108 lifetime gold
duncan and courtney lover forever total drama veteran
Taetum Rose
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于August 2011年
- Female, 27 years old
- illinois, United States of America
- Favorite TV Show: Dance MomsLying gameInuyashaWinx clubHannah montanaGilmore girlsFriends8 simple rules H2o Pretty little liarsSecret lifeGleeHouse of anubis TDI/AFavorite Movie: the vow footloose (2011) 犬夜叉 leagally blonde raising helen,sweet 首页 alabama,the little mermaid hannah montana last song the notebookFavorite Musician: taylor swift,miley cyrus,kenny chesney,tim mcgraw,carrie underwood,the band perry,billy 射线, 雷 cyrus,the zac brown band selena gomezFavorite Book or Author: wenny has wings and the time capsule and notes from the midnight driver telling cristina goodbey