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What continent are you?



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ecpjll said:
You Are Africa

You are unpredictable, chaotic, and a bit of an underachiever.(SO TRUE) People say you don't live up to your potential.(ALWAYS)
You have so many resources at your disposal, but you haven't figured out how to use them yet.(I GUESS)

You've had a hard (and possibly even violent) life, but you've remained beautiful and even tranquil at times.(TRUE)
You are a mystery to most people, but that doesn't stop them from wondering about you. You are alluring and magical in many ways.(I KNEW IT)
posted 一年多以前.
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jazzscarb said:
u are europe
You are old fashioned,
a true romantic, and an idealist. You sometimes wish you could freeze time and that the world would stop changing.
You appreciate quality over quantity, and you try your best to live the good life.

You appreciate good art, good food, good wine, and good company more than most people you know.
You remember and honor the past. You believe that culture should be preserved and appreciated.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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You Are Antarctica

You are tough, adventurous, and a survivor. You don't let your fears ever hold you back.
You like to challenge yourself in all arenas. You want to see the world and make new discoveries.

People seem you as distant and even cold... and you admit that this can be true at times.
Your own dreams and thoughts are so interesting that they make most other people seem very dull.
posted 一年多以前.
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SummerPoM said:
You Are Asia

You are driven, brilliant and resourceful. You tend to be thought of as a brain.
You embrace ideas and technology quickly. You like to be on the cutting edge, but you don't forget about the past or tradition.

You are cultured, cosmopolitan, and eclectic. You draw inspiration from many sources.
You are unselfish and motivated by a sense of duty. You work hard because it's the right thing to do, not because you hope to strike it rich.
posted 一年多以前.
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You Are South America

You are sensual, passionate, and resilient. You live fast but so far you've been able to avoid dying young.
You are charming and ambitious. You've had some setbacks, but you always overcome them with style and grace.

You are hard to pin down, and much more sophisticated than you appear at first glance.
You are culturally literate and very aware of your place in the world. You are as sexy as people say, but there's so much more to you than that.

posted 一年多以前.