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21 Non-Disney Animated 电影院 你 Have To See ASAP

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We asked the BuzzFeed Community for their favorite non-Disney animated films. Here are the glorious results.
Why you should watch it: It’s been named one of the best films of all time, and Totoro’s the most adorable giant creature, like, ever.
Why you should watch it: Anastasia is a badass, despite the fact that her entire family was murdered when she was a kid. And don’t pretend like you don’t still cry to “Once Upon a December.”
Why you should watch it: Littlefoot and his friends became a huge phenomenon, and rightly so — TV series, several sequels, toys, and video games spawned off the original.
Why you should watch it: Burt freakin’ Reynolds voices the main character. Enough said.
Why you should watch it: Two con artists find out how to become normal human beings, through the magic of friendship and music. Sounds too good to be true, so you have to experience it yourself.
Why you should watch it: This masterpiece was the first collab between your faves Don Bluth and Steven Spielberg, was Spielberg’s first attempt at an animated film, and at the time of its release was the highest-grossing non-Disney film ever. DAMN.
Why you should watch it: Spirit’s thoughts are voiced by none other than Matt Damon.
This movie was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Feature. YAAASS, Spirit!
Why you should watch it: Your boy Balto is a badass wolf/dog hybrid who gets made fun of for his uniqueness, but learns to love himself DESPITE WHAT EVERYONE THINKS. If that’s not a beautiful message, we don’t know what is.
Why you should watch it: A rainforest fairy named Crysta shrinks a logger down to her size so that he’ll help save her home. What a queen.
Why you should watch it: It’s a pretty fabulous mix of imagination and romance, and it’s been called one of the greatest animated films of all time.
Why you should watch it: A mouse goes on a crazy journey to help a bunch of rats escape to be with the human race and live forever. It’s a little messed up, in the best way.
Why you should watch it: If you’re into more gruesome films, this bad boy’s for you: a group of anthropomorphic rabbits in England try to escape their home, but experience terrifying perils in the process. THERE IS SO MUCH BLOOD.
Why you should watch it: This movie is educational while also being exciting. The jam “When You Believe” by queens Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey won Best Original Song at the 1999 Academy Awards.
Why you should watch it: It’s the classic tale of a girl cursed to turn into a swan every time daylight hits. If you like the ballet
Why you should watch it: If you’ve ever felt like you don’t belong anywhere, Thumbelina’s your girl.
unicorns, so it has to be perfect. It also stars amazing voices, like Jeff Bridges and Christopher Lee.
Why you should watch it: This adorable movie was choreographed by Gene Kelly and features music from Randy Newman — you know, the guy who recorded and wrote “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from
Why you should watch it: A boy befriends a robot who fell from space, which is everyone’s dream as a kid, right?
Why you should watch it: A cool-as-hell girl named Kayley wants to be a knight, so she marches right up to King Arthur himself to tell him. The cast for this movie is insane, too: Cary Elwes, Jane Seymour, Pierce Brosnan, and Gary Oldman, just to name a few.
Why you should watch it: Not only does it have a star-studded cast (Whoopi Goldberg! Macaulay Culkin! Patrick Stewart!), but this movie is for any pessimist who secretly wishes to be more optimistic.
Why you should watch it: Named one of the best animated films of all time by
Time, Spirited Away is about a little girl who moves to a new neighborhood and somehow enters the spiritual world. The film has really damn cool concept, and it also does a brilliant job at telling its story.
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