识骨寻踪 Club
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识骨寻踪 and Booth were just finishing 晚餐 at Booth’s apartment.
Bones: “I did not realize that I had not eaten all day.”
Booth: “It was a good thing we picked up an extra portion of fried rice.”
识骨寻踪 was sitting back relaxed, thinking about this marriage and Booth not wanting a divorce meanwhile glancing at the ring Booth had put on her finger. Why did Booth give me this ring if he doesn’t want to be married to me? We need to find a solution to this problem 或者 is it really a problem. She was 迷失 in this train of thought when Booth started to clear away the mess on the coffee table. She realized she needed to take action.

Bones: “I’ll clean up while 你 go get packed.”
Booth: “What am I packing?”
Bones: “Your clothes for now and then this weekend we will pack up the rest.”
Booth: “I’m packing my clothes, why?”
Bones: “It is only realistic, my place is much bigger and we should live there.”
Booth: “Bones I thought 你 wanted out of this marriage. 你 说 你 wanted a divorce.”
Bones: “Well I realized if I really wanted out of something I first need to be in it. As we are married we should live together as husband and wife which is why 你 need to pack.”
Booth: “Cool the jets before we go any further, we need to make sure that we ARE married. What if it was fake?”
Bones: “You 说 the paperwork looked legitimate
Booth: “Yes but what if there is something I missed.”
Bones: “You 说 你 don’t want a divorce but 你 also don’t want to live with me if we are married?”
Booth: “No it’s not that, what if we are not really married.”

Booth started thinking about this whole mess. He really wanted to be married to Bones, he wanted to take her in his arms right now and 显示 her how much he loves her but what was stopping him. It was that he wanted her to want him as well and not to just accept this marriage as an experiment that she is doing like in a lab.
Bones: “How are we going to find out?”
Booth: “Every marriage has to be recorded with the county recorder and if there is any discrepancy we would be notified.”
Bones: “Yes of course we need to make sure that the paperwork has been legitimized and recorded, but if it does turn out to be real what are we going to do?”
Booth: “Bones, we will do what we need to do but in the meantime we are not saying anything to anybody.”
Bones: “You know I don’t like keeping secrets.”
Booth: “I know all to well but remember last time I asked 你 to keep a secret about seeing 雏菊, 黛西 at the Bridal 商店 and 你 still told Sweets. Remember what happened.”
Bones: “Yes Booth.”

Just then Booth’s phone rings. He listens to the caller and then he turns to 识骨寻踪 and says. “It looks like there is a murdered man at the 林肯 Memorial and I have to go and check it out.”

Bones: “Do I need to come?”
Booth: “No this one is covered in flesh and Cam is meeting me there. I’ll take 你 首页 first.”

识骨寻踪 was sitting quietly in the front 座位 as Booth drove her home. She was still thinking about what if we are really married and about living with Booth. But what if Booth really doesn’t want to be married to me then what was the ring for. I need to think about this rationally and Booth and I need to talk about what we are going to do if it is real.

Booth dropped off 识骨寻踪 at her apartment. He then met up with Cam at the 林肯 Memorial to see the victim and look for clues. As he enters the area, Cam asked him. “Isn’t Dr. Brennan with you, Seeley?”
“No, I left her at 首页 because 你 know she does not like to come if there is too much flesh on the body.”
Cam thinks about this 评论 but is not going to push him as to which 首页 he left her at. She knew that they are keeping the marriage a secret but still it would be nice if he confided in her as they are 老友记 and she would not betray their trust.
Instead she decided to keep it professional when she said. “Well that’s good because tomorrow Dr. Brennan has to go back to the church and supervise the exhumations of Simon Compton’s wives.”
Booth asked: “Well we had better examine this victim and see what this is about. Will I be needed to go with 识骨寻踪 to the church tomorrow morning?”
“No, it is just some techs from the FBI, Dr. Hodgins and Dr. Brennan.” Cam answered.
“Well Cam what can 你 tell me about the victim?”
Cam took a quick look at the body and answered. “Adult male, in his late 30’s early 40’s with a puncture wound to his carotid artery. There does not appear to be any other wounds but I will know 更多 after the autopsy.”
Booth looked around at the scene, saw the two witnesses who found the body and said. “I had better go 问题 them to see if they know anything 更多 about this victim other than finding the body.”
The 下一个 日 Brennan was joined 由 Hodgins and several FBI techs she has worked with in the past. They were all on their way to the church with the exhumation order for Simon Compton’s wives. She saw that the minister was waiting for them in front of the church and she hoped he would not say anything to her about her marriage to Booth.

