Super Mario Galaxy Wall

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big smile
rileyferguson 说 …
I'm the 2,200th Fan! 发布 一年多以前
kinggammer 评论…‎ 一年多以前
rileyferguson 评论…
Unrelated -__- 一年多以前
emmavann 说 …
Got my 100th 星, 星级 recently 发布 一年多以前
kinggammer 评论…‎ 一年多以前
lukeywn 说 …
MARIO NEEDS YOU! Do 你 draw Mario pics? Write Mario stories? Make your own Mario YouTube 视频 或者 make comics? Come and register for an authors 个人资料 at link today :-D 发布 一年多以前
kinggammer 评论…‎ 一年多以前
lukeywn 说 …
爱情 all things Mario? (and Luigi) Come 加入 me at link :-D It's about all the Mario games from old to new, not just particular games. I would 爱情 if some people would help me grow it :) 发布 一年多以前
NyxCalhoun 说 …
To be specific I 爱情 the whole super mario bros series. All the games and everythin 发布 一年多以前
NyxCalhoun 说 …
I 爱情 this game 发布 一年多以前
E-Scope90 说 …
This s my 最喜爱的 video game of all time. It combines 3 of my 最喜爱的 things: Astronomy and Mario. And last but not least, amazing music. I only got frustrated with this game once. I was just about to finish 45% of the game (I still had to collect the last stars as Mario) but at the end when Mario 说 "Welcome! Welcome new galaxy!", it zoomed out to Earth and 2 other planets, and then it stopped. It was a stupid used game so it was scratched up. So that's why I never finished it. 发布 一年多以前