Balto Club
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Sorry this took so long. I thought I was going into Chapter five where Balto's pups are all grown again but then I just remembered where Chapter four left off with Balto catching his daughter with a male 小狗 and they have "THE Talk." Well, why don't we see how that talk went in this bit. I don't own Universal Studios.

Away from the town of Nome, on the deck of his shipwreck, The Great Balto paced the floors back and forth waiting for the right thing to say to his daughter, who was sitting patiently on an old crate. Finally he stopped pacing and turned to face her.

"Saba." Balto began. "We need to talk."

"That's what 你 说 right before 你 wanted to start walking in circles for 20 minutes." Saba rolled her eyes before Balto growled as he shot a stern look at her, to which she apologetically smiled. "Sorry."

No sooner had she straightened up, her father's face 迷失 the majority of it's sternness, and his weak growl began to die down. "I'm sorry. I really don't know what came over me. All I know is that I saw 你 with a boy an-"

"Dingo and Dakota are boys, and 你 don't complain about that!" Saba yipped. "And since we're still at it, 你 yourself are a boy."

Balto began to lose his temper. "Dingo and Dakota are allowed to be around 你 because they're your brothers. I'm allowed to be around 你 because I'M YOUR FATHER. 你 and I both know that the boy I saw 你 with is unrelated."

"Yeah. So?"

"Look remember how I always call 你 my flower? Balto asked

Saba rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I'm your flower."

Balto continued. "Well, what we are about to talk about kind of ties into that. Do 你 even know how 花 make 更多 flowers?"

"Duh. It's called pollination. Pollination is reproduction process where floral-like plants produce seeds after coming into contact with 动物 such as birds and small insects who have collected pollen from another floral plant."

Balto's jaw dropped at how much his daughter already knew, but once she finished, he shook his head and regained his composure. "Wait! How did 你 know all this?"

"Mama and I go out into the fields and have seen the birds and the bees buzz from 花 to flower." Saba 说 looking at the floor. Then, she looked up to the sky. "There were some that actually stayed to one particular flower. Strange."

Balto smiled. "Think of it this way: Cute little girls like 你 and your sister are considered the flowers. What do 你 think the boys are when 你 grow up?"

Saba shrugged her shoulders.

"They're the birds and the bees." Balto growled aloud. "Like the boy I saw 你 with today, he was just some punk 蜂鸟 或者 bumblebee that was trying to steal your 心 so that one 日 he can "pollinate my flower."

"So that's what this is all about. 你 just don't want me to grow up and meet a boy so he can take care of me and be my mate."

Balto dropped his jaw again. "How do 你 know all that?"

"Mom and I already talked about this three days ago."

"I'm getting tired of that woman stealing my thunder!" Balto shouted out. Saba already knew about pollination. Now she already know about the birds and the bees. Both of which she had the "Talk" with Jenna!

Saba nuzzled her father's legs. "Look. since you're so worried about me, why don't I take 你 to meet the boy I was talking to so 你 two can get better acquainted."

"I don't know about all that." Balto shrugged until he saw his daughter's eyes glimmer as she smiled at him. "Papa please give him a chance. I Promise 你 won't regret it."

"I'd better not."

Saba couldn't believe what she had heard. "So is that really a yes?!"

"I don't see why not?" Balto smiled. "Just one 问题 though. What exactly did that kid do that made 你 want to 吻乐队(Kiss) him?"

"What are 你 talking about?" Saba tilted her head.

"Oh C'mon, don't play dumb. 你 know if I didn't stick my old grizzly muzzle in-between 你 pups, 你 would've totally been locking lips."

"Would not." Saba replied.

"Would too." Balto winked.

"Would not."

"Would too."

Boris Goosintov, a Russian 鹅 and Balto's caretaker, was awakened 由 the Father and daughter pair and their game of back-and-forth.

The 下一个 day, Saba went to nearby trashcan tipped over in the alleyway and sure enough, there appeared the same black Malamute Husky pup with the cute cowlick. Saba was all to happy to see him.

" Iron."

Iron turned around to see who called to see who called his name. When he saw who it was though, he wagged his little tail and his smile reached both ears. He ran towards her, but stopped cold in his own tracks when saw a giant gray set of legs come from behind her.

"Balto. The Balto." Iron stared in awe.

"Looks like I have a fan-boy." Balto smiled.

"It's okay. My papa doesn't bite." Saba reassured Iron.

"Unless I find out that he's part cat." Balto smirked until he received a glare from his daughter. "Oh C'mon! I'm not really gonna hurt him. I'm willing to bet he's a great kid." Balto laughed as he stretched his paw to Iron.

Iron thought he was done for when he saw Balto stretch his paw out to him. however, what happened 下一个 took him 由 surprise. He opened his eyes to see and feel the old hero-dog's paw rubbing the back of his head. His tail wagged just a little. Even Saba smiled at this.

