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L.J and bamon 粉丝



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mishy91 said:
hell yes!!
posted 一年多以前.
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*nods* it's awesome. Thank you L.J
posted 一年多以前.
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uluai said:
thank you :)
posted 一年多以前.
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1beaut said:
Dang you're fast I was just about to post this! Why does Midnight have to be so far away*cries* SO EXCITED
posted 一年多以前.
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*Sorry* lol I don't know why...*cries along with you* I'm longging for bamon scenes
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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OH Dang! LOL
posted 一年多以前.
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She heard us!!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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She did!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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nsk said:
OMG girl im so happy now i just want to hug you all!!
posted 一年多以前.
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This is awesome!! Thanks you!!!

Sucks we have to wait til March 15, ugh! That's so far away!! :( I wish the book came out NOW!!
posted 一年多以前.
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*Hugs everyone* I'm happy now
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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samjhart said:
*hugs back nsk and all*

I can't believe it!<333
posted 一年多以前.
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Gosh.. Im jumping in my seat RIGHT NOW. Thanks for posting this, it makes my sad day much better...
Hugs to everyone and hugs and kisses back to you nsk!...

Bamon Happiness!! =)
posted 一年多以前.
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*hugs* YW
posted 一年多以前.
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And like i care if certain shippers out there are crying over this. Aww I feel their pain, i really do, You have no idea how hard and painful SS was for me and i still suffered through it. But now..NOW ITS OUR TURN TO SHINE BABY! Midnight's our book.
posted 一年多以前.
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Agree ItalianAngel89 Midnight is the bamon book!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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omg I am so excited and ^^ I agree too Midnight is the bamon book ;)
posted 一年多以前.
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Wow that's awesome news !! And that's thanks to you, Patty, that we're getting them, so you can be proud :)
And now LJS is going to be contacted by "a legion" of DE fans too lol.
posted 一年多以前.
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Lol..FG, actually I still don't get it how come some fans ignore DB in books because for me Damon/Bonnie are meant to be in books,Elena never treated Damon well in books, she treated Damon as her toy , 2nd choice(always after Stefan) and for Bonnie , she always said that Damon is her savior, Damon's protectiveness over Bonnie , caring is the best moments in books. I'm in twitter and some show DE fans are saying LJ really sucks at writing, as they can't read any of the books, still they will mail think LJ. is genius, love her night-world series also.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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They are already complaning... well we passed for this before on SS, now is your turn baby :P
posted 一年多以前.
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nsk said:
ahaha the delena fans are losing their mind! its like LJ smith works only for them!
oh gosh...
posted 一年多以前.
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Well, they have the right to be upset because of this, the book!Bamon fans were the same after reading SS...

@Lora : I'm gonna play the devil's advocate but I think that the people who denie DB in the books do it because they see it as a brotherly connection more than a romantic one. And, honestly, I've read the Bamon moments of the books and I love them, but I can understand that some people might think that book!Bonnie is way too childish for a 500+ years old vampire... That's why I hope Bonnie will gain maturity in "Midnight".
About LJS ... well she's not the best writer in the World lol. I haven't read the Night World series, I heard it was better than the TVD one though :)
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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Thanks, FG! <3

These vamps don't have sex. They're like Anne Rice's vamps, but they show love exchanging blood. That's why everything is such a fairy tale in this story.

posted 一年多以前.
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FG, Bonnie was childish in the first 3 books but in return she became more matured , she has become maiden then, still Bonnie is scared of her power both in the show and books.
posted 一年多以前.
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^^ What's up with her behaviour in the short story from SS then ?
posted 一年多以前.
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That short story is gettin re done, and she was never that bad in the first books, not only that but she sees thing that Elena realises in SS that are horrible and Elena even admires her that she has been able to stay sain through out it.

An in the return season she is very mature she even stands in fron of Stefan ready to die so that he does not have to suffer in his last moments of life, bonnie has a strengh in her own way and only Damon in the books sees this and does not baby her like the rest of gang do.

Am soo happy about this news, and emailed her my thnks since she is gona be getting a lot of angry mail, but I think it is only fair that this relationship now has the development as Delena got that in the last book.
posted 一年多以前.
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^^Bonnie is not into hiding what she feels. She cries, she similes, she melts Dmaon's heart... <3 She's so spontaneous!

I love Bonnie McCullough!!! She's just adorable!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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uluai said:
Patty!!!!! i love her too!!!!! she does all that her heart tell!! and she is so strong too!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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Uluai!!! That's truth! She listens to her heart all the time.
posted 一年多以前.
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nsk said:
@patty I LOVE BONNIE! she is my fav! she is more sweeter than candy and chocolate ;)
posted 一年多以前.
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What's up with her behaviour in the short story from SS then?

They were eaten toddlers .-.

