马达加斯加的企鹅 Club
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posted by Aquade
"It's that it?"

"No, there's still a few left, sir."

"Well? What are they? Give us a list. Rico and I will gather them as soon as he comes back from gathering the last 列表 你 gave him."

"Sure! Just give me a few moments."

"This had better work, Private. I still say it's a waste of time."

"Don't worry! It will! I just hope that Kowalski is all right with it."

Kowalski paused on his way to the HQ's slightly covered entrance. Bits of conversation had seeped out, and they were not making any sense to the scientist. What were Private and Skipper talking about? That was not the thing what worried Kowalski, though. No, there was nothing weird 或者 out of the ordinary with a leader and his youngest soldier having a conversation. What was strange was that they seemed to be planning something for him.

He climbed down the ladder as casually as possible. "Skipper, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary in the zoo and the surrounding area," he reported.

With a muffled gasp, Private threw a cloth over an object on a table. The cloth revealed a square shaped item. Skipper smiled nervously at Kowalski. "That's, uh, good work, Kowalski."

The lieutenant raised a brow and indicated to the unknown piece behind his commander. "What's that?"

Private's eyes widened. "That's just, um, Rico's unfinished sculpture!" he uttered.

Skipper gave him an appraising look. "He doesn't want any dust to gather on it."

Kowalski nodded unbelievingly. "And where exactly is Rico?"

"Out," replied Private simply.

Kowalski narrowed his eyes at the unhelpful answer the youngster provided but did not push. "I'm off to Marlene's," he informed, hoping that the 獭, 水獭 would have 更多 knowledge on the strange behavior of his teammates.

Skipper showed his approval with a nod. "You go do that."

Kowalski walked over to the door leading to Marlene's habitat. After the numerous times she had entered their HQ, the penguins simply dug a tunnel leading from her house to theirs. It proved to be a useful decision repeatedly.

As soon as the door closed behind Kowalski, he pressed his ear on it. A loud slap soon followed.

"What was that for?" asked Private, rubbing his cheek.

"For almost giving us away!" exclaimed Skipper.

"Well, it's not like he's going to find out about the-"

Muffling could be heard as Skipper slapped a flipper over Private's beak, preventing him from finishing his sentence. "Shh," whispered Skipper. "Not here. For all we know, he could be listening behind the door."

Kowalski frowned and eased away from the cold surface. He was not shining any light on the mystery 由 continuing to eavesdrop on their conversation. Instead, he was even 更多 confused! He waddled over to Marlene's habitat, deep in thought. What was going on?


Marlene had just dried off when Kowalski entered her cave. "Oh! Hi, Kowalski!" she greeted. "What's up?"

Kowalski sat on her 床, 床上 and placed his head between his flippers. "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

Marlene frowned slightly and turned to him with concern. "Not as far as I know. Why?"

The 企鹅 groaned and began pacing the room. "Have I done anything wrong?"

Marlene lifted a brow. "Wrong?"

"Something out of place."

"I don't think so. What's this all about?"

"What are they up to?" muttered Kowalski.

"They?" Marlene's brows furrowed together. "You mean the guys?" She turned thoughtful. "You know, now that I think of it: Where are they?"

Kowalski looked up. "That's the thing!" he complained. "They're 表演 suspicious, and I know that they're planning something. But what is it?"

Marlene finally cleared up some of the confusing words uttered from Kowalski. "Wait a minute-"

"I don't have a minute!"

Marlene gave him a pointed look. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I've had a perplexing day. Please go on."

"As I was saying-" She paused a while to look meaningfully at Kowalski again. "They're planning something, and 你 don't know about it?"


"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. How can 你 not know about it? I thought 你 guys were like four peas in a pod 或者 something."

He gave her a blank look. Marlene chuckled faintly. "Ignore that last bit."

"Um, okay." He seemed to be put off slightly before continuing. "But for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what!"

Marlene adopted a thoughtful gaze on her features. "Maybe 你 should just let it run its course," she suggested. "If I know the guys, they'll never do anything to hurt you."

He stared at her. Marlene corrected herself. "Well, anything intentionally and irrational at least. They have good intentions, usually."

Quickly knowing that she would not sway from her opinion, Kowalski sighed and nodded to please the otter. "Yeah. Perhaps you're right, Marlene."

She brightened up and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "Glad to help."

The 企鹅 slid away from her habitat. I'm a scientist for goodness sakes! He thought. It's against my nature to just let it 'run its course'! Every fiber and DNA in my body is begging me to answer this problem, and I'm not going to rest until I find a solution!

With this newfound determination, Kowalski left the otter's habitat.


