Romeo and Juliet Club
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posted by uniquezandy
Authors note: This is my first Romeo and Juilet story. I had an idea to make it 更多 modern. Please give it a chance and I hope 你 will like it...

Juilet: It was a normal 日 like any other. I was walking to school with the smell of spring in the air. Today was going to be boring, but after school, I get to hang out with my mates. Rosaline is my best friend who has been there for me. She has got my back and I got hers. Lately, she needed a lot of 建议 because a guy fancies her; but she rejected him. Whoever this boy is... must be bad 或者 something because Rosaline (despite her being the golden...
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ok many of 你 belive in 爱情 at first sight? well i do.i have a cute story to tell 你 about my own Romeo and Juliet.
last year, i met this REALLY cute guy named Justin.he was dating one of my not so close 老友记 at the time...and i REALLY liked him,soon i found out a horrible truth, that she was flirting with other guys and had pictures of her making out with other guys in her wallet. i was so furious and told Justin.a week later they broke up...and i was there for him to pick up the pieces.
this 年 one of my 老友记 of 7years named Jestin, asked me out to homecoming. i said...
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