But I get your point. I'm kinda sorry for them too, because they had a whole book dedicated for these too and in the next there is nothing(that we know) for them. We passed for this and isn't a good felling see your couple being treatned by another. It sucks!

She will take care of human Damon, so if you are looking for maturity , I think it will come. But just because she shows what she feels(and she does it all the time) doesn't mean she isn't mature. It means she has a lack of control over what she feels. I think that's why people say she and Damon would never work. Because she is emotive and he has a huge control over his emotions... the thing is that near her he dosen't have, he show his emotions ;)
I kinda relate to her. My eyes get teared for anything, speacially when I'm angry. It's totally involuntary. And her ring have importance so it means she will play a huge role in the story, Bonnie when faces danger may look like a desparate girl but when her friends get hurt(just like TV Bonnie) she does wherever it's needed to save them. She is awesome.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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Hey Sophia, Stela!

posted 一年多以前.
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Yup,agreed with Stella. FG even in show Bonnie doesn't behave maturely all the times, think about that scene when she tried to set fire on Damon, it was an impulse decision, she goes on nuts like books every time she gets a shock, the reaction may be different but still the outburst of emotions are same in both show and books. only the difference is that Damon doesn't there to hold her like the books.Sigh...Still one thing is common Bonnie's every emotional outburst is one and only related to Damon ;)
In show she is a bit more matured but her essence and core are still same like books.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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Stela, I know they were eating toddlers, but, still, she was the only one to react this way xD. I don't have a problem with her being sensitive and not being able to control her feelings, I have a problem with how exagerrated this side of her personality is. Then again, I haven't read all the books, so my opinion on her isn't worth a lot lol. And I'm not even trying to bash book!Bonnie or something, I just like her more in the show :)
posted 一年多以前.
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silvina19 said:
im agree with all of you girls i lovee so much bonnie!!!... when i read this news she was so nice and i couldnt wait to read midnight!!! march is so far!

but did you see her new post?? now im so deapointed again... she give us hope and just then tell to de DE fans that in midnight would be place to them too... i feel it so unfair.. but well is her love triangle... this is the price?
posted 一年多以前.
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I was soooo happy about the Bamon news in Midnight, I do think no matter what Midnight will be my favourite book! :D :D

Though her latest blog did make me feel sad, I still didnt lose my hope for Midnight, it just shows there will be Bamon scenes, and Damon will be torn in between :D Its just sad that she had to justify herself to DE fans, which i'm sure majority of the fans are from the show and not books.. We had no scene in SS but i'm sure we never showed THAT much reaction to her..

About Bonnie, I love book Bonnie. I love her soo much. I think she's the most natural and realistic character in the books. I loved reading her journey, her development. Bonnie instantly owned my heart. She's just special. Though I love show Bamon and Bonnie, too, books Bonnie and Bamon will always be different and special to me, my favourite. I had missed book Bonnie, cant wait to read about her again! :D
posted 一年多以前.
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Well, I see show Bonnie and book Bonnie as same, only show one is little bit matured, otherwise they are same, same essence, same characteristics.Bonnie listens to heart all the time in show and books even if it hurts her and she started to nosebleed.

But Bamon fans we have to keep vocal as LJ. will write 3 more books as we want DB to be endgame.
posted 一年多以前.
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I'm sure LJS did is beacuse of the delena fans. I mean she wants to please them so that they can buy her book.and besidesI think it would be interesting to see Damon beeing torn between Elena and Bonnie.It's like he has to gove up his obsession for elena so that he could be trully happy.And words can't express how much I hate if the traingele conitinues in the las three books.I mean let elena choose already so that the focus can be more on Bamon isntead of the triangele again which has been going on for seven books.Enough is enough.And I find it really patetic that the delena fans think we are the ones forcing LJS to write Bamon by writting her emails when I'm sure they are doing exactlly the same.

And hands down book Bamon is my favourite.It seems so natural for Damon to protect Bonnie and he becomes more caing person around her.That's what true love is suppose to do to you and I hate how they ruened book delena in the show.And i agree with Patty.Book damon will never do to elena what he did in the show.That's sort of thing he could probablly do to Bonnie in the books because like i said she brings the selfless and caring side of Damon.
posted 一年多以前.
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wow , im still on the damon will show how much he deeply cares for two girls...sigh can we guess who the second one is...such a great blog cannot wait.I am so pre ordering!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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Did she mean Stefan will be alone???
posted 一年多以前.
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I can't wait! D&B<3 I am dying for this book to come out! I want some Damon & Bonnie moments!!!
posted 一年多以前.
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Oh it will be bamon moments.. dying too for this long wait..!!
posted 一年多以前.
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nansoula said:
why were we celebrating in the first replies? Please enlight me I just saw it as a very nice thanksgiving message to all her fans :D
posted 一年多以前.