潮流粉丝俱乐部始于August 2011年

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casy23 说 …
Now that I finished Spirit Bound..I'm so much of a Rose and Adrian fan. :) Not really that much of a Rose and Dimitri 粉丝 anymore..kinda i mean I still like them..I just like Adrian and Rose better.:) 发布 一年多以前
casy23 说关于 Rose and Adrian
Better Together. :) Rose and and Adrian. I 爱情 them so much, and I haven't read the last book but when I do, I have a feeling I will be very upset with the ending. I just hope Rose and Adrian something of a chance if it's all going to be ruined. Rose&Adrian, Lissa&Christian forever :) 发布 一年多以前
11Alice-Cullen 评论…
urgh no way hosay 一年多以前
aqnsz 我支持 my comments
hii , just wanna know and be your friend .. can i ?? 发布 一年多以前
casy23 评论…
Only because you're a Life Unexpected 粉丝 :) 一年多以前