The thought had never crossed Skipper's mind. In fact, he didn't even want to do it! But then his youngest teammate had flashed those big blue eyes at him. How was he supposed to counter that? The 企鹅 leader wasn't sure what Mother Nature had done to put him in this position: Getting ingredients for Private like some delivery penguin. He was a leader for Pete's sake!

Perhaps this was the reason he didn't see Kowalski until it was too late. Of course, it was partly Rico's fault as well. The 企鹅 walking 下一个 to him had been 白日梦 about explosions, fish, and snow cones that he nearly ran into Skipper when the commander had stopped.

"Skipper! Rico!" Kowalski was surprised. He hadn't expected to meet them here. Mentally, he slapped himself. How many times had Skipper lectured him to expect the unexpected? "What are 你 doing here?"

"Snack run," answered Rico, licking his beak in anticipation of the 食物 they were going to pick up.

"Oh! May I tag along?" asked Kowalski in hopes of uncovering 更多 of the mystery.

"No." Rico shook his head. He had always been a direct penguin.

Kowalski frowned. "Why not?"

"Classified." With that, Rico slid away. Skipper hurried after him, thankful that the frankness of Rico's nature had shielded him from answering awkward questions. Times like these were when he uncovered another new appreciation of Rico's character.


"Howdy, neighbor!"

"Not now, Julien." The mysterious behavior of his teammates were affecting Kowalski's mood. "I'm in no mood for games. Don't 你 have anything better to do?"

Nevertheless, Julien continued walking alongside the penguin. "Nah, Maurice is preparing the royal pool, and Mort is nowhere to be seen after a kicked him off the royal jumpy thing."

Resisting the urge to growl at the lemur, Kowalski took a few deep breaths. "Julien, please leave me alone for a day."

"I see that 你 are troubled 由 the other fishy birds."

This paused Kowalski in his tracks. "You saw that?" he asked incredulously.

"The king sees all."

"Right." Kowalski rolled his eyes. "If 你 see everything, can 你 see into their minds and tell me what's going on?"

"You mean 你 don't see it?"

Kowalski threw up his flippers. "Why does it seem like the whole zoo –with the exception of Marlene –knows what is going on? Even you?"

"Pff, it's so obvious."

"What? What is it?" Kowalski looked like a child on 圣诞节 Eve, begging to stay up and catch Santa.

"They are clearly replacing you!" Julien 说 smugly.


The idea was so preposterous that Kowalski wanted to scoff. Yet, at the same time, his mind was busy connecting it with the 最近的 events. The unknown object on the 表 must have been a communications device. The fact that no one wanted to tell Kowalski what was going on, and that they had clearly been avoiding him were because they were afraid to tell him.

But, he had known them for years now! They would never do such a thing, right? Even if they were going to replace him, they would tell him. Right? Doubts started to form. A small part of his mind urged him to take Marlene's 建议 and let everything just work out naturally. That part was quickly extinguished 由 his growing distress though.

"Egad! They are replacing me!"

"Told you." Julien nodded once, seemingly satisfied that the scientist had believed him. The 狐猴 vaulted over the wall, done with his role.

Kowalski paid no mind to him, instead quickly making his way back the habitat.


"Are 你 replacing me?" The words left Kowalski's beak before his feet even touched the ground.

"What in the name of mint 冰激凌 are 你 talking about, Kowalski?" 说 Skipper in bewilderment as he and the other penguins moved to block something out of Kowalski's view.

He scrambled over to them. "If 你 are replacing me," the scientist pleaded. "At least just say it to my face!"

"We're not replacing you, Kowalski!" reassured Private. "Don't worry!"

"Wait." Kowalski stopped. "If you're not replacing me, then why were 你 avoiding me?"

Private smiled sheepishly as he moved to allow Kowalski view of the hidden object. It was a plate of 西兰花 and cheese. "You see, we were planning on surprising 你 with this to see if 你 liked it!" he explained. "After 你 说 that you've never tried it with cheese, I wanted to give 你 a try of it to see if 你 did."

Kowalski's mind pieced together everything as Private was explaining. Relief filled his body, and joy lit up his face. All that worrying was for nothing! Marlene had been right! Unable to help it, Kowalski began laughing to release the tension. Soon, he was on the ground, shaking.

Rico tilted his head and nudged the lieutenant with a foot. "'Waski?"

"If our cooking is so horrible, just say so!" 说 Skipper, a smiled breaking across his features. "No need to tease."

"What's so funny?" asked Private.

Kowalski grinned. "It's a long story, Private. A long story."


How was that? Hoped 你 liked it!
added by Cowtails
Julien sat there on the ground screaming and crying....staring at Maurice's lifeless corpse...he was all alone...he didn't know what to do...the loud cracks is all he heard besides his screaming...why he thought...why did Maurice kill himself!!

Suddenly...a 狐狸 with glasses came in the bathroom...she was wearing glasses as it seemed...and she had these 鱼 eyes that startled julien when he saw her...

