
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于May 2012年

  • Female, 25 years old
  • district 11
  • Favorite TV Show: the legend of korra 或者 阿凡达 the lasty airbender
    Favorite Movie: the avengers!
    Favorite Musician: anything but rap....
    Favorite Book or Author: anybook that is 由 rickriordan and james paterson
马赛克 列表



big smile
the cover for the mark of Athena looks frigging awesome!!!!!! god i cant wait till october! 发布 一年多以前
Reyna4ever25 评论…
me too!!!!!!october come fast 一年多以前
universalpowa 评论…
yes 一年多以前
universalpowa 评论…
oh yay 一年多以前
can somebody try 阅读 my version of mark of Athena its in the 论坛 and i need some criticizem so that it can help 发布 一年多以前
嘿 I don't think your allowed to 做广告 your story here on the wall! 一年多以前
universalpowa 评论…
^ right 你 are um...I need a name for you. OH! Right 你 are, 锦标 lock dude. so yeah, don't 做广告 on the wall. Thanks ;D 一年多以前
Rickfan 评论…
I remember the rules that 你 can only 做广告 one time, so it is okay. 一年多以前
Thanks for adding me back! :) 发布 一年多以前