Black butler, book of circus Club
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#    Title    Original Airdate
1    "His Butler, Presenting"
"Sono Shitsuji, Teiji" (その執事, 提示)     July 11, 2014
A new 日 begins at the Phantomhive Estate and guests are expected for a business meeting at night. While making preparations for the meeting, Sebastian must fix the mistakes made 由 the other servants as usual but proceeds flawlessly nonetheless. Later at night, Lau and Ran-Mao arrive with Cedric Brandel, a businessman who claims that he wants to discuss business with Ciel, but intends to have him killed instead, as Ciel's position as the Queen's watchdog is interfering with his illegal arms trade. However, just when he orders his men to attack, Cedric learns that Sebastian had dealt with all of them previously and is killed 由 the butler instead. Lau then delivers to Ciel an invitation for the Circus that just arrived at the city. A few hours later, Sebastian puts Ciel to sleep, eagerly awaiting for the 日 when he will accomplish his part of the bargain with his master and claim his soul in return.
2    "His Butler, Taking the Stage"
"Sono Shitsuji, Sutēji o to~tsu" (その執事, ステージを取っ)

#    Title    Original Airdate
1    "His Butler, Presenting"
"Sono Shitsuji, Teiji" (その執事, 提示)     July 11, 2014
A new 日 begins at the Phantomhive Estate and guests are expected for a business meeting at night. While making preparations for the meeting, Sebastian must fix the mistakes made 由 the other servants as usual but proceeds flawlessly nonetheless. Later at night, Lau and Ran-Mao arrive with Cedric Brandel, a businessman who claims that he wants to discuss business with Ciel, but intends to have him killed instead, as Ciel's position as the Queen's watchdog is interfering with his illegal arms trade. However, just when he orders his men to attack, Cedric learns that Sebastian had dealt with all of them previously and is killed 由 the butler instead. Lau then delivers to Ciel an invitation for the Circus that just arrived at the city. A few hours later, Sebastian puts Ciel to sleep, eagerly awaiting for the 日 when he will accomplish his part of the bargain with his master and claim his soul in return.
2    "His Butler, Taking the Stage"
"Sono Shitsuji, Sutēji o to~tsu" (その執事, ステージを取っ)     July 18, 2014
The tickets to the Noah's Ark Circus were sent 由 the Queen, who orders Ciel to investigate its possible connection with some children who are missing. After obtaining info on the children from Abberline, Ciel and Sebastian inquire Undertaker, who reveals that their bodies have not shown up in the underworld, and thus it is possible that they are still alive. The duo then attends a presentation at the circus itself, but when Joker, the ringleader, asks for a member of the audience take part in the show, Sebastian volunteers, but a commotion is caused when he finds himself enticed 由 a tiger. After the show, Joker insists that Sebastian must be examined 由 the doctor in charge and the butler's curiosity is piqued when he finds that many of the performers wear some unusual prothestic limbs manufactured 由 him. In the occasion, Sebastian asks Joker for a job, claiming that he is fed up with his current occupation and upon being accepted, takes his leave after agreeing to return in the 下一个 日 with an "acquaintance" who also intends to join. Sebastian then tries to investigate the circus further. but the snake charmer Snake stops him, claiming that he is in an off-limits area.
3    "His Butler, Employed"
"Sono Shitsuji, Saiyō" (その執事、採用)     July 25, 2014
After a brief reunion with Soma and Agni, Sebastian and Ciel return to the circus in the 下一个 日 in order to become part of it. But while Joker and the others have already got a glimpse of Sebastian's traits, Ciel's abilities are yet to prove, and he is forced to participate in two trials, one of throwing knives and another of tightrope walking, succeding on both with Sebastian's help. However, once accepted into the circus, the duo discover, much to their surprise, that William T. Spears is also working there undercover and both realize that there is something truly suspicious occurring in Noah's Ark Circus, to the point of having a Grim Reaper personally investigating it.
4    "His Butler, Coworker"
"Sono Shitsuji, Dōryō" (その執事、同僚)     August 1, 2014
Ciel and Sebastian begin their undercover job at the circus. Sebastian 问题 William about his intentions and the Grim Reaper reveals that in the 下一个 days, a huge number of souls are to be collected there. While Ciel is paired with another recruit called "Freckles", Sebastian is assigned to sleep in the same tent as William, much to each other's dismay. Later at night, the first-string members of the circus kidnap a young child at the city and the police appears to intervene, but all officers are killed 由 the members of the troupe. Back at the circus, the life on a different, 更多 rough environment take a toll on Ciel's body, but he renews his vow to figure out the truth behind the circus as soon as possible.
5    "His Butler, Takes Flight"
"Sono Shitsuji, Hishō" (その執事、飛翔)     August 8, 2014
It's night and Noah's Ark Circus is about to start their 下一个 show, but Ciel and Sebastian intend to look for clues in the first-string members tents while they are performing. However, Ciel is left alone when both Sebastian and William are summoned to replace the trapeze artists. In trouble because William refuses to cooperate with him, Sebastian is forced to improvise and return in a hurry before Ciel is caught 由 Beast, who returns to the tent to replace some damaged garments. After Sebastian returns to the stage, Ciel finds 更多 clues including a letter to Joker where he himself is mentioned. Once leaving the tents, Ciel is saved from a snake 由 Doll, one of the main performers, and learns that she is in fact his roommate Freckles. After fabricating a story to dissuade her, Ciel has a crisis of Asthma and gets himself bedridden. While Ciel sends Sebastian to investigate further in the city based on their newfound info, Snake discovers that the duo is spying on them and informs Joker, who decides to not take any action before consulting with their leader.
