I 爱情 bunnies sooooo much i 爱情 动物 i used to have a bunny named paublita and i loved her sooo much i bought her things i took her outside and let her run around the house for about 1 hr but then one 日 she was outside in her cage and my cousins were over so when they left i went to check up on her and she was laying dead in her cage i screamed and started to cry so HARD i could only see the tears in my eyes my mom came in running and saw my crying then she saw my bunny laying dead i was crying for soo long and soo hard my mom started to cry and called my dad. my dog was freaked out.paublita died on july 24 2010 and she was 1 年 old i miss her soo much like 3 times a week i remember her and start to cry i miss her sooooooooo much and want her back