"What do 你 like to do Iron?" Balto asked.

I like to run, dance, and recently, I learnt how to sing." Iron smiled.

"Well, I'll have 你 know, I dabble in the melody myself." Balto said.

"Just because 你 do it doesn't mean you're good at it." Saba teasingly sang to her father.

"Just because 你 have a voice doesn't mean 你 can't shut up." Balto teasingly sang back, Iron laughed at this.

Balto took one long look at Iron and sighed a heavy sigh.

"What?" Iron asked nervously.

"You look like a dog I used to know."

"Was he a friend?"

"Was. Yes." Balto sighed. "You think 你 know a guy after almost growing up beside him. But wait until the 日 he finds out 你 have slightly different background and just like that, he magically doesn't know 你 anymore."

Iron smiled. "Real 老友记 don't let ethnic diversity get between them."

"You're a smart pup." Balto winked. "Too bad the other guy wasn't as wise as 你 are, kid. Otherwise, he would have figured that out too."

"Papa, not that this is important, " Saba stepped in. "But 你 说 that Iron reminds 你 of that dog. How?"

"For one, they have the same 毛皮 design." Balto answered. "Black 毛皮 with white underbelly. Another thing they have in common is the breed. They're both American Malamute Huskies."

"Mr. Balto," Iron looked up at him. "Excuse me if I interrupted."

Balto smiled at him. "Not at all, boy. I was pausing anyway. What did 你 want though?"

"How did 你 figure out what breed I am?"

Balto winked. " Your build. Detailed and muscular. Even your shoulders are broad. From what I've seen in my day, Malamutes always developed muscle mass at an early age quicker than any breed of Husky. For 你 to be hardly three months old and to look like 你 can already pull a sled, 你 had to be a Malamute."

"Woooow." Both Iron and Saba wondered in amazement at Balto's wisdom.

"One last similarity is your names."

Iron tilted his head. "Was his name Iron too?"

Balto laughed. "Not exactly. But like you, he was named after a particular type of known metal."

Saba scoffed. " I'll bet his name sounded completely silly. What was he called anyway? Brass, Bronze, Ore, Rusty, 或者 Lead? I bet his name was Chrome."

Balto's smile grew weaker as he answered, "No." Then, his smile utterly died and a frown was took it's place. "Steele."

Iron could have sworn that his 心 stopped beating when he fully heard that . At that he knew exactly who Balto was talking about: His father, Steele! Balto's old friend who became a prejudice traitor, was Iron's Dad! It was important that Balto did not that Iron was connected to Steele in anyway, because if he found out, not only would it ruin his chances of getting in good with Balto, but he'd screw up his chances of seeing Saba ever again. He knew somehow, he had to keep as big a gap between him and his father's relationship as possible while he was in Balto's presence.

"Iron.." Balto tilted his head. "Iron?"

Iron was taken away from his thoughts and brought back to reality when he heard Balto's voice calling his name. "Yes sir?"

"Kind of looks like we 迷失 你 there." Balto said. " 你 don't 由 any chance know the guy do you?"

"I think I would remember him if I met him." Iron shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't ring a bell."

"Papa, can Iron and I go hang out for a moment?" Saba asked.

"Sure." Balto winked. "You crazy kids go on, just stay close."

"Sweet. Come on Iron, let's roll."

Saba bounded off, with Iron close behind, but not before he looked at Nome's Hero and smiled a big smile. With that, he rushed after Saba.

The two cut a corner and began to hop and jump around each other. Iron was just so happy, began running around her eagerly, Saba smiled and watched as Iron literally ran circles around her.

" Excuse me," Iron 说 as he stopped running. "I was just so excited beca- ....." He stopped when he felt Saba resting her head on his chest. His 心 began to accelerate it's beat, his tail wagged like never before. He eventually relaxed as he placed his chin on the 最佳, 返回页首 of her head. Iron wanted this moment to last for eternity.

Unfortunately, what seemed like forever, was only seven minutes. For at the end of that time, a shadow came over the pups. They looked up to see what they could have sworn was a larger version of Iron. Indeed, he was, because he had black fur, white underbelly, blue eyes, broad shoulders, and a well-muscled body. He was almost an older future version of Iron but with no cowlick.

"Hello." The dog smiled.

"Hi." Saba replied with friendly innocence.

"No, no, no!" Iron screamed in his thoughts. "What's my Dad doing here? If Balto comes and see him, everything will be ruined.

"I take 你 know a certain dog in this town named Balto." The dog 说 to Saba.

"Yeah." Saba said. "He's my dad."

The dog smirked and winked at Iron.

Iron shot her a look of shock. "Dad. Don't do anything stupid." He thought.

