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added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
added by lilyZ
posted by deedragongirl
 Book cover.
Book cover.
Hello everyone, this is the book version vs the Film version of 天使 and Demons. So enjoy 阅读 this review.

The Book

The novel version serves as a prequel to the Da Vinci Code and I did not realise this after I finished 阅读 the latter! However, like the Da Vinci Code, the story also fascinates me as I learnt 更多 about the Illuminati and their aim.
It was also great to see Vittoria is not the typical Damsel in Distress, but she has a mind of her own and I'm very happy for her!

The Movie

In a contrast to the book, it's serves as a sequel to the Da Vinci Code and there are also a number...
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