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added by glelsey
Source: happinessismusic @ deviantart
posted by angelwings2055
So I have this guy friend. His name is will not be mentioned but his code name is Dr.Spazz ok?
So Dr.Spazz used to be SUPER nice to me and I started liking him. I don't anymore because he's been a jerk to me lately. I have had a rough few months due to my grandfather dying. He was nice to me for a bit then was a jerk again. I started being a jerk right back. And then my good friend, she will be named as the pegasister, told me he called me nice. Even though I have been nothing but a jerk to him he called me nice?!?! I was shocked! Then I told my best friend, who will be named as the dog whisperer. I told her and she thought I started liking Dr.Spazz again. Which I don't! She knows now but he called me nice and I feel like a TOTAL jerk now. What should I do even though we never talk about stuff like this?
posted by HonoviHania
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.-William James

A wise man learns 由 the mistakes of others,
a fool 由 his own.-Latin Proverb

Silence does not always mark wisdom.-Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

A loving 心 is the truest wisdom.-Charles Dickens

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.-Albert Einstein

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.-Leon J. Suenes

The power of imagination makes us infinite.-John Muir

You miss 100% of the shots 你 don't take.-Wayne Gretzky

Most of the shadows of this life are caused 由 our standing in...
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i think everyone feels the winter blues a bit but i thought 你 might like to know to what extent...

a survey found that winter leaves people feeling demotivated, deprived of sleep and irritable;
-Half of Britons suffer from "winter depression" between September and March
-48% of those surveyed believe they suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
-18% of people eat 更多 than usual to cheer themselves up
-16% find it difficult to sleep
-15% believe winter depression makes them argumentative
-January and February are the most likely months for people to suffer from winter depression, followed...
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added by glelsey
Source: Superb 壁纸
 Drinks can be spiked in two 秒
Drinks can be spiked in two seconds
Inspired 由 Cinders soapbox on this spot. This is to 显示 你 why though.

I hail from Ireland- the unofficial drinking capital of the world. Therefore, most of my socialising centres around the pub, and the club.

Its not that I am a massive drinker, 你 know, the kind that tries to suck up alcohol from the carpet following a spill, but I do drink. And I do go out.Which is why I know first hand the dangers of leaving a drink unattended.

It doesn't matter what 你 are drinking, be it whiskey 或者 water,NEVER EVER LEAVE IT UNATTENDED.

Its really common to spike a drink with a Mickey Finn in Ireland,...
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I started realizing that I had feelings for people, I have had boyfriends and they make me smile and feel happy and not alone. But every time I have a boyfriend I never feel right, I think that they are kind funny smart and many 更多 but I never actually like liked them, I always 说 that I did. I never knew why. Until I met this one guy, he was perfect I thought I really liked him, he was everything and we started talking a lot, we dated and then one 日 we broke up. I felt torn. But I still went on. I like watching things like Victoria's Secret shows and the live shows from them, and I always...
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posted by amazondebs
firstly just a little bit about why i've created this spot

i 爱情 to help people with anything weather it be finding an episode of Buffy for someone on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 或者 lending a friend some money,
and having come to have made quite a few 老友记 on 潮流粉丝俱乐部 你 guys are some of the most helpful and nicest people I've met.

I message quite a few people regularly and I'm not going to mention their names because 你 know who 你 are but I've quite a few 心 felt conversations both giving and recieving 建议 about a fair few different problems and i think it is much easier to speak openly with people...
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added by 27-5
added by glelsey
Source: Superb 壁纸
added by glelsey
Source: Superb 壁纸
added by maddietway
posted by Missy75
Truth be told, dating in your 40s can be a wonderful thing. You're braver, smarter, wiser, and 更多 discerning than ever. Using these qualities as your secret superpowers can make dating in your 40s not only fun but also much 更多 successful than dating in your 30s and 20s.

But there are nuances to be aware of that weren't factors in our 20s. 你 may not have been as dedicated to your career, 或者 你 had fewer financial responsibilities. Plus, 你 may not have had the experience of deeper relationships to learn from.

So, if you're looking for love, fear not: We tapped four experts—Kelly Campbell,...
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added by 27-5
added by taylorfan1234
posted by Schnusch
What Is Fear Of Sourness

For some, the fear of certain tastes can trigger intense and long-lasting anxiety, as well as a host of physical maladies. The fear of sourness, known as Acerophobia, is 更多 common than 你 might expect.

Reasons For The Fear Of Sourness

Sourness shows up 更多 in certain foods, and these will be avoided 由 the person who suffers from Acerophobia. Some common examples of 酸, 酸奶 foods are lemons, grapefruit, limes, and some dairy products that have been fermented.

Everyone has a different palette, and all people react to tastes individually. Those who fear 酸, 酸奶 tastes may have...
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added by SyedEbadAli1
Source: Syed Ebad Ali
im a girl and i have 13 years. i have been bestfriend with this particular girl for about a year. we have been through a lot because of me like there was a time i didnt want to be close with her anymore and i hurted her a lot 由 that but than like after a week everything turmed back to normal. i was always a shy girl and im the last summer we didnt go out so much together i wish we did but i was shy because if we where going out we would be just us (just 2 girls together) and i thought that when people will see us just the 2 of us they would thing that we are together and i didnt want that...
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I’m honestly getting sick and tired of listening to my best friend who is constantly bragging about how a foreign surfer dude was hitting on her at the beach. During her visit to Australia, she was at that famous 海滩 and apparently this “tall and muscular hunk” approached her and asked if she was single. They exchanged numbers but a few days after that, she flew back here. Since her arrival, she never heard from him again. I wish I could 拍击, smack, 味道 her in the face with the truth that there was never going to be anything between them ‘cause one, they’re in a long distance situation and two, she doesn’t even know his name!
Sorry for the rant, I just really needed to get this off my chest. But if 你 guys have any suggestions and 建议 for me regarding this, that would be awesome. Thanks a bunch.