6    "His Butler, Liaison"
Sono Shitsuji, Kōshō" (その執事、交渉)     August 15, 2014
While Ciel has a nightmare of the past events, including the death of his parents, his encounter with Sebastian and the confrontation with Madam Red, Sebastian is confronted 由 William, who refuses to have him wander arround without his master. Meanwhile, Beast attempts to convince Joker to flee along the others, but the ringleader claims that they can't run away from their leader, before leaving to see him. Unable to continue the investigation outside the circus, the butler then turns his attention to her, and knowing that her feelings for Joker are unrequited, he seduces her, and convinces her to tell him the name of their leader, while Freckles sleeps beside Ciel in his bed. In the 下一个 day, Sebastian picks up Ciel and the two leave the circus, certain that they have all the information they need, but once they return to the town house, Soma and Agni realize that Ciel is sick and convince Sebastian to have him resting until the 下一个 day. Meanwhile, the members of the circus realize that Ciel, Sebastian and William are missing, and fear that their plans are compromised. However, Doll leaves to warn Joker while the others prepare themselves for an important, unknown mission.
7    "His Butler, Careful Tending"
"Sono Shitsuji, Buyō" (その執事、撫養)     August 22, 2014
Joker meets with his adoptive father, Baron Kelvin, and upon telling them about Ciel and Sebastian, the Baron realizes that they are no others than the Earl Phantomhive and his butler and is eager to meet him, ordering Joker to prepare a banquet for the occasion. Meanwhile, some members of the circus take a leave to look for the 下一个 town to visit, while Ciel, after recovering, leaves with Sebastian to confront the Baron. Upon arriving at the Kelvin estate, they are welcomed 由 Joker, who guides them to the banquet, where Ciel and Kelvin finally meet face to face. The Baron then has Joker perform a gruesome 显示 where the brainwashed children are brutally killed, much to Kelvin's excitement, but when one of the missing children from the 报道 are found among them, Ciel has all the proof he needs and proceeds to kill him, but the Baron reveals that he has one 更多 thing to 显示 him. Ciel and Sebastian then accompany Kelvin to the cellar, and Ciel is distraught upon finding a room built exactly like the one where he was tortured after the death of his parents, and where he first met Sebastian years before.
8    "His Butler, Sneering"
"Sono Shitsuji, Chōshō" (その執事、嘲笑)     August 29, 2014
Grell Sutcliff has finally completed his suspension and returns to duty, eager to meet Sebastian again. Meanwhile, Kelvin reveals to Ciel that he met him and his father when he was still a small child, years before the tragedy that befell his family. Since then, he beacme obsessed with the Phantomhives and their handsomeness, and this caused his wife to leave him. Eager to become 更多 like Ciel and his father, Kelvin underwent surgery, but his recovery was hindered when he got agitated with news of their deaths. While still recovering, Kelvin learned that Ciel has survived, and since then he was eager to meet him. After hearing his story and learning that all of his crimes were solely for the purpose of his meeting with him, Ciel shoots the Baron dead, and an angry Joker moves to attack him, just to have his arm cut off 由 Sebastian. Joker then reveals that some members of the circus were sent to the Phantomhive estate in order to capture Ciel, and will surely kill all residents once they fail to locate him, but the earl 回复 that he does not fear for the safety of his mansion at all, which was entrusted to his other servants, and just as he predicts, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, Finnian and Tanaka dispose of the invaders one 由 one, while Elizabeth sleeps inside, oblivious to the battle at all.
9    "His Butler, Serene"
"Sono Shitsuji, Shōyō" (その執事、従容)     September 5, 2014
As the other Phantomhive servants dispose of the intruders, Grell appears to collect their souls and becomes disappointed upon not meeting Sebastian there. Back at the Kelvin estate, the doctor from the circus appears before Ciel and Sebastian, revealing that the prosthetic limbs he developed are manufactured using the bodies of the children kidnapped 由 Joker and the others, and Joker himself gets desperate when he learns that his artificial limb as well was produced in such way. When the doctor kills another of the children in front of Ciel, the Earl orders Sebastian to kill him, and opposing to the queen's orders to rescue the children alive, commands his butler to burn down the entire mansion, killing the captives as well.
10    "His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty"
"Sono Shitsuji, Kare No Gimu o Hatasu" (その執事、彼の義務を果たす)     September 12, 2014
As Joker dies from blood loss, he reminisces about how he and his 老友记 were rescued from the slums 由 the Baron and swore to serve him in retribution to protect the lives of he other orphans under his care. William appears to collect the souls of those who died at the mansion and Ronald Knox arrives to assist him. Doll arrives at the mansion looking for Joker and meets Ciel and Sebastian. Upon learning of their true identities and that they killed Joker and Kelvin, she attacks them, just to be killed 由 the butler under his master's orders. Some emmisaries from the 皇后乐队 watch the whole scene from afar but decide to not 报道 to her about Ciel's decision to sacrifice the captive children. In the 下一个 day, Snake, certain that his 老友记 will not return, abandons the circus as well, leaving to parts unknown. On the way to Kelvin's orphanage, Ciel reveals that he ordered the deaths of the children because of pity as he was certain that they would never have their minds restored, and upon arriving there, Ciel and Sebastian learn that the orphanage was abandoned years before, and the circus members were decieved 由 the Baron into working for him. Ciel then declares how mankind can be so worthless as they lie and kill for their desires, and Sebastian claims that just how they still strive for a better future despite that is what makes them really intrested.