Enters in* Sakura!

Sakura: Madison! 你 made it too!

Madison: Well, it's all thanks to Kasey. *Looks at him with a smile*

Kasey: *Laughs nervously while blushing* It was nothing I guess...

Everyone: *Giggled and laughed with him*

Sakura: *Changed her mood to seriousness* We better get going to find Rexo.

Kasey: *Changes his mood too* Yeah. I have got tons of 识骨寻踪 to pick with him.

Kero: And we better go before he gets his hands on Felica and that kid.

Sakura: Right. Lets go!

The four made their way to Rexo's layer. The final battle was drawn, but it will be their last?
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
NOTE: The following story was only written for a good friend of mine. I wanted to inform anyone on this in case they are wondering.

Sakura’s Big Birthday Party
By: Kasey Enloe

It was a beautiful afternoon in the town of Reedington. School was over and as such most of the kids have already headed into town 或者 were on their way home. Two kids in particular were Sakura Avalon and Madison Taylor, who were hanging at 企鹅 Park. “You know my birthday is two days.” Sakura 说 as she turned her head to her friend and smiled. Madison smiled as well as she already knew. “May I ask what you...
continue reading...
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
*The following chapter is written 由 me- the text will appear differently.*

While Sakura and Kero were doing what they could to help Li confess his feeling to Felicia, Kasey and Madison were walking together around downtown.

Madison: Kasey, your muscles are intense. Are 你 still upset about Li?

Kasey: *Sighed* Well, it’s not so much of him as it’s just I…

Madison: What are 你 talking about? Are 你 trying to say 你 feel upset about yourself? Why would 你 say that? 你 have no reason to feel that way. I think what you’re doing to Felicia is wonderful.

Kasey: *Looks at her with surprise*...
continue reading...
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors