Talk 显示

潮流粉丝俱乐部始于February 2013年

  • Male, 46 years old
  • New York, United States of America
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嘿 Real Housewives of Atlanta fans!

One of the stars of RHOA will be on a nationally syndicated talk 显示 in New York City on 2/26/13. If you're interested in attending the 显示 send an 电子邮箱 to with "Real Housewives of Atlanta" in the subject line.

Thanks! 发布 一年多以前
talkshownyc 说关于 Modern Family
嘿 Modern Family fans!

I work for a nationally syndicated talk 显示 that will be having one of the stars of Modern Family on the 显示 on 2/26/13 in New York City. If anybody is interested in attending the 显示 have them 电子邮箱 with "Modern Family" somewhere in the subject line of their email.

Thanks! 发布 一年多以前
嘿 Nicholas Sparks fans! If you're interested in seeing Josh Duhamel 或者 Julianne Hough (stars of 安全 Haven) on a nationally syndicated talk 显示 in New York City on Wednesday, February 13th 电子邮箱 with "Josh Duhamel", "Julianne Hough", 或者 "Safe Haven" included somewhere in the subject line. Also include the following information in your email:

Your name
How many tickets 你 want
Your phone number
Your 电子邮箱 address

Thanks! 发布 一年多以前