Julien:w-what do u want?!

???: your friend is dead it seems...

Julien:a-are u trapped in this school like me...?

???: yes...but I'm already dead...I died a while ago...


???:my names naho...and...
continue reading...
NOTE!!: this is the characters statuses right after the 秒 story...enjoy:)

Central zoo high:

Gender: male
Status: dead
Bio: very strong leader who cared about each of his friends..after getting out of heavenly host..he tried to revive his 老友记 who died in there...but died while doing the spell..

Status: dead
Bio: very smart 企鹅 that everyone loved...died from Bieng tortured in heavenly host and eventually choked from his tongue Bieng removed...

Bio: 企鹅 that didn't follow the rules to good...tried to bring back...
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Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private were in their secret base under Centeral Park Zoo playing cards and eating samon, it was a very quiet 日 at the zoo, Julian had gone on holiday, most of the zoo 动物 had been up all night and so were asleep. At that point the sonar system on Kowalski's computer had picked up something, the penguins then abandoned their game and slid to the screen "Kowalski, analysis" 说 Skipper putting his fins his hips, Kowalski turned to Skipper "sir it seems that three objects of different sizes are heading this way at incredible speeds"
"Right, Rico we need weapons,...
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Skipper and the other survivors were all determined to get out of here, with thier courage left making them go on, they continued along the huge building searching for any means of sachiko. Soon, after a while of walking around, a huge earthquake had begun.

Rico: whoa! This ones huge, unlike the other ones!

Everyone fell to the ground, struggling to not get separated again, they all held hands, the earthquake was ongoing until all of them fell unconscious.

Skipper and the others woke up, who were startled to find that the earthquake had changed the school completely! Instead if it Bieng dark,...
continue reading...
posted by Metallica1147
Author’s Note: Sorry for the long wait. School’s been a pain for me as of late since I’m a Senior in high school and I need to do all these Senior things and get ready for the big 日 and all. And writers block really didn’t help either. XD But I want to say thank 你 to stlouisfan who helped me in the 写作 of this chapter. Thanks dude!

Chapter 4: The Final Clue

After a 日 and a half of waddling, Private could make out something in the distance along the rocky landscape. It was large and gray, but at this distance he couldn't tell what it was. But as he got closer, he could make...
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Weeks had passed. Manfredi, Johnson, and Rico had gotten to know each other considerably. Rico felt a little awkward for the first several days, afraid that Manfredi and Johnson wouldn't accept him after they'd discovered just how deep his secret ability went. But even after he upchucked the pipe wrench, crowbar, clipboard, and an assortment of nuts and bolts that he had managed to get into his gut at the facility, Manfredi and Johnson still treated him like any other penguin. Eventually, he found his comfort zone and started to enjoy his time with his new brothers.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Shouted...
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Penguin HQ
"Please, don't hurt me." Kowalski cried out, "I-i want t-to l-live."

The axolotl scanned Kowalski with it's eyes and transformed into his specie *I think that's how 你 spell it*. But into a female.

"Hurt you?" She cooed. "Why would I do that?"

Kowalski didn't take his eyes off her. She was so...charming and beautiful. He thought he was dreaming so he slapped himself.

I'm not dreaming, maybe I should talk to her , He thought.

"U-um who a-are you?" he asked still stunned at what he just saw.

"My name, handsome, is Sophia."...
continue reading...
posted by legendary7
"There's something else 你 should probably see." Celeste sighed. Great, there's more! Just when Private thought it was hard, it had a chance of being worse. Truly, Private didn't want to ask his 下一个 question. Once again he would have to.
"What is it?" Private asked in a whisper. "Is it about your powers?"
She nodded. "It has something to do with them. In order to 显示 你 it, I need to use them." Private buried his face into her feathers, as he fluffed them with his fins gently. "Also, 你 need to remember that none of this I'm going to 显示 你 is real." She breathed.
"But then how are you-"...
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Kowalski looked up. "Who was that?"
Doris listened. "I don't hear anything."
Kowalski held up a hand, signaling her to be quiet. He listened intently.
He heard the scream again, then two gunshots.
"I heard it that time," Doris said.
"Who was it?" Kowalski asked again. Then he realized. "Hans," he said.
"Should we go see if he's alright?" Doris asked.
Kowalski shook his head. "He's Skipper's enemy."
"So he's my enemy too."

