
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于December 2011年

  • Female, 27 years old
  • 美利坚合众国
  • Favorite TV Show: One Piece , Gilmore Girls, Bleach , and many 更多
    Favorite Book or Author: Shanghai Girls, Snow 花 and the Secret Fan, Delirium, twilight series, The Providence trilogy, Divergent, The hunger games, and a lot more!
马赛克 列表



Kuro_Hyou666 我支持 my articles
Yeah, sorry, I hardly ever come on here anymore, but it's good to still see some of the old-school people occasionally. I've actually ended up talking to a few people from back when I kind of first started on here. XD

Nice to see 你 again. Lol. Still watching One Piece? 发布 一年多以前
im updated in one piece both 日本动漫 and 日本漫画 same for other fav animes as well

try demon slayer it might enter ur fav 日本动漫 列表 as well........truly epic like onepiece, bleach, naruto, black clover, 火, 消防 force its epicness have no bounds............he he ehe 发布 一年多以前
big smile
Kuro_Hyou666 我支持 my images
Yo, how're you? Been a while.

What cha been up to? 发布 一年多以前