138 lifetime gold
hogwarts will always be there to welcome 你 首页 •
❀ emma ❀
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于November 2011年
- Female
- ho(me)gwarts
- My Websites: ♥We'll be besties for eternity and longer♥, ♥You are my tuxedo, and I'm your bowtie♥, ♥The amazing astronaut♥
- Favorite TV Show: Shameless (US), The Walking Dead, The Fosters, Gossip Girl, Saturday Night LiveFavorite Movie: Indie Films, The Breakfast Club, Super 8, Stand 由 Me, The OutsidersFavorite Musician: One Direction, 码头, 玛丽娜 and the Diamonds, Paramore, Lauren Aquilina, KodalineFavorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, GONE, Game of Thrones

我支持 my comments …
Hey, Em. I doubt that 你 use good old 潮流粉丝俱乐部 as often as 你 did (I know I don't, this is my first time on in way over a year), but I was recently thinking about all the time we spent on here chatting together. It's been 更多 than what, two years now? Thanks for being my friend when a lot of other people decided I wasn't worth their time. :)
发布 一年多以前

说 …
I would really appreciate if 你 could take the time to listen to my cover of 'Say Something'. Please leave a 评论 on YouTube about what 你 think :) link
发布 一年多以前
