274 lifetime gold
And so the Lion fell in 爱情 with the Lamb.(Edward)
Jan Black-Cullen
潮流粉丝俱乐部始于June 2009年
- Female, 29 years old
- Florida
- Favorite TV Show: The Vampire Diares, The Serect Life of the American Teenager, Army Wives, Pretty little liars, Make it 或者 break it, Gilmore Girls,Teen 狼Favorite Movie: Twilight, New Moon, Titantic,Remember Me, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part1Favorite Musician: Robert Pattinson, Justin Bieber, Iyaz, Taylor Swift, Collbie CalliatFavorite Book or Author: Twilight series,The Vampire Diares, the Secret circle, House of Night, The Hunger Games Trilogy,The 狼 of Mercy Falls, series.

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