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The Jewelry Test



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NatyLy said:

You Are Devoted
Whether your favorite object is a wedding ring, engagement ring, or other ring, you are serious about commitment.
Once you've bonded with someone, that bond can't be broken. You love unconditionally.

Of all the types, you are most likely to wear the exact same jewelry every day. You cherish your jewelry that much.
You are old fashioned and loyal. You carry yourself with class and grace.
posted 一年多以前.
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You Are Fun

You always like to add a whimsical touch to your look. You never take yourself all that seriously.
You are driven, but you aren't taking the beaten path to success. You are doing things your way.

Of all the types, you are the most original and creative. You wear your uniqueness as a badge of honor.
You are bright and happy. You have a lot to be optimistic about, and you have a "can do" spirit.

posted 一年多以前.