As the pastor greeted them, Agent Charlie Burns from the FBI handed him the court order and asked him to 显示 him where they needed to go. Brennan was just getting her gear out of the 面包车, 范 when she heard Eddie’s voice behind her saying.
“Dr. Brennan it is so nice to see 你 again. Is Agent Booth with 你 today?”
Brennan turned around and answered. “No Agent Booth has other work to do today.”
Eddie: “Oh that’s too bad I was hoping to see the both of 你 again. Well I had better make sure that Norman shows the other men where to go.”
As Eddie left to 加入 her husband, Brennan gave a sigh of relief because there was no mention of the marriage nor was she addressed as Mrs. Booth. Brennan went back to getting her gear out of the 面包车, 范 and did not hear the conversation between the Bensons, Hodgins and Agent Charlie Burns.

Eddie: “Well Norman did 你 tell these gentlemen where the tomb is located?”
Norman: “Yes dear, let me introduce Agent Burns from the FBI and this is Dr. Hodgins from the Jeffersonian. I see 你 were talking with Dr. Brennan. It’s too bad that her husband couldn’t be here today.”
Charlie: “Her husband?” Agent Burns asked with a perplexed look on his face. He knew that Dr. Brennan was not married, but why do these people think she is.
Hodgins: “Dr. Brennan is not married.” Hodgins 说 trying to cover up what the pastor has just said. He knew it was a secret but how did these people know.
Eddie: “Oh maybe we let the cat out of the bag. Dr. Brennan married her partner Agent Booth.”
Charlie: “Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan are married, are 你 sure?”
Norman: “I preformed the ceremony myself, but maybe they have not told anyone yet.”
Eddie: “Dear, I think we had better let these men get to work. If 你 need anything we will be in the house.”

As Eddie and Norman walked back to the house, Hodgins turned to Charlie and said. “If this is true I think we need to keep it quiet. What do 你 think?”
Charlie: “Your right. I like Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth, together they make a great team, but if they are married they may not be able to work together anymore. We’ll keep it a secret between 你 and me.”
Hodgins: “Agreed. We also won’t let Booth 或者 Brennan know that we know. OK?”
Charlie: “OK” Charlie smiled to himself at the thought of Agent Booth and Dr. Brennan married.
Just then Brennan walked up to the two of them and asked: “What were 你 discussing with the pastor and his wife?”
Hodgins: “Nothing in particular.”
“No nothing at all.” Charlie added with a little catch in his throat.
Hodgins: “I think we need to get into the tomb and finish what we came to do.”
At that they all turned toward the church and went to work. The work of examining the remains took most of the morning but 由 two o’clock they were almost finished. As they gathered their gear and the specimens, they were met once 更多 由 the pastor and his wife.

Eddie: “Have 你 finished already?’
Charlie: “Yes Mrs. Benson we are all done.”
At that moment Brennan was coming out of the church with Hodgins and Marcus Geier, one of the FBI techs. They approached the minister and his wife to say goodbye.

Brennan: “We will be leaving now. Thank you.” Brennan then walked to the 面包车, 范 with her equipment. Marcus and Hodgins were still standing with the Bensons and Charlie when Norman said.
“I think Mrs. Booth is eager to get 首页 to her husband. Well goodbye and may God be with 你 on a 安全 journey.” With that the pastor and his wife went back into the house.
Marcus looked at Hodgins and Charlie with a 问题 written all over his face. Hodgins and Charlie quickly explained and swore him to secrecy. On the trip back to DC no one spoke but 更多 than a few words. Each was in his own thoughts.
Charlie was thinking about Andrew Hacker, who he knew was interested in Dr. Brennan, because he had seen him asking her for a date. What would Mr. Hacker do if he knew Dr. Brennan is now married to Agent Booth?
Marcus who had worked on a lot of cases with Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth was wondering if this marriage will change the way they work. He had always noted how she likes to boss Agent Booth around and how he usually ignores her like the time they were in the office where an office manager was killed and dumped down an elevator shaft. It is going to be fun to watch.
Hodgins thought this secret is getting out of hand. Now Charlie and Marcus know. It won’t be long before everyone at the FBI and the Jeffersonian will know and then the ‘you know what’ is going to hit the fan. I think I had better tell Cam and Angela what happened today.
Brennan was relaxed thinking that nothing was 说 about her marriage to Booth. It was almost like it had never happened. Neither Eddie nor Norman made mentions of it. She was going to have to let Booth know.
As they returned to DC, Charlie and Brennan went to the FBI headquarters, Hodgins took the specimens to the Jeffersonian and Marcus and the other FBI techs headed back to the FBI lab. Booth came out of his office when he saw 识骨寻踪 and Charlie.
Booth: “Charlie was there any problems?”
Charlie: “No the pastor and his wife were very helpful. They were sorry that 你 could not be there.”
Brennan: “Booth everything went VERY well.”
Booth: “That’s good to hear. Is there anything else, Charlie?”
Charlie: “No”
Charlie watched as Booth grasped Dr. Brennan’s arm and led her into his office. As Booth shut his door, Booth asked. “Charlie hold my calls, we don’t want to be disturbed.”

