
安娜·托芙 问题

Will Olivia (Anna Torv) remain the primary lead on Fringe?

I've seen the new promo posters for Fringe and Joshua Jackson is at the center. Does this mean that Anna will be in a secondary role in the new season? I hope not. She is what makes the 显示 so special.
 Will Olivia (Anna Torv) remain the primary lead on Fringe?
 sueb218 posted 一年多以前
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安娜·托芙 答案

BlackSandals said:
I believe she will remain the main character, but it looks like Peter (Josh) is going to get 更多 development, as well :) Don't worry !
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posted 一年多以前 
olivia29 said:
Yes, i hope she does stay with Fringe. Without her, it's history. Also, does anyone know of a fanmail address for Anna Torv in U.S.A.?
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posted 一年多以前 
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