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Who is the final cylon? That is the question. As Season 4 rapidly approaches and BSG 粉丝 purchase the newly-released Season 3 for a quick refresher, this 问题 is resting on everyone's mind. But the problem with placing bets on the final cylon is that the writers of BSG have 说 that they don't plan an entire series from the beginning (the way Joss Whedon did/does) and so it's difficult to anticipate their selection. I must admit that I was entirely surprised 由 the four humanoid cylons that were revealed at Season Three's conclusion, which makes me second-guess any of my predictions. But first, a personal analysis of the final four:

 Saul Tigh
Saul Tigh
1. Tigh
Tigh as a cylon actually made sense to me. Too many things went wrong when he took charge of Battlestar Galatica when Adama was shot; even then it felt like he was unconsciously sabotaging his efforts. long have cylons looked like humans if Adama has decade-old memories of Tigh?

 Samuel Anders
Samuel Anders
2. Anders
For me, Anders was the most surprising selection as Cylon 由 the writers. Really? Anders? And if the cylons are so anxious to have human/cylon baby hybrids, why did Leoben try so hard to seduce Starbuck while she was locked up on New Caprica? Just let her and Anders get it on...

 Galen Tyrol
Galen Tyrol
3. Tyrol
This too was a very surprising selection 给 how much time the writers dedicated convincing us that he was not a cylon with his dream that led to the beating of Cally that led to his interaction with Brother Cavil who 说 "I know you're not a cylon because I've never seen 你 at a meeting. Then again, that was a nifty mind-f*** 由 the writers to make us relax and think "Not lovable Chief". Also, as Chief was the one to seek out and discover the Temple of Jupiter without any prompting 或者 knowledge of what he was doing should have been a blinking red warning light of what to come...

 Tory Foster
Tory Foster
4. Foster
I have the least vested interest in Foster as a cylon, besides that it certainly is interesting how she manuevered her way into the position of Assistant to the President -- a perfect position of power if the Cylons needed something.

 Who is the final Cylon?
Who is the final Cylon?

Now is the time for hypotheses and guesswork: who is the final cylon?! I really don't think that neither Adama nor Roslin are. For Adama to be a cylon would mean that Apollo was half-human/half-cylon and thus would void all of the cylon interest in Hera and (presumingly now) Nicholas. And regarding Roslin, with the re-emergence of her cancer, I believe she will fulfill the prophecy of the dying leader and thus die before reaching Earth...and 说 prophecy would be moot if she were able to download into another body.

I also have to argue that Starbuck will not be a Cylon. If she were, WHY would there be such interest in her 由 Leoben and the other cylons as a possible mother to a cylon/human hybrid?

With the alignment of Tigh with Adama, Anders with Starbuck, Chief in charge of ship maintenance and Foster with the President, I think that the Final Cylon is also in a significant position of power but primarily through influence -- so now, my prediction. Officially, my bets are on one of these two people: Felix Gaeta 或者 Anastasia Duella (Adama). Yup, that's right. Two of the most idealistic, innocent, even naive characters on BSG, Gaeta and Duella, are my two nominees as the Final Cylon. And of these two, I am leaning primarily towards Gaeta particularly as I rewatch the scenes of New Caprica now with the knowledge of the four of the final five cylons. We can see that the Resistence was in fact headed 由 "Skinjobs" (Anders, Tyrol, Tigh), with Gaeta secretly providing inside information. Oftly tempting to suspect him, but then Dee also has significant influence on the ship through her husband Cag Lee Apollo AND as an employeed Lieutenant. But will my suspicions prove true, 或者 will it be someone entirely different?? Perhaps someone not even on the ship, who didn't hear the 音乐 on the radio and thus reveal him 或者 herself to the other four...

Do 你 agree? Disagree? Who would 你 bet on as the final Cylon?
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