日本动漫 creators Forevermore: Story of a Broken World

LinkKinuzuma13 posted on Oct 06, 2013 at 05:56PM
Format: RP

Inspiration: An artist of DA and one of my favorite anime, Fate/Zero, the visual novel Fate/Apocrypha and some smaller elements from Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, which I was forced to watch. There were also authors on Wattpad that inspired the central idea of this story and certain elements of writing that it could and probably will follow. I will be generating this story separately on Wattpad, but for now will also run a RP of it to see if I can garner any other ideas to better the storyline. Any characters that are used in the official story will be accredited to their owners through a dedication.

Here is the synopsis of the backstory(told by a random little girl, whose name I have yet to pick):

As my father used to say to me, that is one of the simplest things in life, but it is also one of the deadliest. A persons facial expression can reveal even their deepest and darkest thoughts. Sometimes, he said, this was how they caught criminals or runaways who abused the power of magic. And oh, how many times I have seen this at work. The greedy nature of those humans who use the magic for themselves - they condemn the use of it even further.

This world we live in, this pitiful and broken world, is ailed by the humans that inhabit it. It was broken by our hands, my father said. He said that, in the generations before us, the humans lived in peace and harmony with the world around them, using magic at will and using it for its intended purpose. Anything and everything could be accomplished by its use, and that was a simple fact of life. It was... different. Those times were long before even my seven-times Great Grandfather was born, before human civilization had reached peace through the knowledge of what they would discover next.

Magic could not only be used to help others, but it could be used to conquer them as well.

In the name of all that was holy and pure, they waged war upon one another. Attempting to steal spell books and grimier's from one another, using magical artifacts and alchemy to seal their victories. Through a tirade of continuous slaughter and meaningless death, victor's found nothing of value in their hard-won prizes. They were empty once again, and vowed never to use magic for unintended means, like war, ever again.

Magic was meant to help others - a fact known to all the peoples of this world - was a statement that was soon discarded after this first world war, as now they also knew of its destructive capabilities. But sealing away the battle artifacts used in the war, binding the spell books and grimier's did nothing for them. Because is it not in human nature to fight for your goals? Is it not in human nature to want power over others, even if that power is harmful and destructive?

Unfortunately, he went on to say, there were such people in the world who upheld such primal values and fought, killing without discrimination and showing little to no mercy to the people around them. Massacring the humans of the world and sending the land itself into a frenzy was their first mistake.

Their second mistake would not only cost them their own lives, but it would eventually cost the world its life as well.

Their constant abuse of the power that they manipulated was more than enough for the spiritual entities that lie within the world, dormant for millenium, to awaken and proceed with their one and only purpose. They sealed away all of the magic that the world thrived on back into its center, cutting the humans off from their most precious, and yet most common resource.

Hundreds of years later, he told me, the magic began to leak out from the deepest, darkest depths of the earth. People began to take advantage of this magic, calling it Chaos - knowing that this is what had been causing the natural disasters that had otherwise been nonexistent. The tops of mountains would blow off and solid fire, what people called lava, would pour out of them, ash blanketing the land around it. Clouds would gather in the sky and darken, causing the rolling sound of what came to be known as thunder and the flashing lights that were called lightning. They found that only certain people could withstand such violent outpourings of magic, and so those people were called Chaos Masters. They formed an order, headed by only the strongest and most intelligent, and those with a high tolerance for the Chaos.

They would soon discover that they were not the only ones that were capable of these things. When people rose up against them, seemingly using their own abilities against them, they put down their adversaries and stole away their children, whom they assumed shared the ability with their parents, and raised them as their own. They trained them as they grew older, and as some of them went out into the world as fierce loyalists, they established schools of their own, so that children who were considered abnormal could learn to control their powers and so that they could be taught of the power of the Chaos Masters.

Conflicts rose up even after all of this, people claiming that the Chaos Masters were cold and heartless human beings with no sense of dignity, and that they were simply stealing away the children and using them for their own purpose.

The Chaos Masters responded in kind with their own form of military power, the Caster Army. These trained Casters(Chaos Masters), who were of lower rank than their arrogant commanders, fought and put down anybody who dared to stand against them and their supreme rule, effectively as the marionnettes that the Prime Order controlled. They were simply puppets for the use of their masters, my father would say. He always said that the Prime Order was up to no good, but in the end his treasonous words were what got him killed.

Now it's said that whomever is the supreme seat of power in the Prime Order of Chaos Masters is the ruler of the world, but I don't believe that. What I believe is that some people are more fit for ruling than others. Perhaps the world would be better off if someone who was humble and respectable and willing to fight for others would come to power. My father always ended his stories like that. He always said that maybe someday a person of virtue would take their power away from them and show them what good could some from it. Maybe my father was right.

But that was years ago. Now that I'm older and understand his words and his philosophies, I'm not sure that it could ever happen - the impeaching of the leaders. They held too much power to be removed from their positions, then and now. But maybe. Maybe I'm wrong.

At this point, I really hope that it's true, and that I'm wrong about them, because no person deserves to live in a broken and shattered world that is full of jagged edges that they could constantly cut themselves on. No person should live in a world that is close to death, or a world that is led by people who use death and an excuse for advancement and self-centered profit. Maybe someday, someday, someone will speak up, lead a revolt or a revolution and stop this madness.

Because this world was broken by human hands, it must now be fixed by human hands. Those were the last words my father spoke to me. Ever since, the world of Nevermore has proven this to be true, time and time again reminding us that time is running out.

Organizations Involved:

The Prime Order - An order of people who are able to fully control their own sense of Chaos and any of the Magic that still lives in the world around them. They are run by tyrannical masters with an ever present sense of self-preservation that seems to show in anything they do. They have been known to be good-hearted in past years, however that term was thrown out of the window several hundreds of years ago.

The Academy of Pyrotechnics(AP) - Students here study any and everything to do with their affinity for fire-based magic.

The Academy of Cryotechnics(AC) - Students here study any and everything to do with their affinity for ice and cold based magic.

The Academy of Alchemy(AA) - Students here focus their studies on the creation, deconstruction and reconstruction of objects through the use of spell books and potions.

The Institution of Electrostatic and Lightning Studies(IELS) - Students focus their time and studies on electricity, lightning and the side-study of magnetism.

The School of Geocentric and Matter-related Studies(SGMS) - Students in this school focus their studies on the earth and everything in it that takes physical form and retains physical form.

Unnamed Institution(UI, for now) - An unknown institution with an unknown number of students who study unknown forms of the Chaos Magic. They are considered a treasonous bunch of people, but their position is unknown and they have never been known to operate outside of their own underground.

Character Format

Hair/Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Magical Affinity(If any):
Magical Artifacts(If any):
Academy Affiliation(if any):
Other Organizations:
Other(General information not included above):

List of Characters and RolePlayer's currently Involved:

Academy of Pyrotechnics:

Academy of Cryotechnics:

Academy of Alchemy:

Institution of Electrostatic and Lightning Studies:

School of Geocentric and Matter-related Studies:

Unknown Institution:


Please don't insult other people.

Please don't insult other people's characters.

Please don't purposely portray other people and/or their characters in a demeaning or degrading/offensive way. This will not be tolerated, even if accidental. Please also comply with all requests to edit the way they were portrayed, especially if the request is made personally by the owner of said character, or me myself. If one does not follow this rather loose rule, then you may be asked to leave depending upon the situation at hand.

Please keep any/all personal matters out of this area. If you need to speak with me or any other people that are a part of this forum, please contact us via the messaging system. If it is urgent and of importance to more than one of us, then you may post on the forum to gather attention and we will speak through comments.

I would rather we didn't have stereotypical characters and abilities on this forum. Please do your best to keep this to a minimum. (When I say stereotypical, I mean like 'breathing fire', simply controlling the element of their affinity, etc. Remember that if they have powers that they have had training to control them and use them in unique ways in order to develop a completely unique way of using whatever type of Chaos Magic they are aligned to. If they control electricity, they also are able to control magnetism, certain forms of technology and whatnot.)

If you wish for your character to have a power that is completely unique and different from anything that has been specified before, please contact me and get it okayed beforehand so that I can see if it is overpowered.

Please do not reply with single sentences. Write in a novel formatting, please and thank you.

Without further adieu, Enjoy this forum!