Hans watched Skipper disappear into the jungle. "Can we not be friends, Skipper?" he whispered.
He heard someone crash into the small clearing in which he stood. He spun to...
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Skipper and Katherine hid Private behind themselves and stepped back.
"Ok, Blowhole, we give up, but let Private go" Skipper said.
"No!" Private protested.
"Why?" Blowhole asked ignoring Private.
"If 你 let him go, he'll promise he won't disturb 你 anymore" Katherine said.
"Ok, run away from here, Private" Blowhole said.
"No, I don't want to leave you" Private 说 with tears in eyes.
"We have got a plan, don't worry, I 爱情 你 son" Skipper said.
"We 爱情 you" 说 Katherine and they hugged for the last time.
"Have we got a plan?" Katherine asked when Private went out of lab to Kowalski and Rico....
continue reading...
posted by sowem
The group left destruction everywhere they searched, but Joey just kicked all of them out of his habitat. Skipper enjoyed destroying Julien's habitat.

Skipper: Lets look in the Park.

Private: Wait a minute! That's him!
Private pointed to Kowalski trying to swim to their island with Maurice's body.

Everyone went into the penguins habitat. Kowalski jumped through the hole into the HQ and activated lockdown.

Kowalski: That should keep them out for about 2 hours, maybe?

He quickly rushed into the lab and went here and there to finish the 射线, 雷 in time.
He thought for a minute.

Kowalski: How am I going to...
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In the New York jail, there have been criminals who have been expected to commit the crimes they have, whether it was stealing 或者 destroying property. Obviously, Cecil, Brick, and X were all in the jail, but the most unexpected criminal of all was Monique, and it wasn't even her fault.
A while ago, she caught Blowhole creating a chemical mixture illegally. Since he knew she was helping the police while not even being a cop, he injected her with the mixture a 分钟 before they came. Ever since, she's been beating people and places up and it got her where she is and, without her knowing, will...
continue reading...

It was a quiet 日 in the HQ. It might've even seemed too quiet for some and that "some" wasn't Skipper. To Kowalski, something didn't seem right.
He left the HQ for a while and looked around the zoo and everyone was present in the zoo. All except for one: Monique. He double checked the zoo, he even triple checked. She didn't say anything about leaving and she's talked to Kowalski about a lot.
What was also amazing was that no one else seemed to notice her disappearance except for him. Not even Skipper, and he always his parttime blood shot, highly trained eyes on everything. Kowalski had...
continue reading...
March 20, 2012
0853 hours

    Kowalski walked into the living room with a yawn. “Morning guys.”

    “Well 你 look rested.” Skipper 说 sarcastically.

    “Sorry Skipper. I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”

    “Why not then?” Private asked innocently. “I don’t know. I just tossed and turned a lot. I couldn’t stop thinking.”

    “About what?” Skipper asked. Kowalski sort of froze. He didn’t want to tell him what he was really thinking about. “Uh…the invention...
continue reading...
“Ok, nice to meet you, we must came back to zoo, so, bye” 说 Skipper.
“Wait a minute, leader”
“Do 你 know who is leader?”
“You can’t go” 说 Prince and laughed.
“Because I have him” 说 Prince and caught Private.
“Help!” screamed Private.
“Hey! Let him go!”
Dark Prince laughed.
“Ok, what are 你 want?”
“You must gave me a magical Black Rose” 说 Prince.
“We haven’t got any black roses, Rico?”
Rico checked his stomach.
“Sorry” he said.
“See? Now give us Private”
Prince only laugh and he hurt him 由 a rose thorn.
“What are 你 doing!?”...
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    Skipper and Eve continued walking through New York. It was almost sundown again, and snow was still drifting gently from the dark cloudy sky. They hadn’t gotten far within the last few hours. It was difficult to walk through such harsh weather. To try to keep as warm as possible, Skipper and Eve were walking with their flippers around each other, pulling each other close.

    “Hey Eve…”

    “Yeah Skipper?”

    “I think I found a way we can get out of this cold without stopping.”

continue reading...
Chapter 2: Priva's Dream about Private
"Wow!That was a nasty surprise."Private exclaimed. "Tell me about it."Priva 说 "Listen,all of you! Do 你 think 你 could defeat us? Thanks to the Ice King and Queen, we now have lots of powers to freeze 你 all."Girlhole said. They laughed evilly and the 电视 turned off. When they explained the whole story, Kowalska had a 秒 thought. "We have to disguise 你 as penguins so Albert won't recognize you. Probably, Rica will make the bunks."Kowalska said. Kowalska got one of her inventions...
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posted by legendary7
A beautiful 企鹅 rested in her deep, shady domain. Lullabied 由 the steady rythmn of the waves, she remained still. Her acute senses picked them up right away. They were coming for her, once again, and she knew it.
This time, it would be different, though: she would be free, 或者 so she thought. It was what she had trained for, her whole hardshipped life.
In the deep ocean, she could see nothing. She relied on scent, instinct, strength, speed, stealth, and hearing alone. The 船, 小船 was coming toward her.
The usual bait they threw her, now seemed like only crumbs compared to her new diet. Her...
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