“Bones what do 你 mean everything went very well.”
“Booth I was concerned that the minister 或者 his wife would mention our marriage 或者 call me Mrs. Booth. But they never did. It was almost like it never happened.”
“Bones 你 didn’t want them to call 你 Mrs. Booth?’ Booth asked with a hurt tone in his voice.
“No Booth it is not that I don’t want to be called Mrs. Booth it’s just I don’t want our secret to get out.” She put her hand on his arm to reassure him because she could see that he was dismayed 由 her not wanting to be called Mrs. Booth. “Booth, have 你 checked with the county recorder about how long it takes to record a marriage certificate?”
“Yes, Bones, according to the county clerk it can take up to three weeks before it will be recorded.”
“So that means within the 下一个 three weeks we will know if we are really married.”
“Yes” Booth responded, but his mind was not on what she said. He had been looking at her lips 移动 while she talked and the thought of 接吻 those lips crossed his mind. He did not care that they could be seen through the glass door of his office. He was moving closer to her body when he noticed that Charlie had his back to his office door trying to block Andrew Hacker from coming in.
Hacker told Charlie that he needed to see Agent Booth and pulled open the door. As he entered the room, he turned to 识骨寻踪 and asked. “I would like to speak with 你 about the other night.”
Bones: “There is nothing to talk about, I had another commitment.”
Andrew: “Well if 你 don’t have any plans for this Friday maybe we can reschedule?”
Bones: “There is nothing to reschedule.”
Andrew: “Booth, give us some privacy.”
Booth: “This is my office.”
Andrew: “Yes but I am your boss.”
Bones: “It’s all right Booth. It won’t take long.”
Booth looked at her and he knew that look. He left the office and went out the door to wait. He went over and sat on the edge of Charlie’s 台, 办公桌 while he watched Hacker talk to Bones.
Charlie: “I tried to stop him but he is the boss.”
Booth: “That’s OK Charlie. He just wants to ask 识骨寻踪 for a date.”
Charlie: “But she is your uh………….” Charlie was about to say wife but quickly stopped himself looking for another word.
Booth: “Yes she is my partner but 识骨寻踪 can handle Hacker.”
Booth and Charlie both watched as Hacker was talking to Bones. They could not hear the conversation but if they could they would have heard 识骨寻踪 say.
“Andrew I am seriously committed.”
“Temperance isn’t it all of a sudden. I did not think 你 were seeing anyone else.”
“I have known this man for over five years and we are now dedicated to each other.”
“What do 你 mean dedicated are 你 engaged?”
“No not engaged just married, but we have not told anybody yet.”
Andrew could not believe his ears. “Does Booth know who your husband is?”
“Yes he does. So now do 你 understand why I can no longer go out with you? How would that look for your career?”
Andrew just turned and walked out of the office with a dazed expression on his face. As he passed Booth, he just looked but 说 nothing.
Booth entered that office, looked at 识骨寻踪 and asked. “What did 你 say to him?’
“I just 说 that I can’t go out with him.”
“He didn’t ask why?”
“Well yes he did and told him I am married.”
“Bones tell me 你 didn’t.”
“Yes Booth I did, but I did not tell him who I married.”
Booth thought about it for a moment and secretly smiled to himself. He knew that Hacker will not say anything because he would not want anyone to know that he tried to 日期 a married woman, but the best part is he will no longer try to 日期 Bones.

Over at the Jeffersonian, Hodgins went straight to Cam’s office when he got back. He told her what he had found out about the marriage and that now two other people know about it. He did say that they promised to keep it a secret but Cam knows that soon the secret will get out. It was just a matter of wait and see.
815amc — March 05, 2010 — Behind the Scenes video of David Boreanaz directing the 100th episode! 识骨寻踪 returns on April 1st with ALL-New episodes. Property of FOX.
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