日本动漫 creators 1 reply

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一年多以前 LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Name: Evangeline Vivianna Tunuria(Mostly goes by Evianne, Eva or Evi.)

Alias/Nicknames: Evianne, Evi, or Eva. Her Alias is Tunuria of the White North.(Her name comes from northern origins, and as a child she lived in the north where it is constantly snowing and everything is frozen over. This name also refers to her ability to remain completely impassive to the sub-zero temperatures of her region, as well as her very pale skin, and her affinity for snow and ice.)

Age: 21 (life expectancy of 22)

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 8

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair/Eye Color: Her hair is an unusual pale blond and her eyes an eerie Green. Her exceedingly long hair remains tied back into a half ponytail with her long bangs drawn back. The rest of the hair is left down.

Physical Appearance: She is built with a strong body with tightly wound muscles and a strong jaw. Her appearance of cold stoicism, along with her slightly above average height, as well as the legend that surrounds her, cause others to avoid traveling to that part of the world completely, often leaving her alone. She wears a white silk cape over a simpler cotton tunic of white that is accompanied by a hood and a black cross on each sleeve. Her legs are adorned by form fitting black trousers(never tight or chafing) that are tucked into a pair of darker brown boots. Her right forearm is adorned with a gauntlet that is never removed. Emblazoned on the royal blue inside of her cape is a symbol of unknown origin, printed in white. On the outside of said cape, the same symbol dons the cloth in royal blue. On the right side of her waist she wears a belt that hangs to mid-thigh. From this belt hand three small chains. Her tunic has one tail in the back on the right, and one in front to the left. Each tail has a medium sized cross hanging from the end of it. In her right ear she has a helix piercing and a cross earring that she never removes.

Personality: Appearing to most as a stoic and cold individual, when one gets to know her this image will disappear to reveal someone who has lost very much in her short life. Despite her outward appearance, she can also be very friendly, and is extraordinarily patient with others. She is strong-willed and yet very sensitive to personal matters, often causing an involuntary twitch of her neck and slight wince whenever such things are brought up. She is often quiet in the presence of people she either does not know or does not like, which is quite often, meaning that she hardly ever speaks unless it is necessary. Having endured much in her short lifetime, she quietly solves her issues alone without the help of others. She often wears a scowl or frown on her face, whether she means to or not. Because she resides in the North with little to no companionship, aside from the village children, she is not good with people, often scaring them away rather than choosing to help them. In most cases, the intruder is a thief, and so she opts to kill them rather than let a criminal run free. She also resides in this area to defend the small villages that are scattered miles apart from one another.

Magical Affinity(If any): Her Magical Affinity is an element that was previously thought to have been abandoned years ago. She has the unique power of Advanced Particle Manipulation(APM, a completely illegal thing to be affiliated with, and if one is affiliated with this by the knowledge of the Prime Order, they are executed. This affinity was made illegal after she defected from the order and disappeared). This allows her to place a magical formula on anything of her choosing and move it from one location to another location(I.e. wherever she happens to be). She can move simple objects, weapons, artifacts, even people. Given the strength of this ability she can teleport when absolutely necessary, but only to predetermined locations that are marked with her formula. This teleportation is completely instantaneous, unlike her normal speed, which is only a hair slower than her teleportation. She was also born with a second, and even stronger, affinity. The second affinity is for Ice and Snow. This ability was born from her past while being raised in the north. Because of her abnormal amount of Chaos abilities, she involuntarily developed an extreme tolerance for the sub-zero temperatures of the north that was triggered by the presence of chaos in her body. In order to effectively fight in this region, she also developed her speed until she was effectively able to move fast enough to trick the human eye and leve behind an illusion called a ghost. This is also part of what gives her the name "Tunuria of the White North." She has studied the APM most of her life because of her rare case of dual affinities, and often trained with her APM on her own. Because of her abilities, she has grown adept enough to be able to break down the matter of magical attacks and move them from one place to another.

Magical Artifacts(If any): She uses an ancient sword(when compared to her it's about as tall as her waist, a large one-edged blade with chains sprouting from several places along the sword) with the ability to gather up the physical entity of Chaos Magic in the form of power stones. This sword converts the stones into their purest form and channels the power through several chambers within the confines of the blade, allowing the magic to be turned into a physical attack that is more capable of injuring someone than normal Chaos Magic would be. She often uses Power Stones alone as well, as they contain the very essence of their element in a small stone, and when released they are quite powerful.

