302 lifetime gold
OTP I Kurt+Blaine
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于October 2007年
- Female, 38 years old
- midlands, United Kingdom
- My Websites: PLEASE CHECK OUT MY youtobe, OTP[1]
- Favorite TV Show: Brothers&Sisters I Doctor Who I 欢乐合唱团 I Pretty Little Liars I Gossip GirlFavorite Movie: Harry potter 1-8 • mamma mia • pride&prejudice • twiligh sagaFavorite Book or Author: Harry Potter 图书 • Pretty Little Liars 图书 • Twilight Saga 图书 • Pride&Prejudice

说 …
Hiya I am trying to collect research for my dissertation on why people do 或者 dont watch shows on The CW and The WB and I would 爱情 your input, if 你 have a spare few 秒 Ive created a 论坛 on the 电视 spot for responses:
Thanks x 发布 一年多以前
Thanks x 发布 一年多以前