Iron's father extended his paw to Saba. The pup responded 由 doing the same, thus shaking their paws.

"My name is Saba. What's yours?"

"My name would be-"


The pups could not believe what just happened. Just 秒 ago, the stranger was in front of Saba shaking paws with her. Then the next, he was rammed 由 a big gray blur into the ground, four meters from the pups. Saba looked to her side to see the object assaulting the dog... .. was her own father!

"Daddy! What are 你 doing? " Saba cried out as she watched her father rake his claws over the other dog's face.

"Can't talk. Run!" Balto replied as he opened his mouth widely and bit into the other dog's chest so hard, his teeth broke through the skin and sunk in. Balto released his grip and allowed his victim to get back on all four legs. No sooner did he do this, Balto sunk his fangs into the back if his neck and in one motion, he threw the stranger into a nearby trashcan.

"You know when I told 你 guys to stay close." Balto 说 shooting a frown at his daughter. " I meant where I could see you. That's the dog I was telling 你 about 由 the way."

"Wow. Really?" Saba looked down. "Then, I guess it was good 你 were here. Better 安全 than sorry."

"Exactly." Balto smiled. " Speaking of which, are 你 guys okay?"

" I'm super." Saba wagged her tail. "How about 你 Iron?"

Before he could answer, the other dog reappeared from underneath the garbage.

Balto growled at the dog whom he had viciously attacked. "Stand down, Steele. 你 don't want round two."

"Balto." The dog called Steele snarled. "Get away from my son!"

"Say what now?"

"In case I have to spell it out for you; the little pup standing behind 你 that looks like me, yeah. That's my youngest pup."

"Your youngest WHAT?!" Balto gasped. "You mean there's more? 你 reproduced?!!"

"Yes I have family of my own." Steele smirked. "And that's my baby boy, Iron."

Balto couldn't believe what he had heard. He then looked out into the distance. " Saba, get away from him." He 说 in a calm voice and didn't even look at her.

" Dad, Iron wouldn't do anything to hurt us."

" First of all; 你 don't know. 秒 of all; I pretty sure I asked 你 to do something. Come out here before I lose what remnant I have been of my patience."

Saba obeyed her father's voice and walked towards him.

Balto turned to Iron. "Nothing personal kid, I just don't chances. Saba we're leaving." With that said, Balto left the area with his daughter.

" Does this mean I can't see Iron anymore?" Saba asked.

"What do 你 think?" Balto answered.

When they were out of sight, Iron hung his tail and head as low as possible.

"Don't mope over those mutts, son." Steele 说 to Iron. " Let's go."

Steels headed into the opposite direction, instinctively, Iron followed him. He gave one look in the opposite direction, he allowed a few tears to fall to the ground before turning to follow his father.
added by duncanlovR
added by duncanlovR
posted by SorenGuardian1
 "Your not Touching this 箱, 板条箱 Alive!"
"Your not Touching this crate Alive!"
Within blades of white snow under a setting sky, the clouds holding plumes of a gentle 金牌 sun, Balto sharply drew in the wind. He noticed the light the background, a shimmering 星, 星级 hidden within the trees of a mountain valley as well as the frosty blizzard.
Balto darted across the valley edge drawing closer to the lone twinkling on the light. 星, 星级 was the first to spot Balto as he spoke the wolfdog's name, the other 狗 looked and seemed thankful to see the wolfdog for once, all except Steele.
Steele snarled darkly to himself standing to watch the mutt look around. His eyes glared to...
continue reading...
The Alpha and Omega characters part with the Balto characters.

星, 星级 was out walking in drizzle.
“Damn, I hate rain!”
He got back tot the house. Master Chief was there.
“Bob, seriously.”
“Never mind.”
星, 星级 went in.
“I’m going to kill 你 rasta!” Kate 说 in her sleep.
In her dream, she was trying to kill these things that look like Grunts but she didn’t know what they are.
Kate jumped up.
“You ok?”
“I’m having dreams that I’m not 安全 now that Humphrey’s...
continue reading...
added by JennaStone22
added by LupinPrincess
added by glelsey
Source: Kidscene
added by glelsey
Source: Kidscene
added by LupinPrincess
added by UriahA
added by UriahA
One late night, a dog named 星, 星级 was walking through Nome. He could hear the sound of 狼 howling a few miles away. He was enjoying the peaceful night when he heard a giant crash in a building. It sounded like a mix between glass dropping and a drum beat. The door was slightly open and he nudged in. When he got inside he saw 2 giant horizontal facing drums on the ground, 6 round thin 金牌 things being supported 由 long bars, 7 cylinder looking things, and a 座位 behind the giant wonder.
“I wonder what that is.” 星, 星级 说 to himself.
There was a man in the distance who approached the...
continue reading...
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added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by UriahA
added by Wolfire14
added by UriahA
added by UriahA