Academy Affiliation(if any): At first she was affiliated with an unknown school in the north, but then became an operative of the unknown institution. After leaving them, she became a member of the Prime Order and ascended to the rank of three in a matter of months. After another year, she was in the number one position, but left because the corruption had nearly taken her. She lives on her own in the frigid north, and has sworn revenge on the order for taking her friends, family and partner turned lover from her.

Other Organizations: Ever since she was young she followed her fathers footsteps and became a part of a magic-wielding group of people known as the Unknown Institution. She has since left them, and now works alone in the defense of the north and its minimal inhabitants.

Background: As a child she always looked up to her mother, even though her mother was not born with the ability to control Chaos. Her mother was always her advocate, doing her best to make sure things were always okay for her, even while she was away at school. Her father was the headmaster of IELS for quite some time, and therefore she got to spend a lot of time there, even when she didn't attend the school herself. Her father, even with his large wage, would not pay for a higher education, and so her mother was forced to pay for an education at a lesser-known institution. While she was away from them both, she received a letter that contained only four words, "Your mother is dead." The letter was from her father. While she was at her lowest point, and being only seven years of age, she began to skip her classes in favor of brooding and crying, trying to make herself feel good enough to return to class. Eventually she received a second letter when she was ten, this time from the administration of IELS. This one contained a long paragraph of apologies before the same for words with one alteration were repeated to her. "Your father has died," it read. Being so far beyond grief, she was unable to cry the second time. She returned to classes as a hollow and empty shell of her former flamboyant self, sitting quietly and refusing to speak. Years later she became aware of a share of money that was put together by her parents as well as every single staff member of IELS. Containing enough to set her for the rest of her life as a child, teen and young adult. Using this money to get herself back on her feet, she joined an underground organization that she didn't know the name of, eventually finding out that her father had been a part of the same place. They trained her until she was a raw fighter, providing her with a new lifestyle that she, admittedly, enjoyed. She found it to be rather exciting, but she would never tell anybody else that. After several years of this, she was sent out into the world again and started over. She went back to the school in the north but found it in ruins. Disheartened, she transferred to the Academy of Cryotechnics. Only months after her transfer, she received a letter from her organization, charging her with a mission that she was to complete at all costs. After a month of attempting to complete this mission, she transferred it to another person in the organization and left it without a word. She joined the Prime Order at age 15 in an attempt to gain more knowledge of just how much the world really needed help, but was blindly led astray. Eventually she grew powerful enough to receive the number three rank in the prime order. Because of this she was given the entire Northern region to watch over. But, a year later, she went one day and never returned to the order. When she defected from the Prime Order, she had been in the leaders seat - the most powerful Chaos Master in the world of Nevermore. But when she disappeared to the north, the new seat of power, said to be even more powerful than her, sent himself and six others to the north to kill what remained of her family, her friends and partner turned lover. Ever since then, she swore revenge on the order and it's corrupt ways, promising to restore the magic to the world so that people would never be subjugated because of it's absence ever again.

Other(General information not included above):
-Generally, she is physically stronger than most of her (former) peers.
-She is unusually gifted when it comes to the manipulation of her forms of Chaos Magic
-She is unusually sensitive to her opposite form of Chaos Magic, and is injured easily when around it.
- Attributed as the fastest Gilded, her immense speed compliments her inhuman strength and uncanny ability to parry attacks.
-When she was young she was subject to biological testing when she followed her father to a meeting. Infused with DNA from a type of monster known as Jun, she is now something that is called "Gilded". Only three-hundred cases of Gilded are known, and they have formed their own order within the Unknown Institution. Among normal humans as well as Chaos Masters and Casters, being Gilded is considered an abomination. Now, Eva is half monster, half human. Every single Gilded has a dual affinity, which makes them extremely dangerous, however in her case, she was not infused with a second affinity because she developed one on her own as a child. It's also a well known fact that someone who is a Gilded will live a relatively short life because the mind of a Gilded's mind matures at a rate three times that of a normal human, causing them to be wise well beyond their years.
last edited 一年多以前