My Wall

A 支持 for your OUAT 测试 问题 发布 ·12个月前
支持 for your HP 测试 问题 发布 一年多以前
FalliNgSparks 我支持 my links
Plz can u 加入 my club?
link 发布 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 《少狼》
I got my fanatic medal... 发布 一年多以前
Articuno224 评论…
Congrats! :) 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
Congrats! 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 《少狼》
Quick question... WHY IS NO ONE ELSE FLIPPING OUT ABOUT THE ONI BEING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 发布 一年多以前
Articuno224 评论…
Well I thought it was all an illusion. It seemed to me like they were only there because of Kira's test, so they weren't even real. But I don't know for sure of course xD All we can do is wait and see 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 《少狼》
All the chimera's in theo's pack have spots along with Theo, that spot though isn't very popular... 发布 一年多以前
Articuno224 评论…
Trust me! 潮流粉丝俱乐部 is never a place where new spots gets a lot of fans... only if the thing 你 start is REALLY popular... And if it were there would already be a spot for it. I've made a lot of spots and it ALWAYS takes ages before new 粉丝 join. I don't think people look for the spots themselves... And there is no easy way to find it when 你 don't search. People seem a bit lazy when it comes to joining spots. And well I think 你 are also aware that Theo isn't exactly a very "liked" character ;) xD... I actually kinda like him though 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 评论…
Yeah, I still think there is a chance he will come around. 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 Faking it
The episodes for the rest of this season were leaked and I can't really say that I hated the finale. I think they could have made it a little better but the message was good and Amy did the right thing. 发布 一年多以前
-Twilight_Fan- 我支持 my images
Hey, Jennifer how are you? I like your 图标 pic :) 发布 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 评论…
I am great, thanks for the prop. I like your 图标 pic too purple is one of my fav colors. 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 《少狼》
Is anyone else a tad bit curious as to why Theo supposedly need Hayden alive? Was it just because of Liam 或者 is there a bigger reason? 发布 一年多以前
Articuno224 评论…
Theo is really complicated... Honestly I can't figure out what he wants... First he seemed to want to be a pretender who simply played the good guy and only wanted to play with the doctors... Then he really did seem to care about Scott and want to get rid of Stiles... Now he wants to get rid of Scott and maybe be the alpha of the pack 或者 build his own pack... Seriously I don't know what his thinking... 一年多以前
HaleyDewit 评论…
I think she's related to him. 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 评论…
We will have to see, he did reserect her for his pack... 一年多以前
TW_FAN21 说关于 《少狼》
Whats up with all these least 最喜爱的 teen 狼 episode 民意调查 questions? 发布 一年多以前